Release Notes
Last Update: January 8, 2022
** Special Update for 21.02.01 **The 21.02.01 release will disable all of the technology that supports Atrieve Classic. Although Atrieve Classic has been removed from the menu system, some users have continued to access Atrieve Classic through desktop shortcuts and bookmarks. Once 21.02.01 has installed, Atrieve Classic will no longer be accessible. |
Product | Module/Program | Description | Reference | Idea Ref |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Accounts Receivable has been enhanced with the ability to enter the customer email address in Customer Add/Changes/Inquire/Delete pages. | ATR-8703 | AERP-I-443 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Accounts Receivable has been enhanced with the ability to email the invoice directly to the customer from Invoice Additions, Changes, and Copy. | ATR-8768 | |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Accounts Receivable has been enhanced with a new Invoice Print Audit, as well as the ability to re-print an invoice. | ATR-8838 | |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts has been enhanced with the ability to add an attachment on both the first and second input screens, saving you from having to leave the deposit batch to do a receipt inquiry to add it. | ATR-8859 | AERP-I-638 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts has been enhanced with the ability to email receipts directly to the customer. | ATR-8866 | AERP-I-1112 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | To support PO Accruals the following programs have been updated:
| ATR-7568 | |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Orders created for capital projects such as building a school can be open for several years, and many invoices can be entered against these orders over a long period of time. To accommodate PO Accrual Reporting on Capital Purchase Orders in Purchase Order Entry the total project amount will be entered into the Order Quantity field, with a price of $1.00. In Receipts Entry the expense amount will be entered into the Received value Ordered, Received and Invoiced Quantity values must allow an amount up to 9,999,999.99. Applications updated to support this functionality: Receipts Entry/Changes/Inquiry/Report, Purchasing Reports (Purchase Order Analysis, Expediting Reports), Stock File Inquiry, PO Entry/Changes/Copy/Delete/Inquiry, Invoice Entry/Inquiry/Reports | ATR-7920 | |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | In purchasing, the Action buttons in Buyer Processing have been updated with Alt shortcut keys. | ATR-7977 | |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | In Purchasing, the Vendor Vendor Inquiry Report and Export has been updated to include Vendor name, Vendor number, Budget year, and Ship to name. | ATR-8350 | |
Atrieve Finance | Requisition Web | Requisition Web has been enhanced to verify on requisition creation that the stock ID is valid in Atrieve Purchasing and if valid, the Requisition Web Stock ID will be passed to Purchasing so that in buyer processing, the stock ID file information (tax code, description, and contract pricing) will be loaded. | DNET-4272 | |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | A new profile has been added under the User Profile in Finance, that enables you to choose to send an email notification to a Vendor when banking information is changed. | ATR-6047 | AERP-I-448 |
Atrieve Global | Navigation | Editable grids within Atrieve Web have been updated with the ability to double-click the mouse to select a record. Note that a single click is also supported in combination with clicking the Select/OK button. | ATR-6743 | |
Atrieve Global | Rebranding | AtrieveERP has been rebranded as Atrieve and the Portal has been updated to reflect this change, and in addition the menu item ERP Administration has been changed to just Administration. | DNET-3346 | |
Atrieve Global | Authentication, Login & SSO | Multi-factor authentication, which requires that users authenticate with at least two factors, can reduce the risk of identity compromise by as much as 99 percent over passwords alone, so this improvement is key to preventing attacks and securing your districts personal and operational data. For additional information and FAQ, see Atrieve Email Multi-factor Authentication. | DNET-4770 | |
Atrieve Global | Task Maintenance | User Interface modernization and standardization in Task Maintenance | DNET-4096 | |
Atrieve Global | Task Manager | User Interface modernization and standardization of Task Manager Override. | DNET-4102 | |
Atrieve Global | Task Manager | User Interface modernization and standardization of Task Manager Reassign. | DNET-4108 | |
Atrieve Global | Task Manager | User Interface modernization and standardization in Task Manager Override. | DNET-4114 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Entitlement checking has been enhanced with the ability to check two storage banks on one absence code when the banks are on different absence code records. | ATR-7745 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Fixed an issue in Absence View/Change where a cancelled absence was not being removed from the page. | ATR-9883 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Added the help text “You have successfully cancelled the absence. The change may take a minute to complete” back to the View/Change - Absence Cancelled page when an Absence is Cancelled. | ATR-9981 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | To assist with an issue related to cancelled absences not being removed between the time a user cancelled their absence and the time they return to their absence listing page, a 5-second delay was added to the page refresh after cancelling an absence and going back to the absence listing. | ATR-9988 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Unavailability module UI restyle | DNET-1652 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | View/Change module UI Restyle. | DNET-2074 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | User Interface modernization and standardization in Time & Attendance > View/Change | DNET-4090 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | User Interface modernization and standardization in Timesheet Entry - the Location selection screen, Employee selection screen and the Payroll Selection screen. | DNET-4204 | |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Added functionality through Profile Maintenance to allow users to control whether the cancel or close button can be used, independent from each other (previously, was controlled as one - users could have the cancel and close button or neither). | DNET-4293 | |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatch | The Replacement Employee Availability Report has been enhanced with the option to export to Excel. | ATR-7971 | |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatch | Automated Dispatch has been enhanced with the ability to specify new rules for the call out order for same day dispatches. | ATR-8581 | AERP-I-611 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatch | Automated Dispatch has been enhanced with the ability to select a date range to clear manual interventions, or clear all. | ATR-8587 | AERP-I-632 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatch | Automated Dispatch has been enhanced with the ability to define the number of consecutive days absent before a dispatch record is created. | ATR-8593 | AERP-I-612 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Enhanced Position Code changes to immediately update all associated program areas when changes are made to the Position Auth Loc field without requiring any index rebuilds to be completed. | ATR-8466 | |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting | Enhancement to allow users to automatically update any open postings that user has already applied on when saving changes to their profile without having to re-apply. | ATR-8747 | AERP-I-1142 |
Atrieve HR | OH&S | Occupational Health & Safety Employee and Employer export to WorkSafe has been implemented for the province of Manitoba. | DNET-2749 | |
Atrieve HR | Schedule Entry Web | User Interface modernization and standardization in Schedule Entry Web. | DNET-1647 | |
