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Staffing Notification Processing System - SNPS


Staffing Notification Processing System

What we’re doing:

The Staffing Notification Processing system will be converted from Java Applets to .Net

Why we think you’ll like it:

Access to the new Staffing Notification Processing System will be supported in all modern web browsers and will not require java installation or java updates.  Users will be able to easily search for and action on notifications where they are assigned as the reviewer, with enhanced functionality for redirecting notifications and mass updating status. In addition, Role Based Security has been enhanced with both Edit and View only permission, to support the ability to allow non-payroll users access to view the status of notifications.

Learn more:

In the 21.02.01 Fall release you will continue to have access to the current Staffing Notification Payroll module, and the new Staffing Notification module. Access to the new module can be added through Role Based Security. Note that access to the current SNPS program will be removed in the 2022 Fall release, so as to give adequate time to transition to the new program.

Navigate to Payroll > Staffing Notification (New)

Below are a few screens to highlight some of the new functionality (not all screens are displayed below)

Main landing page/search – by default pending transactions display for the signed in reviewer, and all columns include quick filters, enabling you to quickly find specific notifications.  Selecting the hyperlink will open the notification record, and clicking on the checkbox next to the row, allows for multi-selection for tasks such as redirection, and bulk status update.

A new page has been added for Location/Employee Status. From this page you can see an employees existing location, as well as the proposed location (if changes have been requested). The employee status change provides a quick way to update the status for an employee, from Active, to On-Leave, or Terminate.

The restyled Function Line page includes both the Current and Proposed function lines, with any differences between the two grids highlighted in the proposed function line grid with the red triangle indicator located at the top left of the cell. You may add, edit, and delete proposed function lines, as well as update GL Costing, and once satisfied with the changes, click Apply Proposed Changes to update the Payroll system.

Configuring Role Based Security

Navigate to Tools > System & Setup > Role Based Security

Select the Role(s) to update and modify the permissions. From the Select Product dropdown, select Staffing Notifications, and select the appropriate permission for the users associated to the Role.

  • View with view-only permission. Why you may like this, is that you can grant access to other employees to be able to view the status of notifications while preventing them from making any changes.

  • Users with full access

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