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Leave Denial Process Automation


Leave Denial Process Automation

What we’re doing:

If a leave is denied during routing, the absence will be automatically deleted from the system.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Previously, when a leave was denied, either the absent employee would have to cancel their own absence and HR would have to ensure that absence was cancelled and/or cancel it for them. This was time consuming and required several steps to ensure the absence was removed and any replacement or corresponding request for a replacement was also cancelled.

Now, the system will automatically perform all the steps required to remove the absence and replacement (or requested replacement) from the system.

Learn more:

It’s understood some approvers will deny a leave because the wrong absence reason was used whereby deleting the absence is not always the desired effect. These districts may require an additional button for “Approve with Conditions”. The leave deny with absence deletion is profile activated from: Web Portal > Tools > Security & Setup > User Profile Maint - Tabbed > LMW: “Delete Absence if Leave Denied”. The default/blank option is N.

Customers not using Automated Dispatch would need to refer to the Outstanding Transactions Report to identify replacements that need to be cancelled manually.

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