Atrieve HR | Schedule Entry Web | SEW Landing page has been enhanced to display the Location column in the Position grid along with a visual indicator if the assignment does not yet have a schedule. | DNET-5557 | |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | The Staffing Notification Creation page has been updated with the ability to select one or more assignments for which the staffing notification needs to be generated. In previous releases, all assignments were included, with no option to modify. | ATR-7556 | AERP-I-317 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | In Staffing Notification, Assignment Code Changes a new option has been added that provides the ability to override the function line pay code derived from the position code. | ATR-7557 | AERP-I-333 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | In the 21.02.01 Fall release the new payroll Staffing Notification Processing System (SNPS) will be available to those customers that had previously received a license to use the product. The new system is supported in all modern web browsers and will not require java installation or java updates. Users will be able to easily search for and action on notifications where they are assigned as the reviewer, with enhanced functionality for redirecting notifications and mass updating status. In addition, Role Based Security has been enhanced with both Edit and View only permission, to support the ability to allow non-payroll users access to view the status of notifications. Note that you will continue to have access to the current Staffing Notification Processing module, and the new Staffing Notification Processing module when you receive the release so that you may have time to transition users to the new system. If you do not currently have access to the SNPS module and would like more information reach out to your Sales or Services representative. See Staffing Notification Processing System (SNPS) Quick Start Guide for more information. | DNET-3533 | |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | The default date range on the notification list page has been changed from last 30 days to 11 months in the past and 1 month in the future. | DNET-5536 | |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | The default sort order for the notification list page has been changed from alphabetical by employee name to sort by the effective date (sorting newest to oldest). | DNET-5543 | |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | The notifications list page has been enhanced to remember your previously selected sort and filter settings as you navigate to a notification and back again to the list page. These settings are held until otherwise changed, or the session is closed (you navigate away to another program). | DNET-5550 | |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | In this release, if you have the Benefits module set to be included in the Staffing Notification module you will have access to Benefits History only in the new system. | DNET-5588 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Audit File | The Payroll audit file purge has been automated | ATR-6402 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | When updating an employee the salary increment is now combined with the salary update streamlining the process. | ATR-309 | AERP-I-75 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Once the release has been installed the password options of S=SIN and 5=Last 5 digits of SIN will no longer be a valid option. If the profile is still set with one of these option, the password will not be create and the employee's PDF statements will be created with no password at all. | ATR-7075 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Employee Addition and Changes have been enhanced with the ability to populate banking fields from another payroll. | ATR-8158 | AERP-I-48 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Expanded the OTPP to allow a percentage of service credits to be reported due to statutory holidays. | ATR-8189 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Employee File Maintenance has been enhanced with the ability to 'Bulk Update Employee Current Hire Date' including audit functionality for this process | ATR-8490 | AERP-I-306 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | One-Trust/OTIP - the Ontario HRIS Benefits Update Process has been enhanced with the ability to add an automatic clearing of benefit deductions amounts on employee records to zero, then do file load of new values. This way if collected last pay period but now employee cancelled coverage directly and is not in file at all, no amount is collected in error. | ATR-8496 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | For ON clients an entire Ontario Benefits menu has been built for tracking, extracting, changing and reporting benefits to provincial providers. Benefits include HRIS reporting to OTIP and ONE-TRUST. A profile was created for both providers OTIP and ONE-TRUST. | DSR-226 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Pension | As part of this improvement, total is added to the Excel output for MB RPNTE PENSION GENERATION REPORT, MB RPNTE PENSION REPORT and EMPLOYEE MEMO REPORT . | ATR-2415 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Reporting | A new process that allows the Payroll Reports to be archived and removed from the Reports directory which mitigates the issue of payroll runs failing because of too many files in this directory. Files older than 10 years will be archived and removed. | ATR-6222 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Reporting | LAPP Apex Adjustments now has the ability to change the Province of Employment and Affiliation fields. | ATR-7326 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Reporting | LAPP Apex Regeneration Report now has the ability to be run to excel. | ATR-7327 | AERP-I-212 |
Atrieve Payroll | Reporting | The Core Payroll, "Detailed Union Report" has been enhanced to report province specific criteria. The report format and extract values are different for Provincial payrolls. The User Specific Parameters Profile contains the payroll Province Code on the second page of the profile. The Province code defines how the report is run, the output and what details are displayed are based on the selection criteria prompts when the report is run. | DSR-242 | |
Atrieve Payroll | Reporting | PRW Report writer field additions: Two new fields BANK_START_PERIOD and BANK_END_PERIOD have been added to the PAY_MASTER_STORAGE_BANK table. | DSR-286 | |
Atrieve Payroll | ROE | The Preliminary ROE Creation has been enhanced to provide the option to exclude the statutory date from the 1St Day Worked. | ATR-8805 | AERP-I-468 |
Atrieve Payroll | Storage Bank Maintenance | The new storage bank star and end periods fields are available for changing per employee through Employee Additions and Employee Changes. The default values for the new periods is blank, but you can define a start and/or end period for any storage bank type. All changes to the bank start and end periods are included in the Employee Master Audit reporting. The start / end periods are to control when the bank will calculate only, this does not affect the availability of the bank for bank withdrawals or deposits. | ATR-8493 | AERP-I-65 |
Atrieve Payroll | T4 | The option to upload Amended PA amounts to update employee prior year PAs has been added to the Pension Adjustment Import Process. This Import will now create an excel output file of selected or updated entries. The Pension Adjustment Report has had the option to create an excel output file as well. The T4/T4A Statement Regeneration as well as the T4/T4A Amended Statement Processing have been modified to allow the employee's PA amount to be reloaded from the PA history, updating the employee's T4 for reporting to CRA. | ATR-9348 |
Resolved Issues
Product | Module/Program | Description | Reference |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Page header of Cheque Print Profile program is changed to Cheque Print Format. | ATR-4773 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Modified the Invoice Reports menu to display 'By Authorization Number' as the default first value. | ATR-6536 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved issue with Cheque Cancellation: Tooltip of Back button now displays as "Back to previous screen" | ATR-7248 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Reconciled Cheques Report: Field value does not get changed now on revisiting "Cleared/Cancelled/Both" field | ATR-7414 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved issues with Invoice Copy - To Entry popup:
| ATR-7488 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Issue was that when user press enter key, Save button functionality was not getting triggered even if it is the primary button on Invoice changes screen. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7858 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved following issues:
