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Atrieve 24.01.01

Release Notes Last Update: April 24, 2024

24.01.01 Spring Release Coming Soon!

Remember to perform a browser cache refresh on your workstation after receiving the update to ensure optimal performance of new program functions.

New Features and Enhancements





Idea Ref

Atrieve Finance

Atrieve Finance

Budget Manager Web

The Budget Manager Inquiry Excel Output feature enables finance users to export tables from the budget manager to Excel for easier data distribution and more flexible data analysis.



Atrieve Finance

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve HR / Finance, added a Copy button to Form Initiation Code Inquiry to allow users to copy an entire form initiation code without having to create one from scratch.



Atrieve Finance

GL Maintenance

In Atrieve Finance, added an Excel output to the General Ledger Chart of Accounts Report.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry Web

Users will no longer be able to close a standing PO via Invoice Entry Web.


Atrieve Global

Atrieve Global


In eForms, added a new predefined button to return a form back to the initiator without requiring the initiator to redo their entire entry. Please refer to the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet for more information. This functionality is best suited for Employee Expense Reimbursement, Health and Safety, Invoice Entry, Staffing Requisition, and HR Workflows (not including onboarding).



Atrieve Global

Profile Maintenance

Copied some profile options to User Profile Maintenance (Tabbed) that previously were only visible under the “PowerSchool-Only/Super User” Profile Maintenance menu.



Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

Report Writer to Batch - Scheduled Reports

The new Report Writer provides enhanced functionality enabling you to set a recurring schedule for reports. The Scheduled Reports table displays information about the schedule including the Name of the Report being scheduled, the frequency and the Date/Time of the next run.



Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

The new Report Writer can be run in parallel with the existing Report Writer for a period of time to allow for adoption and training of the new program. Therefore Menu Builder has been updated with several new menu items (one for each reporting context/environment). The new menu items have been appended with the text ‘(New)’, for example ‘Report Writer (New)’.

With the release of the new Report Writer, the new menu items will be automatically added for users that currently have access to the Report Writer. For example, an employee that currently has access to the HR Report Writer, will have two menu items in their left-navigation menu after the release.

For example:

HR Report Writer (this is the existing menu which will open the existing Report Writer program)

HR Report Writer (New) (this is the new menu which will open the new Report Writer program)

Note that this is a one-time update that will happen when the new version of the software is installed. After that time you will be required to manually update Menu Builder for changes to an existing employees access or for a new employee.

See the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet for more information.

To ensure a seamless experience for all our valued hosted customers, we are taking extra measures to guarantee that the introduction of this new Report Writer does not impact system performance. In light of this, we have decided to implement a phased rollout of the batch service - Your district will be provided a notification when this feature will be available.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

When you navigate to the new Report Writer page the first section of the page includes a way to search for reports by folder, and then to view the selected folders reports in the report listing table. Once a report is selected you may Run or Edit the report, or perform additional actions such as: Rename, Save a Copy, Define a Recurring Schedule, View Report Usage, Delete and Mass Delete. You may also create new reports within this section as well.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

In the new Report Writer, selecting to Edit a report or Create a new report will open a popup window to the original report writers edit/create pages and a new Back button has been added to all associated pages to provide for greater navigation functionality.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

With the new Report Writer, when a report is selected to ‘Run’ the report is added to a batch queue for processing, and once the report is ready for viewing a notification displays with a link to open the report, or you may open a completed report from the processed reports table.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

Report Writer to Batch - Scheduler

The new Report Writer provides enhanced functionality enabling you to set a recurring schedule for reports. Reports can be scheduled to run automatically based on a defined schedule, and can be set to recur Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

The New Report Writer - Processed Reports table displays the status of reports that have been queued to run and provides a way to open reports once the processing has completed.


Atrieve Global

Report Writer New

The new Report Writer has been updated with an Advanced Search option. The Advanced Search popup includes additional filter options that will aid you when searching for a particular report or a series of reports. Advanced search filter options include:

  • Keyword Quick Search

  • By Folder

  • By Role Security

  • By Employee Security

  • By Report Field


Atrieve Global

System Access/Security

Districts can now view Menu Builder Activity (Add/Update/Delete) and export the information to Excel for further analysis. This feature allows district auditors to track changes and identify the initiator of an action. A new menu item, "Activity," has been added to the Menu Builder sub-menu. Users with Menu Builder access automatically have access to the new Activity page under Tools > Security & Setup > Menu Builder > Activity. The Audit Retention grid now includes updated date and time stamps, activity types, record types, descriptions, and the user who made the change.



