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HR Assignment Improvements


Assignment screen improvements to assist with quicker and more accurate assignment entry.

What we’re doing:

For customers using the Salary Screen, we have converted the pay rate field (which would open the salary screen) to a salary grid lookup.

The location and location FTE fields can be edited on the main assignment screen. Users can access subject/level info by clicking on the icon next to each location field.

Within the Function Line tab, when selecting details, the user will now see an Annual Salary field.

Within the position code lookup, users will now see the category and hours per week attached to the position code.

Within the assignment type lookup, users will now see seniority codes 1 & 2, and pay code attached to the assignment type.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Time spent entering and editing assignments will be reduced by up to 40% by having the salary grid, location, and location FTE fields on the main screen and eliminating the salary screen and subject information pop-ups.

HR users who need annual salary for salary verification purposes will now be able to see that information directly from payroll within the assignment function line tab without doing manual calculations or navigating to payroll to look it up.

Adding more detail to the position code and assignment type lookups will help reduce errors in position and assignment type selection.

Learn more:

If the salary screen is activated, the salary screen will not open when a user enters into the salary grid field (previously the rate field). Users can still access the salary screen by clicking the Salary tab. Additionally, if an employee assignment contains salary code overrides, and a user enters into the salary grid field, they will be taken to the salary screen.

If an employee assignment contains salary code overrides, an info icon will appear next to the salary grid.

From the Assignment > Function Line > Details, can now see the annual salary

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