| ATR-8095 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved issue with EFT Banking Constants Profile: Lookup icon added for Bank Name field and ctrlF/Clicking lookup icon will display list of bank records. | ATR-8327 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Added shortcut keys for Invoice Entry - Invoice Tax Amount Validation popup | ATR-8504 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved an issue with Invoice Entry - Detailed PO panel: User will now be able to type 7digits+period+2digits under Invoice Price column (Example:1234567.89) Earlier 7 digits+Period+1digit was accepted. | ATR-8414 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved an issue with Invoice Entry where user was not able to input a new line after 32 lines because Modify option was not working. This is working correctly now. | ATR-8960 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Resolved issue when entering cleared cheques, where the header was saying Void Cheque. | ATR-10126 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Issue was in AR: Excel button reverts to print screen and does not open in excel if you view batch first. This issue is fixed, Excel is getting downloaded successfully now. | ATR-3299 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Issue was that Batch Balance report doesn't show run button until you hit enter once. This issues is fixed now, Run is now always visible and clicking on it when batch number is blank is displaying warning message "Batch Number required to run this function". | ATR-4773 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Resolved following issues with Invoice Copy(Invoice Copy - To Entry popup):
| ATR-8544 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Resolved issue with Batch Balance Report: If a receipt has more than 1 line then Miscellaneous customer name will now get displayed for all lines | ATR-8603 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Issue was that error was getting displayed on Receivables>Account Maintenance> Account Inquiry screen under user clicks on "Transaction Details" button. This issue is fixed now, Invoice transaction details are appearing properly. | ATR-8677 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Fixed stop error while creating Credit note "ERROR: RAADB4 Line #23030 ?Subscript out of range" when address compression turn on. | ATR-9012 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Receivable | Resolved accounts receivable emailing invoices issue, where the wrong invoice was being attached if you didn't email upon entry. | ATR-10134 |
Atrieve Finance | Automated Tendering System | Issue was clicking on "Print Options" was not opening corresponding screen on Print Purchase Orders screen under ATS. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7488 |
Atrieve Finance | Accounts Payable | Budget Position Changes - Assignments button: Tooltip now says "Go to Assignments screen" | ATR-8414 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Resolved an issue with Delete Expired GL's program where hitting Enter was not submitting the job and the focus was returned to Prelim or Final Processing prompt. | ATR-2235 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Issue mentioned in ticket is applicable only if screen is appearing in HTML5. As a fix , this screen will now appear as fallback screen. | ATR-5521 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Resolved an issue with Budget GL Inquiry: Description field value will now get displayed in a single line on Budget GL Transactions, Alias Code Descriptions, GL Budget Position, GL Costing, Budget History panels. | ATR-8330 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Resolved issue with Budget GL Addition, where typing in few values in Alert Code field then navigating to above field and coming back to Alert Code field: will now not remove earlier typed in values | ATR-8329 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Resolved issue with Budget Batch Purge in Atrieve Web: When user says 'Yes' to 'Save Purged Entries to History File' field, 2 more popups would get displayed now:
| ATR-8516 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Issue was that BPS GL transactions description was truncating. Same is fixed now. | ATR-8530 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Issue was the customer long GL was not fully visible on BPS Budget Transactions entry screen. This issue is fixed now, GL field is expanded. Also this change is made on other panels as well. | ATR-8624 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Adjustment amounts are now right justified in Adjustments grid on BPS Position Inquiry screen. | ATR-8634 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Planning System | Original Budget Entry: Clicking on Edit icon for Original field will no longer display invalid characters. | ATR-9682 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Manager Web | Budget Manager Inquiry: PO status will now get displayed on page where PO Details get displayed | DNET-3667 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Manager Web | Resolved issues with BMW when impersonation and adding location overrides in SB. | DNET-3804 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Manager Web | Budget Manager Inquiry- UI issues were fixed. | DNET-4714 |
Atrieve Finance | Budget Manager Web | Issue was that Download button was missing when user uninstall Dynamsoft service from their computer in IEW. This issue is fixed now, able to see "Download" button now. | DNET-5234 |
Atrieve Finance | Database Maintenance | Resolved an issue with Batch Code Additions and Changes: Clearing "Payable Type" field value will now remove field value description next to field | ATR-7338 |
Atrieve Finance | Database Maintenance | Resolved an issue with Batch Code Deletion: A Deleted record will now display Deleted status next to Batch Code field and only Undelete, Cancel buttons will get displayed. Before fix, there was no status and Delete button was available along with required buttons. | ATR-7798 |
Atrieve Finance | Database Maintenance | Resolved issue with Batch Code Deletion, Change, Inquiry: to display Deleted status on page footer for a deleted record | ATR-7797 |
Atrieve Finance | Database Maintenance | Resolved issue with User Profile: Under Profile Page 5, "Number of Days to Search for Duplicates" field now accepts 3 digits. Earlier only 2 digits were getting accepted. | ATR-8184 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance | Corrected an issue within GL Inquiry> Journal> Batch whereby the incorrect line was being selected when clicking with the mouse. | ATR-5023 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance | Resolved an issue with Invoice scan sheet Print to PDF where user was navigated back to atrieve main menu instead of Finance main menu. This has been changed to stay on Finance main menu page. | ATR-7137 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance | Added a 'Save' button on 'Add new GL accounts in next year' pop up page under General Ledger Mass Copy program. | ATR-8643 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance | Resolved issue with Invoice Entry - Distribution Of Invoice Dollar amount: Clicking on Save button will now work. Also hitting Enter will work, which triggers primary button Save. | ATR-8676 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance | A pop up message has been added on Cheque Reconciliation program to notify users that the entered cheque is cancelled or voided. | ATR-8684 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance | The issue was PO Detail page was not allowing the user to view attachments. This issue is fixed and user is now able to view attachments. | ATR-8887 |
Atrieve Finance | Finance Report Writer | PO Description lines were being suppressed in error, issue is now resolved. | DNET-4418 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger | Resolved following issues related to GL Inquiry:
| ATR-4768 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger | Resolved an issue where menu search on 'GL audit file inquiry' was throwing Search not found error on Finance main menu. | ATR-4777 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Resolved issue with Chart of Accounts, Detailed Chart of Accounts and Parent/Subordinate Reports: Second panel will now display correct title "General Ledger Chart of Accounts" | ATR-4782 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Alignment of data is resolved for SL Inquiry - Expense. Also for Journal Entry option, fix is made to remove scroll bars. | ATR-4784 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Issue resolved with GL Changes: When no alias levels are defined, Account Alias popup will now be skipped(will not be displayed) | ATR-5475 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger | Resolved following issues with GL Addition:
