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Finance Profile Auditing


Added profile auditing to Finance, Purchasing, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, Automated Tendering, Warehouse, and Budget Planning System.

What we’re doing:

  • We’ve added profile auditing to Finance, Purchasing, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, Automated Tendering, Warehouse, and Budget Planning System.

Why we think you’ll like it:

  • Being able to audit changes to profiles is a necessary security control and helps troubleshoot unexpected system behaviour (e.g. a process is behaving differently due to a profile change).

Learn more:

  • The audit report is available in PDF and Excel.

Navigation for each profile:

  • Finance: Finance Setup > Profiles > Profile Audit Report

  • Accounts Receivable: Setup and Maintenance > Profile Audit Report

  • Purchasing: PO Setup and Maintenance > Profile Audit Report

  • Fixed Assets: FA Setup and Maintenance > Profile Audit Report

  • Budget Planning: BPS-Setup and Maintenance > Profiles > Profile Audit Report

  • WIS: WIS-Setup and Maintenance > Profiles > Profile Audit Report

  • Automated Tendering (ATS): ATS-Setup and Maintenance > Profile Audit Report

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