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Web Confirmation and Navigation Reporting Improvements


Web Confirmation and Navigation Reporting Improvements

What we’re doing:

Modified java programs to write web navigation and confirmation entries to SQL.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Moving the location of web navigation and confirmation entries will improve system performance and stability.

Learn more:

Users have previously reported on web navigation and confirmation entries from Atrieve HR. Once customers receive the release, new entries will be reportable from HR Report Writer only (web_log table). Historical records will still be reportable from Atrieve HR. Due to the Detailed Info size length, the report can only be run in Web Page format or HCSV/CSV (Excel).

Impacted products which the web navigation and confirmation reports used:

  • Absence Entry

  • Unavailability

  • Extra Time

  • Workboard

  • Phone & PIN Change

  • Attendance Management Web

  • Text/Email Notification Profile

  • Job Posting

  • Email Processing

  • My Info / Manager Level Info / District Level Info

  • Task Maintenance

  • Task Routing

  • My Forms

  • Schedule Entry

  • Send Mass Email

  • Timesheet Entry Web

  • Location Authorizer Changes

Predefined reports have been created and are available for download on the PowerSchool Community. Users can use the report writer import to bring these reports into their systems. Users can create their own custom reports by leveraging the fields in the WEB_LOG data table in HR Report Writer.

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