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Atrieve 22.02.01

Remember to perform a browser cache refresh on your workstation after receiving the update to ensure optimal performance of new program functions.

Release Notes Last Update: January 5, 2022

New Features and Enhancements





Idea Ref

Atrieve Finance

Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Excel output capability has been added to the Batch File Inventory Report. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Excel output capability has been added to the Cheque File Status report. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

In Atrieve Finance, added a clear button to the Invoice Changes screen so users can restart their change without leaving the screen and having to cancel and re-navigate back to Invoice Changes.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

In Atrieve Finance, added a Clear button to the Reprint Cheques screen so that users can select a new bank number instead of having to leave the program and navigating back into the program.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Finance Preliminary Cheque Register Report has been enhanced with the ability to output to Excel.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

In Atrieve Finance, changed the Vendor email page to allow for an additional two (2) email addresses for EFT Notifications and an additional two (2) email addresses for Purchase Orders. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Additional fields: Vendor number, Vendor name and Cheque dollar amount has been added to MICR processing report.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Accounts Receivable, an advanced customer search button has been added when performing a customer lookup. This will allow users to find a customer by referencing fields like address, phone number, balance owing, and more. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Excel Output capability has been added to Customer Listing Report in Accounts Receivables. Additional fields, Email Fields and Notification method has been added. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Accounts Receivable, we've changed the customer lookup in all programs to show the user a search tool rather than displaying the full customer list. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

The Finance - Accounts Receivable Aged Trial Balance Report has been enhanced with the ability to output to Excel. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Atrieve Accounts Receivable Batch Finalization, moved the Reload button to the footer of the page and renamed "New Search" to provide clarity to users they could redo their search without having to leave the page.


Atrieve Finance


Added Profile Auditing to:

  • Finance: Budgetary Accounting System Master Profile, User Profile, GL Account Format, Alias Account Format, Employer Constants Profile, EFT Banking Constants Profile, Finance Workflow Profile.

  • Accounts Receivable (MAR): Accounts Receivable Master Profile, Receivable Settings.

  • Purchasing: Purchasing Master Profile, Purchase Requisition Parameters.

  • Fixed Assets: Fixed Asset Master Profile.

  • Warehouse (WIS): Warehouse Master Profile.

  • ATS: ATS Master Profile.

  • Budget Planning System (BPS): Budget Planning Master Profile.

Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance

Budget Entry

Excel output has been added to Budget Entry Interface Report. New column has been added to the excel to showcase the error logs. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

General Ledger

In Atrieve Finance Batch Finalization, moved the Reload button to the footer of the page and renamed "New Search" to provide clarity to users they could redo their search without having to leave the page.


Atrieve Finance

Government Reporting

In Atrieve Finance, updated references to Public Bodies (dated terminology) with Statement of Financial Information (SOFI).


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

In Finance Invoice Entry, after entering a PO, we have added a button that will take the user to Purchase Order details so they can see the PO details including receiving information.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

A warning pop-up has been added for Invoice Entry, PO Close Confirmation. A new profile setting has been added to accommodate this change.



Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

A new prompt Standing PO has been added to PO ACID screens. This is added for the customer to flag standing PO's during Invoice Entry process. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry Web

IN Invoice Entry Web (IEW), vendor address has been added to be displayed in view only mode. Paid by (EFT or Cheque) information is also added to be displayed. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

In Atrieve Web Finance, added functionality to display the Journal Entry Name from Journal Entry Web in GL Inquiry, Batch Finalization, and the Batch Balance Report.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

Journal Entry Interface Report - GL Description column in the Report Viewer has been replaced with 'Reference Data Field' column.



Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

In Atrieve Finance, added the display of the journal entry name on the journal entry detail page from GL Inquiry.


Atrieve Finance


In Atrieve Web Finance, added PO Email/Print history details to PO Inquiry. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance


In Finance Purchase Order Changes, when searching for a PO by vendor, we've changed the grid so that users can sort by clicking on column headers instead of by using multiple buttons to sort the grid.


Atrieve Finance


PO lookup functionality has been added to PO Copy screen which today exists for PO change and PO inquiry


Atrieve Finance


Insert, Modify and Delete action buttons within the grid has been removed and added as icons in the PO Entry, PO Change and PO Copy screens for both Detail and Summary module. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance


In Purchase Order Entry an information icon and tooltip has been added next to the 'Batch Number' prompt to provide additional details about the expected format for the batch number entry.


