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T4 and T4A Back Page


T4/T4A Back Page

What we’re doing:

T4 and T4A’s have traditionally been distributed with an informational back page (or second page) that includes an explanation of box numbers, what to report, what not to report. Previously, to save on file storage, this back page has not been available to our customers. After investigation, we have found a way to allow the distribution without a significant increase in storage space or affecting performance.

Why we think you’ll like it:

This was a top request from our payroll users because they wanted to ensure their employees had all the information they needed upon the receipt of their T4 and T4A’s. This will reduce employee confusion and calls into payroll departments.

Learn more:

To ensure the back page is produced as part of your T4 or T4A’s, locate the “Include T4/T4A Back Page on PDF Statements” prompt. This prompt is available within the following programs:

  • T4/T4A Statement Creation

  • T4/T4A Statement Regeneration

  • T4/T4A Amended Statement Processing

  • T4/T4A Merge Creation

  • T4/T4A Merge Regeneration

  • T4/T4A Merge Amended Processing

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