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Advanced Vendor and Customer Search


Advanced Vendor & Customer Search

What we’re doing:

  • We’ve added an advanced search button to the vendor and customer lookups in Finance and Accounts Receivable.

  • The new advanced vendor/customer search results grid allows users to sort the resulting values by clicking column headers.

  • In Accounts Receivable, when performing a customer lookup, users will see the customer name lookup (with additional advanced search button) instead of being shown the full customer listing, which would require users to scroll through (or use Ctrl+F to bring up the search).

Why we think you’ll like it:

Being able to find a vendor or customer by additional criteria other than name saves users time searching through the vendor/customer listing or from having to run reports to find the vendor they’re looking for. The advanced search helps users select the correct vendors, especially if there are many with the same name or have used address as overflow for long names.

Learn more:

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