Atrieve Finance

Report Writer

The User Interface for the Finance Report Viewer has been updated to use more modern/standardized controls, and now includes the ability to expand all report folders or collapse all report folders with a single click. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Finance

Vendor Maintenance

Advanced search button has been added to the Vendor No. lookup to search by advanced criteria- vendor address, phone number. New screens have been added to implement this capability. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Global

Atrieve Global


In Atrieve HR, specific web audit records normally reported via Web Navigation Report and Web Confirmation Report will be now found reportable via HR Report Writer. This includes records for web absence entry, workboard, job posting, task routing, Attendance Management Web, and Web Report Writers. Historical audit entries will still be found reportable from the Web Navigation and Web Confirmation Reports. Please visit the PowerSchool Community to download reports to import to your HR Report Writer. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Global

Authentication, Login & SSO

The system has been enhanced to provide for greater flexibility for your district to choose whether to use the Atrieve authentication service or another trusted third-party provider (Google) for user sign-in and Multi-Factor Authentication. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Global

Authentication, Login & SSO

The system has been enhanced to provide for greater flexibility for your district to choose whether to use the Atrieve authentication service or another trusted third-party provider (Microsoft) for user sign-in and Multi-Factor Authentication. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Global

Document Storage and Scanning

Previously, for systems that did not have the Dynamsoft scanning software installed, when you clicked Upload, to upload a document you would be prompted to install the scanning software. The system has been updated to only prompt for the scanning software if it is not installed and the Scan button is selected. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Global

Document Storage and Scanning

Enhanced the speed at which documents can be uploaded using the scan button by turning off or on QR Code recognition. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer

To help with troubleshooting Report Writer issues, the Web Audit has been enhanced to include information on when a report was submitted to run and when it completed running. This allows reporting in two new fields in the Web Audit to confirm if a report completed generating (Yes/No value) and the elapsed time (in seconds) it took to generate the report.

This new reporting tool can be controlled with a new web profile option to allow these audit fields to be turned off if required.


Atrieve Global


The Role Based Security Activity audit grid has been enhanced to support output to Excel. The Activity audit enables you to report on the type of change (Add, Update, Delete) for Roles, User Roles/Permissions, and User Constraints. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Global

Task Manager

In Task Manager, adjusted the pending and completed tasks query to load tasks more efficiently.


Atrieve HR

Atrieve HR


In View Change Absences, the Dispatches section will always display to all employees with access to this menu. Previously, it would be hidden if a profile in Atrieve HR was activated to hide the replacement screen during absence entry.



Atrieve HR


In Absence Entry, for those who allow employees to pre-arrange their replacements, the wording on the question "Have you already contacted [replacement name] about filling this absence?" Has been changed to "Have you confirmed pre-arranged [replacement name] will fill this absence?" to provide more clarity and avoid double-booking replacements accidentally due to misunderstanding of this question.



Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, if a user has an absence record open in atrieve web and another user changes that record via web portal absence edit, the record will not lock. Instead, the system reverts any changes the user in Atrieve HR has made when they click save and let them know what the web user has changed. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


Added functionality to automatically take the user to the replacement search if the Needs Dispatch = Y and the replacement details are completed after they've hit enter past the last replacement detail field. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


Time & Attendance Administrator Options page has been restyled and will display for those users who have access to enter the following on behalf of all staff: absences, view/change, unavailability, extra time, workboard, telephone, PIN, text and email. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


New profile in Substitute/Casual Dispatch Parameters Profile, Page 4: Location Break Times Illness Absence Code List. Only activated with location code break time logic in use where the calculation method is "3" (Abs/Dis FTE Within Non-Break Times). Specify absence codes where the absence FTE is to be calculated as follows: 3 blocks = 1.0, 2 blocks = 0.5, 1 block = 0.333 unless scheduled units for absence date is higher than 0.333, then round absence up to 0.5 FTE.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, added a new profile setting to ADS Absence Parameter Profile to specify a web comment code that will display as a link on the Absence Entry Schedule page to a custom instruction page for employees. For more information, please refer to the enhancement feature sheet. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, when an absence record is deleted, if a matching leave record is found, the system will ask the user if the leave record status should be changed to cancelled and pending tasks marked as completed. Answering Yes will delete the absence, mark the matching leave as cancelled, and mark pending tasks as completed. Answering No will delete the leave but will not do anything with the leave. Answering Cancel will cancel the absence deletion. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve HR


If a leave is denied during routing, the absence/dispatch will be automatically deleted from the system. To activate this, go to Web Portal > Tools > Security & Setup > User Profile Maint - Tabbed > LMW: “Delete Absence if Leave Denied” = Y. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve HR


Added functionality to allow employees to edit their absences after they've already been submitted. Please refer to the product feature sheet for this enhancement for full details.



