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Storage Bank Improvements


Storage Bank Improvements

What we’re doing:

  • Added History and Adjust buttons to storage banks when viewed from Employee Changes or Storage Bank Adjustments (future release: storage bank adjustment from Employee Additions)

  • Moved storage bank adjustment reason to its own column in the storage bank history grid

  • Allow users to change a storage bank adjustment reason after it has already been processed from storage bank history

  • Storage bank adjustments will open in a table format for making multiple adjustments at once against multiple pay periods. The user will be able to adjust banks multiple times while viewing potential balances. The entries can be added, modified, and removed, and will not save to the live record until the user has accepted the full grid of entries.

Why we think you’ll like it:

  • Mistakes happen, and if there’s a typo in a storage bank adjustment reason, users should have the option to correct that error.

  • Payroll users have to process storage bank adjustments a second time if they notice mistakes. The grid format with potential opening balance display should help reduce errors before they commit to saving the live entries.

  • Payroll users will save time by being able to make multiple bank adjustments for one employee in a single page instead of having to make the adjustments one at a time.

Learn more:

Employee Inquiry > Banks > History button:

Reason column added to Storage Bank History Inquiry:

Reason Change button on Storage Bank History from Demographic Changes and Storage Bank Adjustment:

New Storage Bank Adjustment Table:

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