| ATR-6173 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Resolved issues with all Finance programs where GL Account field is editable - GL Search panel: When 4 or 6 level GL account format is set, clicking Save on GL Search will now not add any extra field on the panel and GL Selection in progress popup will get displayed (BPS module will not display in progress popup) | ATR-7054 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Made changes to Provisional Budget Changes and Budget GL Changes - Date columns to display full data | ATR-7208 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Resolved issue with GL Addition: When cursor is on Account No field(blank value), clicking up/down arrow will now not display improper characters on same field. Cursor will stay on same field and will get highlighted in blue. | ATR-7236 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Resolved an issue on GL Delete screen where budget parent account of a subordinate account was truncated. | ATR-7525 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | If Level Name has spaces/blanks at the end of the text under Alias Account Format panel, then Mass Alias Update will now not display "Invalid Selection" on selecting same alias and user will be able to proceed with selection. | ATR-7859 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Made changes to GL inquiry View Source Transition button: Clicking on button, if there are multiple transactions then a message popup indicating about multiple transactions will get displayed. For single transaction no popup would be displayed. | ATR-7967 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Resolved following issues with GL Addition - Alias popup:
Clicking Ok, will display cursor on field editing | ATR-8645 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | GL Inquiry: Tooltip for Credit/Receipt/Adjustment Inquiry Back button is now "Back to previous Inquiry page" Account Inquiry: Tooltip for Credit/Receipt/Adjustment/Invoice/Summary Invoice Inquiry Back button is now "Back to previous Inquiry page" | ATR-8694 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Issue was that Interface profile for Dictionary was only handling format name of 4 characters in web. This issue is fixed now, field is now accepting 26 characters on Add and Change screen. | ATR-8700 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger File Maintenance | Issue was that Subledger Control account statistical report titles was not allowing 3 characters in web. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8737 |
Atrieve Finance | General Ledger Maintenance | The icons for Parent GL Account, Remove and Locked GL accounts were added. | DNET-4885 |
Atrieve Finance | Invoice Entry Web | Resolved an issue where users were not able to delete the invoice template which is owned by another user. Now such invoice templates can be deleted with a warning message. | ATR-3265 |
Atrieve Finance | Invoice Entry Web | Resolved issue with Invoice Entry: After entering 99 lines, user will now be able to edit line | ATR-4248 |
Atrieve Finance | Invoice Entry Web | Resolved an issue with Invoice Copy where user could enter same Invoice number even if 'Enforce Unique Invoice Number' is set to Yes under Receivables Settings | ATR-4336 |
Atrieve Finance | Invoice Entry Web | Invoices created through Invoice Entry Web will now display correct amounts i.e. amounts without tax under T4A register | ATR-7502 |
Atrieve Finance | Invoice Entry Web | Resolved an issue with Invoice Changes page where user was getting the error 'Sorry you can't move to the field yet' when trying to change the Invoice Number. | ATR-8517 |
Atrieve Finance | Invoice Entry Web | Issue was that clicking on Clear button was clearing Half the Screen under Invoice entry screen. This issue is fixed now, Clicking on Clear button after entering the invoice details section clears entire screen contents. | ATR-8962 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Resolved an issue with Interface setup menu - Journal entry addition: Typing in a format name and going to next field using tab/down arrow/enter, will now not duplicate Format name. | ATR-4779 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Resolved issue with Batch Finalization - Actual Amount: Amount up to 999,999,999.99 will now get displayed without any truncation | ATR-5006 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Added Page Up, Page Down, First Page and Last Page buttons on GL Inquiry - Journal Entry Detail page grid | ATR-7914 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Resolved an issue with Journal Entry where Reference/Invoice No prompt was not retaining the entered value. Entered value was getting changed if user revisits the field. This issue is corrected now. | ATR-8813 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Journal Entry: When a restricted fiscal period is selected, providing password and closing JE will now save selected Fiscal period. Before fix, fiscal period was not getting updated. | DNET-4244 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Resolved an issue with Journal Entry Web where the timestamp of JE activity was not displaying as per the local time zone. Earlier all entries were displaying timestamp in UTC and now these are changed to be displayed in local time zone. | DNET-4420 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Journal Entry Web issue resolved where the activity table displayed batches that were saved but not yet submitted for approval. The grid on the activity page has been filtered to exclude batches that have not yet been submitted. | DNET-4547 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Issue in Journal Entry Web resolved where the Append and Reverse actions were taking more time that expected to complete. | DNET-4894 |
Atrieve Finance | Journal Entry | Resolved an issue where Journal Entry Web would take a long time to load and recurring journal entries would not load. | DNET-5576 |
Atrieve Finance | Misc Accounts Receivable | Accounts Receivable Batch Finalization will now display popup "Finalize Selected Batches" with Yes, No buttons when clicked Finalize button | ATR-4802 |
Atrieve Finance | Misc Module | Issue was that on Batch Control Entry screen, hitting Enter was not triggering primary button functionality. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7336 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Updated the atrieve verbiage on Stock Delete and Stock Transfer warning messages to display atrievePurchasing and Atrieve Finance system in place of AtrieveERP accounting system. | ATR-2817 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved an issue with Buyer Assignment changes: Selecting a line and de assigning a buyer, then hitting Enter button will now save de assignment. | ATR-5346 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that under Finance - Purchasing: Pressing Enter key was not saving the modifications made on Purchase Order Description Modify screen under Purchasing Setup and Maintenance>>Database Menu>>Purchase Order Description. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-4775 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that user was taken back Purchasing Main Menu screen after clicking on Run button on "Stock File Year End Processing" screen under Purchasing>Stock File. This is fixed now. | ATR-4780 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that clicking on "Save" adds suffix as "A" on Buyer Modify screen under Purchasing Setup and Maintenance>>Database Menu>>Buyer Codes under Purchasing. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-4783 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved following issues with PO Clearance:
| ATR-5415 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | WIS Requisition Authorization - View button panel: Fix made to display fallback screen with only continue option POM Requisition Authorization - View button panel: Fix made to display web screen with Attachments and Back button | ATR-5556 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with Expediting Report – PO: PURCAHSE is now modified to PURCHASE for line "NUMBER OF PURCHASE ORDERS REPORTED" | ATR-7270 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Purchase Order Inquiry: Back button is now primary button on panels PO Authorization History, PO Detail Inquiry, PO Note Inquiry, PO GL Summary, PO Invoice Detail, PO Detail Line | ATR-7340 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | PO Entry, Change, Copy: When using the option Close in the Authorization Override Selection page, record will not be sent for approval (can be verified through PO Inquiry - PO Authorization History) | ATR-7785 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with PO Inquiry - PO Detail Inquiry: For a PO line that does not have description, Attachments button will now not disappear after clicking 'View Detailed Description' | ATR-7870 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Through one session if a GL is accessed through GL Changes and in another session PO Change tries to load a PO which has same account, then proper message will get displayed that record is locked | ATR-7871 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with PO Statistics report and export: to display year correctly with all 4 digits for Starting and Ending Order Issue Date fields. Also fixed similar issues