Atrieve HR


With the new absence edit functionality, this enhancement ensures any pre-existing suspended or active dispatch queue records are removed before adding a new queue record with the changed absence information.


Atrieve HR


Within the assignment screen in Atrieve HR, changed the pay rate field to be a salary code lookup if the salary screen is activated through screen control profile. Previously, when a user entered into the pay rate field, the salary screen tab would open, causing delays in assignment entry/editing. Changing this to a lookup will improve assignment entry efficiency. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


Changed HR Assignments so that the HR user can enter the Location and FTE details on the main assignment screen without the subject info window popping up. Users can still enter subject detail by clicking the button next to the location field. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


Annual Salary field is published in HR Assignment module. Initially it was published only in Payroll. In HR the field will be only for view purpose. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


Employee Category (Ecat) has been added to the existing position code lookup in the Assignment Screen. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, Assignments, we have added seniority codes and pay codes to the Assignment Type lookup to assist HR users in selecting the most appropriate assignment type based on how that assignment type affects seniority and/or pay code. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatch

A soft warning pop-up has been added for the Absence Entry Replacement Request screen to restrict users from entering the same requested replacement employee more than once.



Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatch

In Atrieve HR, a new option has been added to the ADS Group Profile (Page 5) that asks if automated dispatch should split a dispatch if the absence is entered too close to dispatch start time. Without this profile activated, absences entered too close to dispatch start time would trigger a manual intervention. With this profile activated, the system will split the dispatch and call out the location PM Start to PM End (and create a manual intervention for AM Start to AM End). Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatch

Improved search phase of long dispatches (>14 days). Dispatches that are a year long will see the most significant improvement with processing time improved up to 900%.


Atrieve HR


As part of the enhancement to allow absences to be edited from the web portal, added functionality to accommodate changing a leave reason that required documentation for eDocs to a leave reason that did not require documentation (removing previously supplied documentation from eDocs). In addition, any attachments made for the replacements (e.g. sub plans) can be changed during absence edit.


Atrieve HR

HR Report Writer

In HR Report Writer, added the "Call Only if Qualified" to the Dispatch Preferences table.


Atrieve HR

HR Report Writer - Warehouse

Data Warehouse has been enhanced to include the addition of the Absence/Dispatch table.


Atrieve HR

Quick Entry

Created a new program for our Services and Support Teams to use to import/export Quick Entry Screens.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notifications

In Atrieve HR, removed the restriction that previously would only allow the union report destination on address and phone number change staffing notifications.


Atrieve Payroll

Atrieve Payroll


Ontario - One-Trust Global HRIS Export enabled to allow process to be run in creation mode.


Atrieve Payroll


In response to new requirements from the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP), we have added a new option in the OTIP Benefits Profile in Payroll for school districts in Ontario to identify which user defined field number on each position code to use for position classification. If the field is left empty, then user defined field 04 on the position code will be used.


Atrieve Payroll

Database Maintenance

The Payroll Cost Center Code Report has been enhanced with the ability to output to Excel. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Payroll


If the EI rebate is received as a cash amount, the dollars will have EI deducted. This is now controlled by adding the EI Rebate deduction to the EI Deduction as a taxable benefit at the time the EI Rebate is paid out.



Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

Detailed Union Dues ETFO Report enhanced to include gender.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

Export to excel option has been added for the 'Absent Deduction Report' for the customers to view the report in excel format. The excel report will not display the Totals as shown in pdf reports. The customers will have to manually calculate the total values in the report. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

BCPSEA element 08, age limit has been changed from 'greater than 16 and less than 100' to ' greater than 12 and less than 100'


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

The Alberta 5 of 9 days worked criteria as well as the option for Average Daily Wage has been added to the Statutory Holiday Pay Process.


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

Export to excel option has been added for the 'Payroll Pier Report' for the customers to view the report in excel format. The excel report will not display the Totals as shown in pdf reports. The customers will have to manually calculate the total values in the report. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

Per Revenue Canada, implemented CPP change to Income Taxes, effective January 1, 2023.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Interface

In all programs in Payroll that interface to Finance, the journal entry interface file selection and invoice entry file selection must have the word "payroll" in it to proceed. If a profile selection that is not payroll is selected, the profile will be rejected, and the user must reselect. This change was done to prevent the Payroll Update from aborting when the wrong Invoice Interface profile is selected.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

In Atrieve Payroll, we've removed the batch control entry page from Timesheet Entry/Edit, Variable Deduction Entry/Edit and moved the batch control number field to the main entry page to help save users time when entering timesheets and variable deductions. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension Reporting

For Ontario Payrolls, in the Payroll Pension Adjustment Calculation Process, added a prompt if Days Worked is selected, which will allow the user select to use OTPP (Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan) history service credits for days worked accumulation or to pull the days worked from one or more storage banks.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension Reporting

In Atrieve Payroll, for the OTPP Pension Adjustment Calculation related to Days banks, we have now included the Rollover category.