Atrieve HR

Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, Absence/Dispatch Changes, we’ve added a Split button to three places: the Dispatch Queue Processing Screen, Suspended Queue Processing Screen, and the Manual Intervention Processing Screen. This new Split button will give dispatchers a more intuitive and faster way to split dispatches in the queue. For more information, please refer to the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet.



Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, added a streamlined workflow to allow dispatchers to quickly cancel a dispatched employee and redispatch a new one. From Absence/Dispatch Changes, load the absence, then click Actions > Dispatch - Cancel Replacement Employee. By choosing this option, the dispatched employee will be removed and the user will be taken through the required steps to redispatch a new replacement. This enhancement reduces workflow time and steps by 50%. Please refer to the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet for more information.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, added functionality to text/email replacement employees when they’ve been been entered against an absence as pre-arranged. This requires configuration. Please refer to the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet for more information.



Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, changes to any screen control profile can be audited by entering “PR:SCR CTL” in the employee selection field of the Audit File Report.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, added auditing for the Employee Location Mass Update Process.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, enhanced the employee lookup in the Audit File Report to include a list lookup for database tables and profiles.



Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve HR / Finance, added a Copy button to Form Initiation Code Inquiry to allow users to copy an entire form initiation code without having to create one from scratch.



Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve HR / Finance, added a Copy button to Routing Code Inquiry to allow users to copy an entire routing code without having to create one from scratch.



Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve HR, added auditing for absence code status changes.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve E-Form routing codes, added functionality to allow users to copy and paste lines within a routing code, including conditional routing details.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve HR, Absence Code Inquiry now has a Copy button. The Copy button can be used to create a absence code by copying an existing one. The system will prompt the user for an absence code, description, and numeric absence code (used for Automated Dispatching). The copy will copy all fields, including payroll data.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve HR, Leave Code Inquiry now has a Copy button. The Copy button can be used to create a new leave code by copying an existing one. The system will prompt the user for an absence code that doesn’t already have a leave code. The system can only copy leave codes where the absence key is the same (if copying a leave code where the absence key is “category”, the user must choose an absence code where the absence key is also “category”).


Atrieve HR

Employee Maintenance

In Atrieve HR, the PRM/OPS Salary Grid Comparison Report/Process has been renamed to HR/Payroll Salary Grid Comparison Report/Process. Added an option to the update process to allow users to only update assignments based on payroll ID and salary grid. Please see the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet for more information.



Atrieve HR

Employee Maintenance

Added validation on the web portal to prevent users from submitting a phone number change without a Primary Phone Number.



Atrieve HR

Job Posting

In Atrieve HR, added auditing for additions, changes, and deletions of applications via Job Posting/Vacancy > Applications.



Atrieve HR

Report Writer

In HR Report Writer, added a new field to the PRM_AUDIT called OTHER_AUDIT_KEY which will display short absence ID when auditing absence/dispatch changes. Please refer to the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet for more information.



Atrieve HR

Report Writer

In HR Report Writer, added absent employee preferred name field and dispatched employee preferred name field to the Absences and Dispatches table.



Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification

In Atrieve HR, added a warning to Staffing Notification Codes to alert users if they have added more than one payroll destination. This will ensure payroll does not receive duplicate notifications.


Atrieve HR


Available jobs on Workboard will now display the absent employee’s response to the “Wheelchair Access?” question so that replacement employees know whether the dispatched location is accessible.



Atrieve HR


Workboard will no longer consider employees who have an inactive substitute/casual preference record status as requested. That way when districts have search order lines that don’t open unless there are no requested replacements, they are not held up indefinitely for dispatching.



Atrieve Payroll

Atrieve Payroll

Database Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, we added CPP2 Maximum Contributions field to Provincial Tax Parameters (Payroll System Maintenance > Payroll Database Maintenance > Provincial Tax Parameters). Districts must ensure they have this set to 188.00 for 2024.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Maintenance

Updated the Salary Grid Increment by Storage Bank to include prompts to update a specified range of grids.



