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Absence Edit from Web Portal - View or Change Menu


Absence Edit from Web Portal - View or Change Menu

What we’re doing:

Absences can be changed from the web portal via the View or Change menu.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Previously, when an employee entered an absence, it could only be changed by HR staff in Atrieve Web or by school staff using Attendance Management System (AMS). School staff using AMW would have to submit web comments back to HR to have absences changed. This resulted in hours of work for HR to clarify, confirm, and make these changes. If the change required new leave approval, the entire absence would have to be cancelled and resubmitted which was time consuming and could cause additional work with consideration to dispatched employees.

This new functionality will save the HR department staff a significant amount of time each week from having to change absences for employees. It will also ensure leaves are re-approved based on the changed information.

Learn more:

From My Info > Time & Attendance > View or Change

The user will be taken through all the absence entry screens again, pre-filled with previous selections.

This feature is profile activated, via Atrieve Web HR > Dispatches > Automated Dispatch Profiles > ADS Profiles > ADS Absence Parameter Profiles > Parameter Profile Changes > Page 3 > Field “ADS Web Absence Entry - Allow Changes to Absences”. Options include:

  • Y = all employees of this category can change their absences.

    • If you enter Y, you can also enter a list of role codes, separated by /. There is also a special role code called *ADMIN* which indicates employees who have an ADS Administrator PIN record.

  • N or blank = no employees in this category can change their absences

    • If you enter N, you can also enter a list of role codes, separated by /. Doing so will mean that anyone with the specified role code(s) will not be allowed to edit an absence. Everyone else will be allowed.

The edit absence button will not be visible if the user does not have permission to edit the absence.

In addition, this functionality uses the same profile defined for number of hours in the past/future absences can be cancelled (Dispatches > Automated Dispatch Profiles > ADS Profiles > ADS Group Profile).

If an absence has already been dispatched, the system will allow the user to change the absence reason and leave application only.

If the absence is in process of being dispatched, the absence can’t be edited until the processing is complete. If an absence is picked up by workboard or filled manually during the time the absence is being edited, then only changes to absence reason or leave application can be made.

If an absence is changed on the web while HR has the same record open in Atrieve Web, when the HR user saves any changes, they will be advised the record has changed since they opened it. The HR user will see what has changed and any of the HR user’s changes will not be saved.

Open ended absences cannot be edited on the web.

When an absence is edited, any completed or pending tasks for that absence are deleted and new ones are issued.

Areas that can be changed: absence record, leave record, dispatch queue record.

Edits are auditable through: Dispatch Log Report, Web Navigation, Audit File Report.

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