Atrieve Payroll

Report Viewer

The User Interface for the Payroll Report Viewer has been updated to use more modern/standardized controls, and now includes the ability to expand all report folders or collapse all report folders with a single click. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Payroll

Report Writer

Added Salary Periods to the Multiple Function Lines table and First Function Line table in Payroll Report Writer.


Atrieve Payroll

Storage Banks

Added a history view to storage banks when viewed from Employee Changes or Storage Bank Adjustments. Within storage bank history, the storage bank adjustment reason has been moved to its own column and the reason toggle button has been removed. Storage bank adjustment reason can now be changed from Employee Changes or Storage Bank Adjustments. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Payroll

Storage Banks

In Atrieve Payroll, storage bank adjustments have been enhanced to allow the user to make changes to storage bank balances in a table format. The table format allows users to adjust multiple storage banks at the same time, multiple adjustments to the same bank, and view their impact (showing the potential balance) before the change is saved. In addition, users will see a storage bank adjust button from Employee Additions and Changes. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Payroll

T4/T4A Processing

A prompt has been added to the Build PDF/Email T4/T4A Statements menu option to control where test T4/T4A PDF files are sent. This test will now use this email address and no longer use the email address from the Global Email Profile.


Atrieve Payroll

T4/T4A Processing

Added functionality in Payroll to allow users to select new T4 and T4A overlays to include the "back page" of the files which provide box number explanations per Canada Revenue Agency. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.



Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

TEW module is enhanced so that email reminders to locations with more than 75 email addresses can be sent in one click. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

The User Interface for the Timesheet - Send Authorizer Reminder has be updated to use more modern/standardized controls. Refer to the enhancement feature sheet for more information.


Resolved Issues





Idea Ref

Atrieve Finance - Resolved

Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

In Atrieve Finance, fixed an issue where cheque cancellations created a journal entry using the incorrect clearing GL for cheques that have paid self-assessed PST invoices.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Resolved an issue with Invoice Interface: On selecting close period will now display "Period yyyymm is closed"


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

In Invoice Entry, ability to add more than 32 lines on modification (Modify button) is fixed.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Fixed an issue in Invoice Entry where the graphical interface would be lost when a PO line had more than 10 GL distributions and distributed by Dollar Amount. Added Page number and Page Up/Page Down icons. Aligned "Remaining Dollar Amount" under Residual Amount column. Removed text boxes for row 11 since a maximum of 10 lines displays per page.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Invoice entry and online cheques will display a pop up for GST on every GL distribution line.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Issue was reported on Period end invoice report and suspended invoice report that user was not able to change print options, adds print options to selection fields and hangs. This issue is fixed now, clicking on Print Options button displays the corresponding dialog and working as expected.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Warning message changed to 'Please select an output option' for Credit Note Entry, Cash Receipt Entry, Invoice Entry, Invoice Re-Print and Print Receipts on The Print/Email dialog.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable Invoice batches no longer create a new batch for each transaction. New batch will only be created if batch has 99 entries, batch is in-use or batch is finalized.



Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Resolved an issue with Cash Receipt Entry: If 99 batches are used and closed, Clicking New button will now not use batch 100 and will display error "Maximum number of sequence numbers (99) already used. Use a valid Sequence Number or a different Batch Type."


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Accounts Receivable Batch Finalization, when the user clicks 'Finalize' the program will now verify the Period allows entries to be posted.
The Period configuration options in the Finance Calendar are used to control the entry settings on each Period.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Fixed an issue in Accounts Receivable where the invoice interface would not interface file names over 20 characters.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue observed in Receivables> Account Maintenance> Print Statements that Selection Sequence 3: When Ending Sort code provided was displaying blank sort code Customers in grid. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Resolved issue with Invoice Inquiry (through Account Inquiry): When there is more than 1 GL for Credit Note Entry, View PDF report will now display correct credit amount


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Accounts Receivable, fixed the Customer Listing Report. Changes include swapping the statements and notices labels so that statements are displayed first. Credit Limit, Statement, Notice amounts are displayed with 2 decimal places. Credit Limit, Statement, Notice amounts should are displayed with comma formatting.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Fixed an issue in Accounts Receivable where the auto interfacing pop-up would show the wrong batch.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Fixed an issue in Accounts Receivable where statements were printing current balances rather than the balance as of the cutoff date.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Accounts Receivable, the profile option "Enforce Unique Invoice Numbers" will now prevent entry of 'N'. Attempting to set this value to 'N' will display error message: 'This option cannot be disabled.'