with Starting/Ending Purchase Order, Minimum/Maximum Order Dollar Amount fields | ATR-7895 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Requisition Entry: When Requisition Number created popup gets displayed, closing atrieve web will create Requisition now(can be verified using Requisition Inquiry) | ATR-7970 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with Buyer processing - Description: is now made disabled(as inquiry mode) but user will be able to click into Description to select a part of text/whole text using Ctrl A for copy | ATR-8262 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with Stock File Change - Stock Item Description popup: Edit/Modify existing text, to select and paste required text. Now clicking Save works without displaying any errors. | ATR-8263 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | When PO Workflow is enabled, trying to change vendor for a PO and sending email will now not give stop error | ATR-8357 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with Year popup in Stock File Change and Inquiry: Selecting any year and then clicking Cancel button will now not load any random year record, instead will go back to previous popup "Stock Item does not exist in Year" popup/"Stock File Inquiry - Purchasing" panel | ATR-8505 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved an issue with Buyer Processing where hitting Enter key too many times resulted in converting to PO even when user had to make few more changes. Save button can now be triggered only by mouse click. | ATR-8524 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue converting req to PO in buyer Processing was reverting to host screen when looking up a vendor and selecting. | ATR-8526 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | PO Entry/Copy/Change: When more than 20 override authorizers available for Ship To, "subscript out of range" error will now not get displayed while saving PO. User will be able to proceed with PO workflow process. | ATR-8607 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Added ability to add/remove attachments for Summary and Detailed PO | ATR-8614 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that the only popup screen with "Delete This Line? <Yes> <No>" was showing up with displaying the intermediate screen in background on Purchase Order Change screen. This issue is fixed now, able to see Detail PO Entry Screen always behind the confirmation popup. | ATR-8620 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Added 'First Page' and 'Last Page' buttons to POM Buyer Processing grid. | ATR-8621 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that Finance Balancing>Interface>Purchase Order interface option was visible to customers which was incorrect. This issue is fixed now, Purchase Order interface panel option is no more visible under Finance Balancing>Interface and also removed from search results. | ATR-8638 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that on PO change screen, user was not able to keep the tax code blank, "tax code required" message was coming up. This issue is fixed now. User now can leave Tax Code field blank on PO Additions and Changes screen while adding Line Items. | ATR-8652 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Issue was that Quick quote states fax back instead of 'RETURN TO:' or 'EMAIL BACK TO:'. This issue is fixed now, 'RETURN TO:' is displayed for all sites and 'EMAIL BACK TO:' is displayed when '@' character in If SYMBOL TSC$FAX_QUOTE_FAXNO is added. | ATR-8666 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | A new Description column has been added to the POM Receipt Changes grid that displays the first 50 characters of the Description. Also a new button 'View Full Description' has been added to the grid that displays the full description of each line. | ATR-8952 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing | Resolved issue with PO Copy: Clicking into Estimate field will no longer display invalid characters. | ATR-9681 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing Card | Purchase card Interface - FIA Distribution is corrected to display Page up and Page down buttons | ATR-7206 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing Card | Resolved issue with Purchasing Card Interface page where clicking Order button from grid will now not display any junk character for Order Number field. Also added ability to remove Order number i.e. blank PO number is now accepted. | ATR-8545 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing Card | Purchasing Cards Web issue resolved where an error displayed for a supervisor who had over 200 subordinates. The system now properly handles supervisors with large numbers of subordinates correctly. | DNET-4166 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing Card | Issue resolved where vendor validation was not working as expected. The vendor full match was not validating correctly, requiring that the vendor be mapped again before the import would succeed. | DNET-5402 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing Card | Issue resolved where daily notifications for Final Reviewers were not being sent as expected. The daily reviews were only being sent once per week, as opposed to daily at the scheduled time. | DNET-5407 |
Atrieve Finance | Purchasing Card | Issue has been resolved where Supervisors were not receiving notifications if they are at a different location than their subordinate(s) | DNET-5491 |
atrieve Finance | Reporting | Account Analysis Report page is corrected to accept up to 6 GLs in Account selection field. Also the selected GL Accounts will be displayed at the bottom of the page. | ATR-4546 |
atrieve Finance | Reporting | Issue resolved with User Defined Reports, where the export was not correctly preparing the output file. | ATR-7199 |
atrieve Finance | Reporting | Collection file maintenance no longer throws stop error BAPB0M LIne#4000 ?ON statement out of range, when adding a new record. | ATR-9242 |
atrieve Finance | Reporting | Resolved issue in User Defined Reports, not choosing export now runs to screen, you can choose PDF, or text. | ATR-10206 |
Atrieve Finance | Report Writer | Print User Defined Reports: When "Create and Export File" field value is changed from Y to N, "Email the Export File" field will get disabled | ATR-5729 |
Atrieve Finance | Requisition Web | Issue was that in POM: Multiple distribution window has no lookup icon beside the GL. This issue is fixed now along with other UI issues. | ATR-8617 |
Atrieve Finance | Requisition Web | Resolved issue with Requisition Entry, Change, Copy, Buyer Processing: Multiple distributions GL Account No field will now populate with the selected GL | ATR-8618 |
Atrieve Finance | Requisition Web | Issue was that in POM: highlighted save key does not automatically save and close when Enter is pressed on Multiple GL pop up. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8619 |
Atrieve Finance | Requisition Web | Resolved following issues:
| DNET-4811 |
Atrieve Finance | T4/T4A Processing | Issue resolved with T4A Inquiry to display proper invoices as in register | ATR-7770 |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | Modified Vendor Move: Processing will now not happen if there are any pending PO approvals for the From Vendor(or From Ship To) Pending Purchase Order Print - History will now not display any error on viewing details for records which are processed(vendor move) | ATR-3761 |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | Corrected vendor Move: to display lookup icons for From and To Vendor Number fields | ATR-5156 |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | Resolved issue with Vendor Change - Vendor Contact Database Maintenance, where typing in 3 digit extension will now display it properly. Before fix, date was getting displayed. | ATR-8511 |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | Vendor Addition, Change and Delete: When User Profile -> Page 3 -> 'Activate City, Prov, Country on Vendor' is set to 'N', the label displayed below 'Address 3' will now be 'Address 4' | ATR-8803 |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | The Employee Lookup in Vendor Additions has been expanded from 12,000 and now allows up to 20,000 employees. | ATR-8965 |
