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Absence Schedule Help Text Link

Absence schedule help text link

Added the ability to include a link to custom help information on the absence schedule page during absence entry.

Districts may have specific instructions for employees when entering their absences, specifically on the schedule page. This enhancement allows districts to add those instructions right where they’re needed, when they’re needed, instead of employees having to search through email to find those specific instructions.

The custom help can be linked to defined text or to an external website/document (URL).

Custom Help Text via Comment Maintenance:

Using Comment Maintenance to store custom help text can be ideal for those districts who want more flexibility and control over their help text vs supplying a URL that might have to maintained by the district’s IT Department.

The custom help text is defined using Comment Maintenance (found by going to Tools on the web portal > Reporting & eForms > eForm Maintenance > Comment Maintenance), select comment type of Long Comment. Open the Long Comments folder, and to add a new, click ***Add New Comment***.

Once the custom help text is defined, it is activated by HR Category in Atrieve Web HR > Dispatches > Automated Dispatch Profiles > ADS Profiles > ADS Absence Parameter Profile > Page 3, Field “ADS Web Absence Entry- Schedule Help Long Comment Codes”. If this field is blank, nothing will change, i.e. the Absence Schedule Details page will NOT contain a new schedule help link. If this field is filled in with one or more long comment codes (separated by a /), a new hyperlink will appear in ADW Absence Entry – Absence Schedule Details page.  If you enter more than one long comment code separated by /, the comments from all codes will be concatenated together.  This is in case you’re really verbose and need more than one code to hold the entire help text.

The hyperlink text is defined in User Profile Maintenance (from the web portal > Tools > Security & Setup > User Profile Maint - Tabbed > ADW tab >

Schedule Help Hyperlink Height: height of the new window that opens in pixels (e.g. 700)

Schedule Help Hyperlink Text: Text for the link that displays on the schedule page of absence entry

Schedule Help Hyperlink URL: (optional) include a custom URL if the use of the long comment code is not desired. If you fill this field with a valid publicly accessible URL, that window will display that page instead of the text from the long comment codes.  You still need to enter at least one long comment code in the ADS Absence Parameter profile as the trigger to display the hyperlink, even though the content of the long comment code won’t display – the specified URL will.

Schedule Help Hyperlink Width: width of the new window that opens in pixels (e.g. 1100)

The help text then opens in a new window:

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