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Resolved stop error in Print Statements RASTA2 integer error.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Atrieve Finance, GL Inquiry, fixed the horizontal scroll bar that appears, cutting off the full amount field, when an accounts receivable batch is summarized and has over 16 lines of transactions.


Atrieve Finance

Automated Tendering System

ATS - Commodity Selection Criteria Maint screen: There was an issue with the Insert and Copy functionalities, now the issue is resolved and both functions work fine.


Atrieve Finance

Data Entry

An issue was resolved where users were seeing column headings shifting up in Atrieve Finance during data entry.


Atrieve Finance

Database Maintenance

Issue observed that navigating to any screen from Report Headings Profile displays Atrieve Web Main Menu screen. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Employee Expense Web

Resolved issue where you could not update the vendor number in the accounts payable clerk section on employee expense form, if the original vendor number was different from the final section.


Atrieve Finance

Fixed Assets

Issue observed under Fixed Assets that Fixed Assets Deletion screen, hard delete button was missing. This issue is fixed now, able to see "Hard Delete" button now and same is working as expected.


Atrieve Finance

General Ledger

In GL Inquiry > Journal > Fixed a typo on the hover help for the "Previous Period" icon.


Atrieve Finance

General Ledger

Issue observed on GL Lock/Unlock screen, that pasting the GL number that includes dashes in Account No field was throwing error: * Invalid GL Account *. This issue is fixed now, able to paste GL number that includes dashes in Account No field.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Resolved issues with Invoice Entry Miscellaneous Vendor:

  • City, Province, Country are separate fields (fixed as part of other ticket)

  • Lookup icons available for Province and Country field

  • Province and Country will default to values set in Master Profile (existing)

  • Issues with button functionality, navigation along with UI issues are resolved


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Issues observed that when entering an invoice where invoice history is displayed, the last invoice number is truncated at 12 characters. This issue is fixed now, Last Invoice Number is now displaying up to 14 characters.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Resolved an issue in Invoice Entry to ensure you cannot change the invoice number on a paid invoice.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

In the Invoice Entry Web screen Enter Another Invoice button Short Cut Key was not working and now the issue is resolved, and the shortcut is alt+k, which works fine.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Issue was IEW entries to Misc customers were adding in blank address lines when you print the cheque, now the issue is resolved and. is not added in blank address.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Resolved issue in IEW, where you could not update the vendor number in the accounts payable section after getting a duplicate invoice warning.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

Resolved issue with Invoice templates, whereby changing GST amounts were causing inconsistencies with journal entries. Templates found with tax discrepancies have been removed and will need to be re-entered.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

Journal Entry: Scheduled table paging functionality issue was there, now it is fixed and paging works fine.


Atrieve Finance


Resolved issue with Summary PO de-commitments on negative invoices.


Atrieve Finance


In PO screens Quantity field validation was not working and now the issue is resolved, and it works fine.


Atrieve Finance


Issue observed on PO copy that over budget GL message was not getting displayed. This is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance


Issue observed in POM that user can't add another batch code to buyer code database once buyer code is set up in Atrieve web. This defect is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance


Issue observed on PO Changes, PO Delete/Close and PO Copy screen that cancelling from Purchase Order Selection, locks Batch and not able to proceed until unlocked. This issue is resolved now, able to proceed with same Batch Number in PO Changes, PO Delete/Close and PO Copy screen. Also, only "Back" button is available now and "Cancel" button is removed from Purchase Order Selection screen.


Atrieve Finance


In Purchase Order Copy screen cancel button was not working, now the issue is fixed and cancel button is working.


Atrieve Finance


Issue observed under POM: Requisitions had issues with attachments. This issue is resolved now, When the Requisition is deleted, the attachments will now be removed and when attachments are uploaded during Requisition Entry, they are now assigned a Temporary ID that is unique for each user.


Atrieve Finance


Resolved issue where POs being emailed to the Vendor were being rejecting by server if users had more than one email address defined when sending the PO.


Atrieve Finance


Resolved PO Entry and PO Copy issues with clicking on pencil icon on ship to address. Resolved calendar date issues and estimate calculator.


Atrieve Finance

Purchasing Card

Issue in Purchasing Cards module has been resolved where supervisors were receiving email notifications for each of their subordinates, once they had submitted for supervisor review, rather than just one email once per day.


Atrieve Finance


Resolved issue where User Defined Reports that were emailed were being blocked by spoof protection.