Atrieve Payroll

Employee Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, when running salary grid increment processes in report mode, users can now run the HR update in preliminary as well.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

In Atrieve Payroll, added Excel output to Invalid SIN/Birth Date Report.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

In Atrieve Payroll, added Excel output to the Employee Master Contract Report.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

For Teacher ROE’s, the system will ensure that the Final Pay End Date matches the Last Day Paid.



Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

In Atrieve Payroll, added Occupation Code Description to the Excel output of the Payroll Master Report.



Atrieve Payroll

Employee Reporting

In Atrieve Payroll, the CPP2 calculation has been added to the Payroll Projection Run program.


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

Ontario-Specific. Reversed the sort order of the OnSIS Submission Period Lookups where they exist in the system so that they are in descending order (newest to oldest period).



Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

The BCPSEA EDAS extract will no long report employees who are not set up in payroll. For example, TTOC’s who are set up in HR, but are not set up in payroll because they have not worked yet. This changes comes as a requirement from BCPSEA.


Atrieve Payroll

Government Reporting

In Atrieve Payroll, the Pier Report will incorporate CPP2 calculations as of 2024 reporting periods.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

In Atrieve Payroll, the payroll stream can only run to disk or to archive output to avoid performance issues when running to email or a printer.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

In Atrieve Payroll, when running the Payroll Update, we’ve added the payroll description in bold to the top of the screen to remind the user which payroll they are in, as to avoid running the payroll update in the wrong payroll.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

In Atrieve Payroll, for hosted customers only, a new dedicated batch queue has been created for pay statements whereby no other processes can be run to this batch queue and pay statements will only run to this dedicated batch queue. The queue will also hold the process from running until 5 pm. These changes will prevent pay statement processing from impeding the execution of other critical payroll processes, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations. If necessary, a support request will be required to temporarily override these settings.



Atrieve Payroll


Added Box 45 to T4 Summary and Final Reporting in Excel.



Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, changed Timesheet Edit to Timesheet Maintenance and moved the menu to the top of the Payroll Data Entry menu. From there, to change a timesheet, the user can enter/look up an existing batch. While in edit/change mode, users can now insert a new line into the timesheet. To create a new timesheet batch, enter a period and batch type in the batch control number to enter into the next available batch control number. For more information, please refer to the Key Enhancement Feature Sheet and the online user guide.



Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

In Timesheet Entry Web, timesheet categories for amendments are now displayed in Title Case instead of upper case.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

In Timesheet Entry Web, ensured that timesheet descriptions for amendments are displayed instead of the code (e.g. Displaying “Time and a Half” instead of “OT15”. Areas updated: Timesheet Entry Confirmation Page and the page visited when entering a timesheet against a week that already has amendments.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

When viewing timesheets with amendments entered as an employee, new columns are available: Pay ID, Position, Location, Auth Loc.

When viewing timesheets with amendments from Timesheet Management, new columns are available: Approved Date, Processed Date, System Comment.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

In Timesheet Entry Web, ensured that timesheet descriptions for amendments are displayed instead of the code (e.g. Displaying “Time and a Half” instead of “OT15”. Areas updated: Viewing Timesheet Entries and in Timesheet Management when authorizing timesheets with amendments.


Resolved Issues





Atrieve Finance

Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Issue was on Invoice Deletion screen, where user was not able to delete the invoice. This issue is fixed, able to see both the "Is this foreign exchange" and "Are you sure you want to delete" dialogs after clicking on Delete button.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Issue was on Accounts payable preliminary register where after APR changes, user was not able to re-submit the APR again for approval. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Payable

Issue was on cheque cancellation screen, where user had to page thru all invoices prior to allowing them to cancel a cheque. This issue is fixed now, buttons are always available on footer.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was on Invoice addition screen where count of attachments was incorrect when an new invoice was created using deleted invoice number. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

In Accounts Receivable, resolved an issue where users would get an error message in Account Inquiry when clicking the Customer button. The button now correctly loads the Customer File Inquiry.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was in Invoice Addition where, incorrectly pre-assigning a Register number when the invoice was originally created. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was on Cash Receipt interface screen, where “Enter Your Bypass Password” dialog was not getting displayed. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was on Batch Balance report where wrong customer name was getting displayed for cancelled receipts. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was on Batch Balance report where error message was getting displayed for Misc customer which included the text "Can-" anywhere in the description. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was on Batch balance report where entries were missing for MISC customer. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was observed on Cash receipt entry screen where on Print/Email Output Settings page, a default address was getting displayed in “Email To” field for a MISC customer. Also Update Email Address On Customer? prompt was getting displayed for MISC customer. Both these issues are fixed.