Atrieve Finance | Vendor Maintenance | Modified supplier and employee page to allow files to be added, deleted, modified and moved. | ATR-9349 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that the Soft Deleted Events were still visible in Absence Entry of ADW if the date range is still effective. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-4318 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Resolved an issue where an absence entered in Atrieve Web for a range of days would not extend past another absence for the same employee within that date range. | ATR-4429 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was in atrieve Web - Absence/Dispatch - Error menu refers to Field #'s not Field names. 'Unable to save because you left field 18 blank. Field 18 is a required field.' This issue is fixed now, field name appearing instead of field number. | ATR-5538 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that on ADW- Replacement schedule details was not clear that you are editing the replacement schedule. This issue is fixed now, text is displaying as "This is the working schedule for your replacement". | ATR-5853 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Absence/Dispatch Duplicate Report is corrected to display only duplicate employee absences instead of printing all the absences. | ATR-6026 |
Atrieve HR | Absence/Dispatches | Issue was the Report Sort field was mislabeled on absence report. This issue is fixed now, label is changed to Report Sort. | ATR-6069 |
Atrieve HR | Absence/Dispatches | Resolved the naming convention for the Absent Employee Costing Process to ensure the name is consistent in all program areas. | ATR-6134 |
Atrieve HR | Absence/Dispatches | Issue was that on Absence/replacement screen - Same Dates Popup needs wording change instead of Absent Teacher it should be Absent Employee. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6142 |
Atrieve HR | Absence/Dispatches | Typo issue was on View Manual Queue Records under HR > absences > absence/dispatch changes>ADS Functions button. Same is fixed now. | ATR-6452 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Typo issue was in ADS Absence/dispatch/Queue Inquiry. Same is fixed now. | ATR-6455 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that Emulator Fall back screen was getting displayed for ADS Absence Units Calculation Comparison Report. This issue is fixed now. Screen is now displaying in HTML5. | ATR-6818 |
Atrieve HR | Absence/Dispatches | Issue was that on atrieve Web - Absence/Dispatch Inquiry - Mouse click into the replacement employee field does not launch employee look up. This defect is fixed now, entering name in both absent and replacement employee text fields and then pressing enter key opens "Employee Search" look up on changes and inquiry screen. | ATR-7036 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Multiple issue observed while displaying Address on Manual Dispatching screen under Absence/Dispatches additions screen. Like some expected characters and scroll bar if address is long. All these are fixed now. | ATR-7061 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that the Replacement Employee Analysis Report - printing PDF - to browser results in first page blank, data shows on 2nd and consecutive pages. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7515 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was with Page Up and Down toggles sort in Unavailability inquiry. This issue is fixed now, Page up and Page Down buttons are working fine along with screen scraping issue. | ATR-7607 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that employee number/information was getting changed when user go back to previous page to change dates and reason. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7760 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was Absence Report with Dispatches was missing Header Row when ran to Excel. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8002 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that Dispatch day Count cut off/Absence day count cut off field on Substitute/Casual Dispatch Parameter Profile screen was not accepting more than 5 characters. This issue is fixed now, field accepts 10 characters now. | ATR-8378 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was Number of days inactive field under HR > Dispatches > Dispatch Reports > Substitute Casual Inactivity report was allowing only 1 character. This issue is fixed now, field now accepts two characters. | ATR-8521 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that on Dispatch ASOF report - user was unable to select employees. This issues is fixed now. | ATR-8632 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | The Absence/Dispatch has been updated so that the entitlement pages- Payroll Bank and HR Entitlement have been removed from the main screen. Instead there will be a popup window with the message upon entry of the absence/dispatch record. Users can close the pop window. If a user should want to see the message again, they can find access either entitlement message through the actions button. | ATR-9037 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Re-added a transition page when viewing a cancelled absence to show the user that the absence is in process of being cancelled. | ATR-9995 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Fixed an issue where the automated dispatch system was not cancelling dispatches when employees cancelled them using the web. | ATR-10140 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Resolved an issue where an error was being generated when trying to log an absence with no absence details (position, location, absence reason) that also checked a payroll storage bank. | ATR-10162 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Unavailability module UI restyle | DNET-1652 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | View/Change module UI Restyle. | DNET-2074 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Resolved issue on Absence Summary Page, where print option was not displaying colors. Fix is made to display colors. | DNET-3706 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Added functionality through Profile Maintenance to allow users to control whether the cancel or close button can be used, independent from each other (previously, was controlled as one - users could have the cancel and close button or neither). | DNET-4293 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | When an user enters absence for someone else, post the absence entry it shows the absence was entered for logged in user and not for the intended user. | DNET-4943 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | The issue was Shorten dispatch button was not working as expected on entering the date greater than auto populated date in View/Change - Dispatch. Now the issue is fixed and user is able to shorten dispatch by entering the date greater than auto populated date. | DNET-4399 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issues was that on Absence Entry Restyle screen, overlap date message was not appearing at fixed place and also it was too log. These issues are fixed now. | DNET-4549 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that the old calendar icon was getting displayed for second Absence Date field under Enter Absence through web portal. This is fixed now. | DNET-4618 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | 'Close' button was removed from 'Absence Summary' & 'Absence Confirmation' screen. | DNET-4750 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Issue was that Old calendar icon was getting displayed on New New Absence Schedule under Enter Absence. This issue is fixed now. | DNET-4960 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Fixed an issue where the absence date range entered would copy into the dispatch date range and where dates entered in the dispatch date range would not save. | DNET-5587 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Added the absence and dispatch detail table back to the cancellation and close confirmation pages. | DNET-5608 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | The issue was that in ADW View Change module when the user tries to view Already Cancelled Dispatch, error page used to appear. This issue is fixed and now user lands on "This dispatch has been cancelled" message page. | DNET-5625 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Resolved an issue with Dispatch Close/Shorten when the dispatch was for two days to disallow the selection of the last day of the dispatch in the date picker. | DNET-5626 |
Atrieve HR | Absences/Dispatches | Fixed an issue where the page header displays the absence was closed after an absence was cancelled. | DNET-5712 |
Atrieve HR | ASEBP Export | Modified the ASEBP Number Update logic to allow for the same ASEBP Number to be processed in the event a specific individual is a dependent for more than one employee at the district (in other words, both parents are employees). Also modified the logic to handle the situation where an employee number has been added or changed to an employee's record on ASEBP's site. | DNET-5242 |
Atrieve HR | Assignments | Issue observed that Salary Grid was not updated when assignment FTE is changed and updated. This issue is resolved now. | ATR-4449 |
Atrieve HR | Assignments | The issue has been resolved for atrieve web where in the User Specific Parameter Profile the configuring the Assignment Summary Window Format to 1 or 4 will result in a different display on the assignment lookup screen. | ATR-8368 |