Atrieve Finance

Report Writer

Issue was in FRW: GL selection criteria box used to get lost behind browser if you have multiple browser sessions open, now the issue is resolved, and the GL selection criteria box never get lost behind browser.


Atrieve Finance

Vendor Maintenance

In Vendor Additions screen Clear button had incorrect tool tip, now the tooltip is corrected to display: Clear fields and restart.


Atrieve Global - Resolved

Atrieve Global


Resolved an issue in Dashboard Assigner where the user was previously unable to search for a Dashboard based on Dashboard Description.


Atrieve Global

Document Storage and Scanning

Issue is resolved where an approver was able to remove attachments from an approved workflow task. The delete action is no longer available.


Atrieve Global


Issue observed was that on eForm, date validation for a date over 3 years in the past was not working. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Global


Fixed an issue where new fields could not be added to eForms without first saving the form and then re-adding the fields.


Atrieve Global


Resolved the underlying issue causing some reports to generate an error indicating Error Failed to Load PDF Document.


Atrieve Global


Resolved an issue when specific conditions are met that could lead to subsequent reports in a cascading process being delivered to another user.


Atrieve Global

Security Management

Issue observed that SMS Password Maintenance Users list was not showing usernames starting with Alphanumeric (customer number) values. This defect is fixed now.


Atrieve Global

Web Portal

Web portal menu is now in sync with User Hub Information


Atrieve Global

Web Portal

Issue resolved where customized messaging on the Employee Portal Landing Page is not immediately displayed.


Atrieve Global

Web Portal

When hovering over Atrieve in Web Portal displays hover help now correctly displays company name as Atrieve.


Atrieve HR - Resolved

Atrieve HR


Resolved an issue where the user could not exit the absence module to another menu unless you select cancel. In addition, a new message indicating 'There is no web leave form associated with this absence/leave' is now displayed when selecting an absence that doesn't have a leave web form.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed was on absence/dispatch open ended schedules where copy pasting was just copying field instead of line. This issue is fixed now, bble to see "Copy Line" and "Paste Line" button to the button bar of both the SA (Absence - Open Ended Schedule) and SR (Dispatch - Open Ended Schedule) pages. Both buttons are working as expected.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed in web absence entry that 'Next' buttons were allowing for multiple clicks to submits pages twice. This issue is fixed now, user cannot click on a Next or Submit button more than once as button gets disable after clicking on it once.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, added graphical user interface (GUI) to the absence/dispatch undo process.


Atrieve HR


In the Absence/Replacement screen, issue was pressing Enter key used to not invoke Authorize button, now the issue is resolved and on hitting enter key Authorize button gets invoked


Atrieve HR


Fixed an issue where users wouldn't be able to change to certain Absence Codes in the Absence/Replacement screen if the numeric value of the absence code was above 500.


Atrieve HR


Absence Entry: The issue was that the user was able to inspect the calendar pop-up field and change its value to a blocked date, now the issue is resolved, and the user will not be able to change by inspecting the calendar.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, Days Worked Summary Report, the date entered in the From field will remain in the From field rather than being pushed to the To field.


Atrieve HR


Fixed an issue during absence entry where users were seeing warning messages for every calendar date warning, potentially causing the screen to freeze when there were many dates the position was not scheduled to work per non-instructional calendar.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed that Absence Report with Dispatches was showing blank columns. This issue is fixed now, no dispatches appear without an absence on report.


Atrieve HR


A bug has been resolved in the Absence/Replacement screen, so that when the sort button is pressed, the screen will display the information as expected.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed in ADW where Access denied error was getting populated, when user clicks on the binoculars to request an employee and Absence Date Range is long. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR


Resolved an issue when using the Extra Time Module, where updates to the Dispatch record were not saving.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed on Ending Assignment Report where running the Excel was displaying Error copying file. %COPY-E-OPENIN, error opening !AS as input. This issue is resolved now, and report generates to Excel successfully.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed on Assignment Changes and Inquiry screen under Function Line tab that Pay Type description was incorrect. This issue is fixed now, correct description of the pay type is getting displayed besides Pay Type field.


Atrieve HR


Issue was Function Line Detail from Assignment Inquiry Truncating Numbers from Front, now the issue is resolved, and the function line details display properly.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, fixed an issue so the system will no longer prompt the user to update the demographics salary grid with a cancelled salary change.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed on "Assignment Mass Update Process" that user was not able to get into position code field in web, they were greyed out. This issue is fixed now and along with this look up issue is also fixed.


Atrieve HR


Fixed an issue in Atrieve HR where users were creating salary history with duplicate start dates and the system would not save any start/end date to the salary history record.


Atrieve HR


Resolved an issue where the base salary was not updating when the grid was updated from the Salary tab.