Atrieve Finance

Accounts Receivable

Issue was on Credit Note Entry screen, where incorrect interest was getting displayed due to invoice Description overflowing into Interest field. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Budget Manager Web

The issue was on the Budget Manager Account Summary Page, clicking on any of the column headers the GL Description was showing as blank when sorting. The issue is fixed now, the GL Description is displaying on the page after sorting.


Atrieve Finance

Budget Planning System

Issue observed was on BPS Position inquiry screen, where amounts of 100,000.00 or larger was getting splitted. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Database Maintenance

Correct tooltip updated for the Delete button on database options.


Atrieve Finance

Document Storage & Scanning

Resolved an issue with Invoice Changes - Closed Invoices where, scanned document was not getting displayed after save.


Atrieve Finance

Fixed Assets

Issue was on asset addition and changes page where the dollar amount maximum values on Depreciation page was not maximum. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

General Ledger

Issue was on GST/ HST Payment Recovery screen, where line “G/L Accounts Receivable Balance” was visible in report. This issue is fixed now, line “G/L Accounts Receivable Balance” is removed.


Atrieve Finance

General Ledger

Issue was on GL inquiry screen, where icon linking back to receipt was not getting displayed. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

General Ledger

Issue was on GL Inquiry screen where incorrect total commitments were getting displayed. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Government Reporting

Issue was on Payroll Data collection screen, accessing the same was displaying host screen. This issue is fixed now, standard screen is getting displayed and able to enter up to 25 Taxable Benefit codes, error message “Maximum Codes Entered” is getting displayed when try to enter 26th code.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

The issue was on the Detail Line Viewing Page where there was no button available to navigate back to the previous screen. Pressing the Enter key resulted in deleting the invoice. The issue is fixed now, The Cancel button has been added to the Detail Line Viewing page and navigates to the previous screen when clicked. Pressing the Enter key will navigate back to the previous screen.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

In Atrieve Finance, resolved an issue where users could not close a warning pop-up after trying to suspend a paid invoice.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Resolved issue In invoice inquiry and vendor inquiry viewing invoices. Some IEW and EEW tasks are currently not displaying attachments or an expense button. Users are unable to view the attachments or expenses associated with the tasks. This has been caused by transferring Invoices to a different vendor.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry Web

In Invoice Entry Web, resolved an issue where approvers would occasionally see vendor and invoice validation issues relating to the same task.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

The issue was on the Journal Entry Maintenance page, Recurring Journal Entries disappear after making an illegal exit of the window. The issue is fixed now, the Journal Entries are displaying on the page after making an illegal exit of the window.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

Issue resolved in Journal Entry where the Posted Audit was not displaying the routing activity details.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry

When creating or modifying a journal entry the number of records to display before paging has been increased from a maximum of 50 rows to include the following options: 100, 250, 500. This change was made to address the issue where a journal entry batch has more than 50 records and once you exceed 50 records if changes are made and a blank row is added on another page you are unable to navigate to that blank row to make changes.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

In Atrieve Finance, resolved an issue where the system would change amounts from 0’s to 1’s during invoice entry against a purchase order.


Atrieve Finance

Invoice Entry

Issues was on Invoice entry screen, where when Fast Mode is ON and user use self assessed pst and save the invoice then on main page same vendor is not loaded. This issue is resolved now.


Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry Web

Resolved an issue with Journal Entry web where GL Account having of Alias was not being validated based on user’s GL Security.


Atrieve Finance


In Atrieve Finance, resolved an issue where PO’s with over 99 lines could not be viewed in PO Inquiry and resolved an issue where users could not invoice against PO’s over 99 lines.


Atrieve Finance


Issue was on Buyer processing screen, where user was allowed to Insert new lines onto an existing requisition of 96 lines and error message was getting displayed when converting to PO. This issue is fixed now, error message “No more lines can be added to this requisition” is getting displayed on Buyer Processing screen when user try to insert more than 96 lines.


