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Third Party Authentication


Third party authentication with Google and Microsoft

What we’re doing:

Providing the flexibility for your district to choose whether to use the Atrieve authentication service or another trusted third party provider (Google or Microsoft) for Single Sign-on and Multi-Factor Authentication

Why we think you’ll like it:

As technology improves, cybercriminals are also getting smarter. Cybercriminals have the ability to take over bank accounts, infiltrate company trade secrets, access healthcare records, and much more.

That means the traditional username and password combo is liable to risk. Multi-factor authentication, which adds an additional authentication step to the login process, makes it harder for a criminal to steal information. If there are companies with only one factor of authentication that can be targeted, fraudsters will be less inclined to go after those where they will encounter multi-factor authentication hurdles.

Learn more:

A new configuration setting controls whether to use Atrieve MFA or a third party MFA. Your district IT will need to contact the Atrieve Support team to configure MFA.

Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Improves user experience. When stringent password policies are implemented in companies, IT teams are often weighed down with password resets. Multi-factor authentication ensures security without requiring such cumbersome resets or complicated policies.

  • Provides greater security. People often use the same passwords for multiple accounts, making identity theft easy to commit. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for cybercriminals to hack into people’s accounts.

  • Protects against brute force attacks. Brute force attacks usually involve hackers using trial-and-error to guess passwords or encryption keys. However, these won’t work if there is an additional step in the authentication for login process.

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