Atrieve HR


Fixed an issue where the Assignment Rate was incorrectly being updated to the Salary Base Rate.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching System

Unavailability can now be entered via mobile device without the fields being shortened.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching System

Resolved an issue with the 'Do Not Consider If Fully Unavailable' feature, where some employees were incorrectly still being considered even when they were already fully dispatched.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching System

Issue observed on Dispatch Search Log Report that the selection made on category and subject was not working when report is sort with z option. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching System

Issue observed in Atrieve Web> HR that user was not able to menu search for the Dispatch Search Parameter Profile. This issue is fixed now, able to see "Dispatch Search Parameter Additions/Changes/Deletions/Inquiry/Report" options in result when searched with words Dispatch, Dispatch Search and Dispatch Search Parameter.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching System

Fixed an issue where Automated Dispatch was incorrectly identifying one employee as unavailable.


Atrieve HR


For Benefits module, the 'Annual Salary from Ops' prompt now displays the actual 'Annual Salary' instead of 0.00.


Atrieve HR

Criminal Records Check

Issue observed on Returned Data Processing under HR Demographics/Criminal Records. After uploading the file, Invalid Selection Popup and blank lookups were getting displayed. This issue is fixed now, able to upload the .ret file successfully and no warning and blank pop ups are getting displayed.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed that User Defined Fields were allowing unlimited characters to be entered in fields. This issue is fixed now on User Defined Fields as well on all Quick Entry screens, now only allowed characters can be entered.


Atrieve HR


In HR Employee Master Inquiry screen Cancel and Submit buttons did not have tooltips, now this issue is resolved and both buttons have tooltips.


Atrieve HR


Quick entry screen: Comment 1 field max char limit was 70 and now it is changed to 80


Atrieve HR


Resolved Issue with Documents By Location - Employees page: When French characters or special characters like È " # are used in Location name

  • Employees Page will now load all employees without any issues

  • Complete Location name will be displayed without any truncations/issues


Atrieve HR

Employee Onboarding

Issue observed that along with Onboarding error, Applicant was able to scroll down to see Generic onboarding data. This issue is fixed now, able to just see the error message and no form and all.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed that in Atrieve Web> Employee Evaluation Notification Forms> comment pop up was missing to appear. This issue is fixed now, able to see comment pop up now and comment entered is appearing in report as well.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed that user was not able to overwrite the Supervisor on HR Demographics/Evaluation & Discipline/Evaluations/Evaluation Changes screen. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

External Job Posting

Resolved an issue with EJP applicants: User accounts which have last login less than 360 days will now NOT be deleted. (Before fix, User accounts with last login more than 30 days were getting deleted)


Atrieve HR

Interface to Payroll

Issue observed was that mismatched Employee Number displayed on Absent Employee Costing Report for amendments when a special Pay Code logic of 'BC' (bank code) was applied . This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Job Posting

Issue observed on Job Posting/Vacancy >Applications > Application changes screen that by entering the name of the employee in the field rather than the employee number or using the field lookup and then selecting the posting does not display the details. This issue is fixed now and typing in the applicant's name will allow you to successfully choose an employee and complete the posting application change.


Atrieve HR

Leave Management

Fixed an issue in Atrieve HR Leave Changes where Leave Type could not be changed by typing the leave code.


Atrieve HR

Occupational Health & Safety

Fixed an issue in Final Form Maintenance where the Create Task button was not creating new tasks upon completion.


Atrieve HR


Issue resolved where the Report Selection Criteria Profile Changes could not be updated.


Atrieve HR


Added changes to user defined demographics made by the Teacher Seniority Calculation and Report (1248) to HR Audit File Report.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification

In SNS Notification Code Addition screen Non GUI screen was displayed and was fixed to display regular Atrieve screen on atrieve web


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification

Issue observed that running the Payroll Staffing Notification Report was not updating the status of the notification on Staffing Notification Changes screen. This issue is fixed now, status is getting updated correctly now.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification

During Staffing Notification Entry, if the employee is not active on the calculated payroll, the user will only see the warning once.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

In Add Function Line no screen error message was being displayed when Pay Type is set to H or P and when Cost and Default Earnings GL field is left blank, now the issue is resolved, and correct error message is displayed.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

In Add Function Line screen error message was being displayed when Pay Type is set to H or P and when Cost and Default Earnings GL field is left blank, now the issue is resolved, and no error message is displayed.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Issue was Percent Employed warning used to keep appearing, and the screen used to get darker and darker until it's completely black, now the issue is resolved.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Issue was Payroll Location on Employee Screen displaying the name from HR Loc Database, now the issue is resolved, and the location name displays from the payroll database.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Issue was the user was not able update the status in bulk for multiple notifications. now the issue is resolved, and user is able to update the status in bulk.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Resolved an issue with SNPS Assignment/Salary History tab, Start and End Date filters: filtering records using filters will now work/display records (if any).


