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Send EFT Notifications and Purchase Orders to Multiple Email Addresses Per Vendor


Send EFT Notifications and Purchase Orders to Multiple Email Addresses Per Vendor.

What we’re doing:

Within the Finance Vendor record, we’ve changed the labels on the additional email fields from A/P to EFT Notification and Purchasing to Purchase Orders. We’ve also added two more entries for EFT Notification and Purchase Orders. When an EFT Notification is sent to a vendor, it will use the first email address in EFT Notification as the email “to” and if any of the additional email fields are completed for EFT Notification, then they will be added to the email’s “cc”.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Vendors may have multiple people responsible for the tasks associated with receiving EFT Notifications and Purchase Orders. This saves the finance users from emailing themselves the purchase orders and forwarding to multiple people or expecting the person attached to the single vendor email will forward the email to the other relevant people.

Learn more:

To enter additional EFT Notification or Purchase order email addresses for a vendor, navigate to Atrieve Finance > Vendors > Vendor Changes > Click the “i” icon next to Email Address.

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