Atrieve Finance


The issue was on PO inquiry screen where for Purchase Orders that were converted from requisitions the program was accidentally clearing the Commitment label with Commitment amount and also "Requisition No" field that only displays on Purchase Orders that are created from Requisitions was missed when the HTML5 screen was created. Both of these issues are fixed now.


Atrieve Finance


Issue was on PO Inquiry report where second decimal place was not visible. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Finance

Purchasing Card

Issue resolved in Purchasing Cards where the completion counts were not showing the correct totals after the statement is invoiced


Atrieve Finance

Purchasing Card

Issue resolved in Purchasing Cards with transactions flagged as FIA once invoiced were not displaying in Invoice Changes when selecting the FIA button.


Atrieve Finance


In Atrieve Finance, resolved an issue in User Defined Reports (UDR) where the enter key did not work to take the user to the GL selection criteria page.


Atrieve Finance


Issues were there on T4A Footnote Code deletions screen where tooltip was incorrect, buttons were displaying incorrectly, no primary button on screen. All these issues are fixed now.


Atrieve Global

Atrieve Global


Resolved an issue where the calendar date picker would not open in an appropriate location on eForms.


Atrieve Global


Issue was in the user-defined section designer, when creating a field with both the output field and output table selected, requiring a cache refresh for visibility. This issue is fixed now, able to see the fields below user-defined fields within the applicable folder upon saving the form.


Atrieve Global

Security Management

In Security Management System, resolved an issue with tailored menus using Dispatch Additions, Changes, Deletions, Inquiry. These menus can now be assigned to users' tailored menus.


Atrieve Global

Task Maintenance

Issue was when a task is redirected, the redirect e-mail shows the incorrect employee name. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Atrieve HR


Issue was on Replacement Employee Availability Report where warning message was getting displayed after report gets downloaded using Excel button. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR


Issue was on View/Change Dispatches/Absence and eForms where incorrect message was getting displayed when SharePoint is down. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, resolved an issue where schedules for open-ended dispatches were not being created when accepting a job through Workboard or when entering a pre-arranged replacement on the web portal.


Atrieve HR


HR Report Writer web confirmation/navigation reporting now correctly shows the response when an absence is entered and the employee has not requested a replacement.


Atrieve HR


Issue was on Phase Four Report where employee belongs to other phase was appearing in report and also report was not displaying the correct status when ran by choosing Active and Inactive employee. Both issues are fixed now.


Atrieve HR


Resolved an issue in Absence entry during entitlement checking where unprocessed Absences were being calculated Incorrectly when employee has 2 Assignments, one Hourly and the other FTE.


Atrieve HR


Resolved an issue in the Text & Email Profile where the confirmation message received was ending with special characters.


Atrieve HR


In Atrieve HR, resolved an issue in Absence/Dispatch Changes where the user could not navigate away from the page by using the left-hand navigation menu when the record had a comment for the replacement employee.


Atrieve HR


In View Change Absence, resolved an issue where users were cancelling their dispatch multiple times by clicking the confirmation of the cancellation multiple times quickly in succession, resulting in re-dispatching that same record multiple times. Now, the system will only run the cancel action once regardless of how many times the user clicks “yes” to confirm the cancellation.


Atrieve HR


Issue observed that when an absence that has already been interfaced is edited in the View or Change screen, the system is deleting the leave instead of canceling it, resulting in no amendment record being created. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching

Issue was that Opt Out Options field in Dispatch Search Parameter was allowing more options then the User Defined Field is set up with, due to which user was seeing all the ADS Call opt. This issue is fixed now, validation is added so now user cannot add any option in Opt Out Options Field which is not in User Defined Field.