Atrieve HR | Assignments | Resolved error forcing and assignment end reason at the wrong time. | ATR-9772 |
Atrieve HR | Assignments | Issue with inability to add new salary record to an assignment has been resolved. | ATR-10205 |
Atrieve HR | Attendance Management | Issue was that on AMS Web Group Profile screen, move up and move down buttons were missing. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6037 |
Atrieve HR | Attendance Management | Issue was Default From Email Address for comment processing Field does not allow you to type more than 17 characters on HR Setup & Maintenance > Profiles > AMS Web Group Profile > AMS Web Group profile changes screen. This issue is fixed now, field accepts 40 characters. | ATR-7043 |
Atrieve HR | Attendance Management | Issue was that the Delete button label was incorrect which displays for deleting a comment on Absences > Absence/Dispatch Changes> AMW Groups. This issue is fixed now, label is now changed to Delete Comment. | ATR-7044 |
Atrieve HR | Attendance Management | Issue was AMS Web Unauthorized Carry Forward Entry Utility screen was ungui'd under Absences–>Payroll Interfaces–>Timesheet Entry Interface. This screen is now converted into HTML5. | ATR-7855 |
Atrieve HR | Attendance Management | Issue was that the sorting was not working on AMS - Absence/Replacement Screen. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8438 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatching System | The Phase One Report has changed so that if an employee is on leave or terminated, they will still appear on the report, if they still have an active Sub/casual preference status. This is so this report can be maintained, regardless of demographic status. | ATR-6456 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatching | Issue was that in Atrieve Web - Substitute/Casual Inactivity Report - Number of days inactive field does not allow more than one digit. This issue is fixed, field is now accepting two digits number. | ATR-6941 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatching | Defect was resolved as to allow the user to report on Active Eligible Subs or Casuals only within the Replacement Employee Availability Report whereby prior to the fix the report was not excluding employees that were not within the group specified. | ATR-7774 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatching | Modified the On Call Summary Transaction Report to default the end percentages to be 999 as opposed to 100 to prevent employees who have greater than 100% cancellation from being omitted from the report by default. | ATR-8365 |
Atrieve HR | Automated Dispatching | Issue was If a user enters an invalid time in the Text & Email profile, a warning comes up, but clicking ok does not close the box. This issue is fixed now. | DNET-4202 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Multiple issues observed on User Defined Database Code Record Additions screen like spelling mistake and screen getting refreshed after enter data. These issues are fixed now. | ATR-5355 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | There were multiple issues observed on I "Form Initiation Code Additions" screen like look up missing, incorrect title, duplicate fields and Focus not returning back to page 1. All issues are resolved. | ATR-5366 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that No button was highlighted on Routing Code Deletions screens. This issue is fixed now. Cancel button is highlighted and working as expected. | ATR-5368 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that Look up icon was missing on "Routing Code" field on Routing Code Additions screen. This is fixed now. | ATR-5370 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that on HR Setup & Maintenance>E-Forms>Task Actions>Pre-Defined Actions Changes and User Defined Task Action Code Changes screen, Selected record from look up is not getting displayed from "Email Notification" and "Email Message". This issue is fixed now. | ATR-5371 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that user was not able to click on Start Salary Grid field on the position code. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-5374 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | UI issues related to tool tip and pagination were observed on Atrieve HR Document Security by Document Type - Add/Change/Delete/Inquiry screen under SMS. Same are fixed now. | ATR-5407 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | There were multiple issues observed on Document Storage - Field Setup screen under SMS like DOS screen for look up and also no data in look up. These issues are fixed now. | ATR-5409 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that warning messages was getting displayed when user clicks on "Descriptive Name" field look up icon on Document Type Setup screen. This issue is fixed now, Look up icon is no more visible on screen. | ATR-5410 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that on Dispatches > Automated Dispatch Profiles > Search Parameters > Search Phases > Phase one and two changes screen on Dispatch Search Phase Lookup, arrow buttons were missing. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-5926 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that the ability to skip to the end of the list of Prefixes within the Telephone Number Profile was not there in atrieve Web. Same is added now. | ATR-6115 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that name of name of HR Audit Report was not same in Menu and sub menu, page title and search result. This is fixed now, name is now consistent everywhere. Word HR is removed from Menu, Sub Menu and Page title. | ATR-6117 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that the Save button was not working properly when in Form Initiation Code Additions, when on any page other than page 1.This issue is fixed now, after clicking on Save button from any page, code gets saved and user is taken to refreshed Page 1. | ATR-6418 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Spelling of word "Hierarchy" was incorrect in tittle of screen Certificate Hierarchy Report. This is fixed now. | ATR-6897 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Type issue was there on HR Setup & Maintenance–>Profiles–>Substitute/Casual Dispatch Parameter Profile screen. Same is fixed now. | ATR-6942 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Two spelling mistakes on pages of HR Setup & Maintenance–>Profiles–>Screen Control Profile–>Screen Control Profile changes>Web Schedule Entry. Same is fixed now. | ATR-6454 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that the Field Category Code screens were not GUI'd. This is fixed now, all four screens Additions, Changes, Deletions and Inquiry are GUI'd. | ATR-6420 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that the while adding Absence Code the new Absence code populates the field Absence code with a %10* instead of a number. This issue is fixed now, If absence code 9999 already exist then application use the first available non-used number as the default while adding the Absence Code and If the highest number used is less than 9999, then it will use the next available number after the used highest number. | ATR-7147 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Resolved an issue with Location database where the 4th tab (Break Details) was displaying extra text added to the location description from the last loaded location | ATR-7194 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that there was typo in label “(Absence) Load Timestamp With Occupation/Shift Code For Absence Codes" present on page 3 of Dispatch Search Parameters changes screen. Word Timesheet should be Timestamp. This is fixed now. | ATR-7325 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that on customer site User Defined Position Code 3 screens were appearing as non gui'd. This issue is not reproducible on our environment, all four screens (add, change, delete and inquiry) are appearing in gui'd mode. | ATR-7433 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Created new html5 pages for 5 Action Detail Codes - CAT CHA 1, CAT CHA 2, STAT CHA, REACT S/C and S/C ELIG 1. This resolves the issue where Action Detail Codes pages appeared in fallback mode for inactive Action Codes. | ATR-7545 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that on Dispatch Search Parameter Profile, page 3, Field - Source Code Extra Pay rules results in ungui'd screen for tool tip or Syntax message. This issue is fixed now, the syntax or tool tip is coming up in HTML5. | ATR-7856 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Resolved issue in Absence Dispatch, Absence Parameter Profile - Extra Time No. of days before/after Current date where the field only allowed a maximum of 4 characters to be entered, when the field should support a maximum of 10. | ATR-8377 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was that lookup Icons were missing on Translation Tables. Same is fixed now. | ATR-8456 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Issue was on Audit Report - 4 digit customer number should be removed when creating the audit report in atrieve. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8653 |