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

The delay in updating the status when using Bulk Status update has been resolved. The SNPS records will be updated without delay.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Resolved issue with new SNPS menu Function Lines tab, Proposed section: Clicking Apply Proposed Changes button and then Ok button will now not display error.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Performance issues have been resolved specific to the filtering of notifications for a specific reviewer and the loading of a selected notification.

Improved performance of the Notification landing page. The first time the page is accessed, it will take a few seconds to fetch records put into the in-memory cache (time will vary depending on the volume of records). After the initial load, the program returns records from the in-memory cache, resulting in a quicker response to the user.


Atrieve HR/Payroll

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Issue was SNPS was not showing the correct payroll employee status, now the issue is resolved and it shows the correct payroll employee status.


Atrieve Payroll - Resolved

Atrieve Payroll


Ontario - OTIP Extract Plan Code reinstated.


Atrieve Payroll


Ontario - One-Trust Remittance file enhanced to factor in adjusting entries.


Atrieve Payroll


Ontario - Employee's with Class Code as 'N/A' on the HRIS Code Loading Process is now set to blank and is populated accordingly


Atrieve Payroll


Ontario - As per OTIP specifications - embedded commas stripped out of csv so columns are no longer being shifted incorrectly.


Atrieve Payroll


Modified the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) Leave File to utilize the Position Code instead of the Position Description for the Position ID field.


Atrieve Payroll

Database Maintenance

Relabeled any reference to legacy acronym of PRM (Personnel Resource Management) to HR.


Atrieve Payroll


Corrected issue where CPP was being deducted when an employee turns 71 when the cheque date month matches the birth month. This was occurring for 1 pay period only. Pay period before and after no CPP deducted as expected.


Atrieve Payroll


Issue observed was on Deduction Rate Table, that user was unable to enter more than 14 characters in the Liability GL field. This issue is fixed now, valid GL followed by the period and a valid subledger is now accepted. Once focus moves out of this field then period get replaced by space between GL and SL.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Maintenance

Issue observed that on Employee Changes, Alt+S short cut key of "Save" button was not working as expected. This issue is resolved now.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

Issue observed that clicking on prompt "Pay Codes For Function Line Selection" look up icon under Payroll Maintenance > Salary Grid Maintenance > Teacher to Tocs Salary Grid Reconciliation was displaying error message instead of options. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

M N option now available for selection in the drop down on the Earning Statement Field via the employee Pay Screen.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

Fixed an issue on the Payroll Register History Report where the system would display a Subscript Out of Range error when the report was run with more than 9 unique pay codes on the report. The excel report was also fixed for the same scenario.


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

BCPSEA Payroll Deduction Field Element Match for Payroll - In the BCPSEA field, element (41) MSP has been changed to (41) EHT to fall in line with BCPSEA naming convention.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension - Alberta

ATRF history creation that happens during the payroll update has been corrected to ensure that if the ATA deduction code has a pay period minimum amount, the minimum amount will not redistribute part of the minimum amount to the Statutory Pay second ATRF history record. The ATA minimum amount will remain with the regular ATRF history record.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension - Alberta

The LAPP Pension Adjustment Report has been modified to generate a CSV output with the required pension reporting values.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension - Ontario

OMERS Group 1, Type 8 Deduction Code enhanced to refund deduction amount when negative eligible earnings are being considered.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension - Ontario

OTPP Process enhanced with the ability to split out occupation code premium pay codes to correct board profile.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension - Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Termination Process has been corrected to ensure that pay bank values are now picked during the termination process.


Atrieve Payroll

Pension - Saskatchewan

In Atrieve Payroll, fixed an issue with the Saskatchewan Teacher Profile where data input into fields were showing in other fields.


Atrieve Payroll

Statutory Pay

Customer specific custom Statutory Holiday Pay Generation process has been modified to have the weekly hours calculated from the HR Assigned Hours instead of the HR Scheduled Hours.


Atrieve Payroll

T4/T4A Processing

Merged T4 is available for download both Payroll Download File Process and Payroll Email File Process.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

Email Supervisor alignment on the TEW screen has been fixed. When clicked on Email Supervisor button, the outlook opens up correctly


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

Fixed an issue in Timesheet Entry Web where users were seeing timesheet category codes instead of the timesheet category description when amending a timesheet. Also changed the text to title case from upper case.


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