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Dispatch Queue Splitting Improvements


Dispatch Queue Splitting Improvements

What we’re doing:

Added a button in Absence/Dispatch Changes to streamline dispatch queue splitting.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Although there is automated dispatch splitting, there can be multiple reasons why dispatchers need to split dispatch queue records manually.

The original process took too long and had too many steps. It was not easy for new dispatchers to learn, and once understood, the process was still too many steps and took too long to do considering how many other things dispatchers must stay on top of in a day.

The new process is streamlined to be initiated through a button option that will take the user through all the necessary steps, reducing the possibility of missing a step.

By improving this process, not only the dispatcher’s day-to-day tasks will be streamlined (estimated reduction in workflow steps and time is 50%), but the process will be much easier to learn for new dispatchers.

Learn more:

From any of the ADS Queue Processing Screen, Suspended Queue Processing Screen, or Manual Intervention Processing Screen, select the queue record to split, then click Split.

If the queue record is for multiple days, the system will prompt the user for the start date for the 2nd part of the queue.

The system will then confirm the split - identifying the dates for both queue records, based on the date provided for the split.

For a single day queue record, the user will be presented with two options:

Quick: System will split according to the location’s AM/PM schedule. (Message will include exact times of the split for this specific record based on location schedule)

Advanced: User defined start and end times. Clicking this option will prompt the user to modify the start and end times for the first part of the queue record, followed by a prompt to enter the start and end times for the second queue record.

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