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Split Dispatch if Too Close to Dispatch Start Time


Split Dispatch if Too Close to Dispatch Start Time

What we’re doing:

A profile has been added to ensure the automated dispatching system splits a dispatch if it has been entered too close to the dispatch start time. The system will create separate dispatch queue records for AM and PM according to the location’s AM/PM schedule.

Why we think you’ll like it:

If an employee enters an absence too late into the system, according to dispatching parameters, it is the dispatcher’s responsibility to keep on top of these and redispatch for a more acceptable time. This feature automates the process for dispatchers, saving them up to approximately 25 clicks (or 50 seconds) per absence that is rejected by the system due to being too late for dispatch. The “too close to dispatch start time” is one of the primary causes of manual interventions being issued by the automated dispatch system.

Learn more:

This functionality can be set up per ADS Group Profile, found by navigating to Dispatches > Automated Dispatch Profiles > ADS Profiles > ADS Group Profile (run a group profile report first if you are unaware of which profiles you already have set up, otherwise you may unintentionally create a group profile which can cause a variety of issues). Page 5: “Split Dispatch if Too Close to Dispatch Start Time” must be set to Y. The pre-existing profile on page 2 “Position Categories to Allow Dispatch Splitting” must also be set up.

Single-day splitting will only occur if the start/end times on the original dispatch queue record match the start/end times on the location code. Inevitably, the dispatch queue for the AM will create a manual intervention based on being too close to dispatch start time.

Multi-day splitting will produce two new dispatch queue records: one for the first date, then another for the remaining dates as a second dispatch queue record. Inevitably, the system would then split the first date into AM/PM as long as the start/end times match the AM/PM schedule on the location code.

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