Atrieve HR

Automated Dispatching

In Atrieve HR, resolved an issue where the Automated Dispatch System (ADS) would crash when a very large dispatch (e.g. 6 months) resulted in a manual intervention and the manual interventions were configured to be emailed to the location email addresses.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

Resolved an issue where special characters did not display or would display errors in Comment Maintenance and Job Posting Maintenance.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

Issue was on Dispatch Search Parameter Changes screen, user was not able to access the first field on page two or page three. This issue is resolved now.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

Issue was on Location database option, where changing the Location’s Numeric Sequence field and saving the same was displaying error messages. This issue is fixed now, no error message is appearing.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

Issue was on Employee additions and changes screen where toggle button was missing. This issue is fixed now, the toggle is only visible before the employee is loaded and is removed once the employee is loaded.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

Issue observed was on Interval Type Code Inquiry screen, where user was not able to switch to addition screen. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Database Maintenance

Issue was on Routing Authorizer Codes screen, when attempting to change the Employee by selecting the search icon next to the Employee field under Employee Calculation Method, the screen appears distorted and searching for an employee is not possible. The expected behavior is that users should be able to search by name without any display issues. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR


The behavior in eDocs has been adjusted to prevent users without the necessary permissions from deleting documents via the document upload window.


Atrieve HR

Employee Maintenance

The issue was on the Action Details Additions and Actions Details Changes screens where the toggle button was missing. This issue is fixed now, the toggle is only visible before the employee is loaded and is removed once the employee is loaded.


Atrieve HR

Employee Maintenance

Issue observed on Action Detail Addition screen, where error message was getting displayed after modifying Action Date. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Employee Maintenance

In Atrieve HR, resolved an issue in the Employee Demographics report where the report would produce blank results when any selection criteria was applied.


Atrieve HR

External Job Posting

Resolved an issue with EJP applicants: User accounts which have last login less than 360 days will now NOT be deleted. (Before fix, User accounts with last login more than 30 days were getting deleted)


Atrieve HR

Interface to Payroll

In Atrieve HR, added usability improvements to the absent employee and replacement employee costing maintenance modules, specifically around the suspend or interface column. The header of the column now displays a legend to show the user that a “*” means suspend and “I” means interface. There are buttons in the field to insert the suspend or interface character. Users can still use their enter key to toggle between suspend status. There is help text at the bottom of the grid to remind users to use their arrow keys to move from field to field.


Atrieve HR

Interface to Payroll

In Atrieve HR, resolved an issue in the absence costing report where the exception report was inserted partway through the error report. The reports now print in the correct order.


Atrieve HR

Interface to Payroll

In Atrieve HR, resolved an issue in absence costing where the system could not convert hours to days as defined on the absence code when the absent employee had a rotating schedule.


Job Posting

UI Issue was on Job Posting Additions screen when user access the same using "Add/change" toggle button from Changes screen. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR

Report Writer

In HR Report Writer, resolved an issue when reporting on GL Distribution from Assignments in FTE and only the first line of the distribution would convert to FTE when the assignment was in hours.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification Processing

Resolved an issue on Staffing Notification Processing page (SNPS new menu), where Task count was not displaying correctly.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification Processing

Issue resolved in SNPS (New) where the Memo icon was not displaying immediately upon return to the notification list page.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification Processing

Issue has been resolved in SNPS (New) where the Redirect button was not working correctly if the selected employee did not yet exist in Payroll.


Atrieve HR


Workboard will now check if absences are being held for merging before displaying to replacement employees. If a dispatch is being held within the profile-defined time (e.g. wait 5 minutes for a contiguous absence for merging), users will not be able to accept the job on Workboard.


Atrieve HR


Issue was on SIN Expiry Issue form where error message was getting displayed when user enters SIN number greater than 8. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve HR


Issue was in onboarding a new employee, where substitute/casual status was not getting updated. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Atrieve Payroll


In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue in the Ontario One-Trust extract and maintenance where WSIB work status was incorrectly printing WS. The status now correctly prints WA.


Atrieve Payroll

Database Maintenance

Issue was on User Specific Parameter Profile 'Page 4' fields Process Deduction Comparison and Pay Estimate Benefit Projection List where warning message was appearing when focus is on these fields. Also magnifying glass was not visible all the time. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Database Maintenance

Issue was on Storage bank Control database report which was including blank pages when opened with PDF. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Maintenance

Resolved an issue in Atrieve Payroll that occurred when adding or changing a function line an error occurs preventing the user from exiting the GL Distribution screen after entering all required details. Despite entering 100% distribution with cost center and GL, attempting to save the changes results in the same screen being displayed again unnecessarily. The issue causes the creation of an incomplete function line and prohibits the user from simply hitting back and saving.


Atrieve Payroll

Employee Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue where users could not change the GL in the Pay Estimate.


Atrieve Payroll

GL Maintenance

Issue was on Detail GL Distribution Report - Excel output, where when GL descriptions have 2 or more dashes in the leading position, Excel was treating that as an erroneous formula and causes the description to display as #name?. This issue is fixed now, able to see "=" sign in front of the description and #NAME? error is no more visible.


Atrieve Payroll

GL Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue in GL Adjustment Entry where users could not type a 14-character GL plus a sub-ledger. Users can now add a subledger onto their GL in this screen.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue in the Payroll Download File Process for Earning Statements where the employee number field was not accessible and users had to use the lookup icon to select an employee.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

Issue was with payroll purge programs, error were getting displayed . All issue are fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue where record locking would not allow the the Selective DTE Timesheet Retro process to complete.


Atrieve Payroll

Payroll Process

Resolved an issue with the new feature for Statement History Adjustments where even if a user had selected 'N' to never interface the adjustment, the entries had still been interfacing. Now if the user selects 'N', the entries will not interface.


Atrieve Payroll

Salary Maintenance

Resolved an issue in the Payroll Salary Grid/Payroll Update Process where the report displayed the wrong grid if the employee had two function lines, including one with an override salary grid and the user did not omit override grids. The report was displaying the employee’s non-override grid, then printing “over ride salary grid - bypassed” next to it instead of displaying the override grid. The report now prints the override salary grid if not omitted from the report.


Atrieve Payroll

Salary Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, for the Salary Grid Increment by Storage Bank, the system checks the current period from the Payroll System Master Profile and counts back six (6) months to determine whether a warning should be displayed to tell the user the period they selected is older than 6 months. This change adds validation to the current period check. If the system cannot find the current period defined in the payroll calendar, an error message will be displayed to advise the user that the system cannot complete the calculations based on the current period being invalid. This will happen when the master profile has been updated to a period in which the payroll user has not created in the payroll calendar yet.


Atrieve Payroll

Salary Maintenance

Issue was on Teacher To TOC Salary Reconciliation report, where “Omit Terminated, On Leave, Both” prompt was considering employee status in Teach payroll instead of TOCS. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Storage Bank Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue when re-sorting storage bank history from Employee Inquiry and selecting a starting pay period (rather than leaving pay period blank) would change the opening and closing balances. The opening balance and closing balances are now exactly the same as they were when the page first loaded with pay period sorting in ascending order.


Atrieve Payroll

Storage Bank Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, the storage bank history issue, where the history grid was not displaying fully in the Employee Changes when employees had a large amount of history, has been resolved. The transaction history now displays correctly without any missing data. In the Employee Inquiry and Storage Bank Inquiry, Pay Period Column Values are Sorted in descending Order by clicking the column header or clicking the page down to the end.


Atrieve Payroll

Storage Bank Maintenance

In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue in Storage Bank Adjustments where an error would result after entering 99 adjustment lines and the user would be returned to the main menu without the adjustments saved. The system now advises of limit of 99 lines reached and will allow the user to save the adjustments.


Atrieve Payroll

Storage Bank Maintenance

Issue observed on banks page where incorrect error was getting displayed when a period was entered in hours/days while adjusting a storage bank. This issue is fixed now, able to see expected error message.


Atrieve Payroll


In Atrieve Payroll, resolved an issue when calculating Box 45 (Dental) on T4’s where the system was not checking against pay periods against the deduction on the employee master. If employee did not have the defined deduction code as of the December 31 pay period should use the default code.


Atrieve HR

Timesheet Entry Web

In Timesheet Admin > Send Authorization Reminder, resolved an issue where the system would accept an end date that was before the start date.


Atrieve HR

Timesheet Entry Web

Issue was on Time Sheet Entry Authorization Reminder Email - All Locations screen, where appropriate error messages where not getting displayed when user entered invalid email id. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

Issue was on TEW where, incorrect totals and total units were getting displayed when user chooses not to load default values from previous week. This issue is fixed now.


Atrieve Payroll

Timesheet Entry Web

Issue was on TEW where, incorrect totals and total units were getting displayed when user chooses to load default values from previous week. This issue is fixed now.


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