Atrieve HR | Database Maintenance | Fixed an issue where the Copy button within Position Code Inquiry was not working. | ATR-10124 |
Atrieve HR | Demographics | Issue observed was that Email Generator Utility on HR Demographics>Employee additions and changes was accepting 15 characters instead on 12. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-9006 |
Atrieve HR | eDocs | Added fix to display French Accent Characters for eDocs Document Types and Categories. | DNET-3801 |
Atrieve HR | eDocs | Fixed an issue in All District Documents where the employee lookup could only be used once, then the user would have to refresh the page in order to use it again to look up another employee. | DNET-5494 |
Atrieve HR | Extra Time | Issue was that the Extra Time module was not allowing entry when it overlaps schedule, when profile is set to allow entry. This issue is fixed now. | DNET-4292 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that in Demographic Changes - atrieve was freezing after changing the employee status of 13 employees in a row. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-2641 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that the Invalid SIN Number Report (1,6,19) was not displaying Temp SIN or Expiring SIN. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-5051 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that entry field prompt was not as per standard on Assignment Change Report Profile maintenance screens. Same is fixed now. | ATR-5343 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that Customer was seeing Page 4 as blank in Position code look up on assignment change/add and job posting change/add. This issue is not reproducible at our end and working as expected. | ATR-5351 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Resolved Screen Visitation to ensure the set list of defined screens is completed whether a Staffing Notification is sent or not. | ATR-5934 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue has been corrected where users are experiencing you are not permitted to click on this field when clicking on the Employee number field in inquiry screens. | ATR-6036 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that the preference changes/additions/inquiry screens were not loading. This is fixed now. | ATR-6039 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that the Comment box on Assignment Changes allows 70 characters to be entered but was only displays 60 after saving. This issue is resolved now, Comment field is now accepting 70 characters. | ATR-7191 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that on User Defined Demographics Screen setup the Field Type of 6-Phone Numbers field was allowing alpha characters to be added. This issue is fixed now, Message Invalid Integer is getting displayed when alphabets are entered in the field. | ATR-7510 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Type issue was there on warning message on Assignment Changes screen. Same is fixed now. | ATR-7746 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that the title of the pop up “Most Assignment Demographics Field Has Changed" was incorrect. Title should be “Most Assigned Demographics Field Has Changed", same is fixed now. | ATR-7747 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that the user was experiencing screen display issues when making a change to an employees assignment. Same is fixed now. | ATR-7865 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that the Employee information was not loading at the first time a keyboard users selects enter when choosing an employee on HR Demographic Inquiry screen. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7874 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that entering in the assignment end reason by accident freezes screen and user was not able to proceed. This issue is fixed now, user can skip this field and move forward. | ATR-8348 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was on Quick Entry screen while displaying preferred locations. This issue is fixed now, Location names are displaying now but not in same sequence. | ATR-8434 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was when clicking on the ‘Select’ button to view an additional employee’s screen, the system goes back to the main menu, this was happening because system was double clicking and due to which user was unable to select a menu option. This is fixed, now after selecting user on Employee Master Inquiry, message pop up saying "Selection was not found" does not appear any more. Also now able to select a menu option from the Employee Master Inquiry pop up. | ATR-8510 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was Assignment End reason code field in Assignment Changes was only allowing three characters. This issue is fixed now, same is now accepting 8 characters. | ATR-8513 |
Atrieve HR | Employee Maintenance | Issue was that Terminal Emulator Window was appearing when Enter is pressed on subject Information Inquiry screen. This issue is fixed now, pressing enter key now close the subject Information Inquiry screen. | ATR-8668 |
Atrieve HR | External Job Posting | Resolved an issue with EJP Applicant Onboarding where the documents with French accent title did not flow through to the renumbered employee’s eDocs. | DNET-4177 |
Atrieve HR | External Job Posting | Issue was that EJP onboarding package was showing menu when it shouldn't. This issue is fixed now, after login EJP portal, I am able to see Employee Demographics Entry form. | DNET-4927 |
Atrieve HR | Human Resources | Issue was that a typo observed on Field name under schedule tab present in Assignments>Assignment changes. This is fixed now. | ATR-5884 |
Atrieve HR | Human Resources | The misspelling of the word screen has be rectified when hyperspacing between screens | ATR-6387 |
Atrieve HR | Human Resources | Issue was that word Unavailability was spelled incorrectly under fly out menu under Atrieve Web>dispatches>Automated Dispatch Utilities>Maintenance Utilities>Schedule Unavailability Update Process. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6907 |
Atrieve HR | Human Resources | Improved atrieve Web usability by increasing the speed of transition for movement between screen to screen for all product areas. | ATR-8818 |
Atrieve HR | Interface to Payroll | Issue was that the Assignment/Function Line Comparison Report was not giving correct results when you answer Y to Include Emps without Assignments. This issue is resolved now, Actual/proposed function lines are appearing on report generated. | ATR-5312 |
Atrieve HR | Interface to Payroll | Absent Employee Costing Process and Replacement Employee Costing Process enhanced to allow 'Your Previous Preliminary Selections' to be cleared after process run in Final regardless of who runs the process in Final. | ATR-9199 |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting | Fixed an issue where job posting copy could not be used when the auto increment posting number was turned off. | ATR-4807 |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting | Issue was that searching Posting Segment and Posting Number displays options but without description. This issue is fixed now, searching with Posting Segment or Posting Number displays options with Additions, Changes, Deletions, Inquiry and Report. | ATR-6421 |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting Web | Removed text from JPW Heading on various screens (a1, a2 and a3). | ATR-8384 |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting | Typo issue was on Posting Screen under Screen Control Profile Changes. This is fixed now. | ATR-8522 |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting | Issue was that on Atrieve Web Job Posting, Add/Change button not visible in Job Posting Additions. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8789 |
Atrieve HR | Job Posting | Issue was that on Job Posting - Application Definition Field WID not allowing more than 2 characters. This issue is fixed now, field is accepting 3 characters now. | ATR-8790 |
Atrieve HR | Leave Management Web | There were few issues on Leaves>LMW Leave Codes >Leave Code Additions screen like Help not displaying properly, fields overlapping and user was not taken back to Main tab after saving the changes in tabs. All these issues are fixed now. | ATR-5398 |
Atrieve HR | Leave Management Web | Issue was that a typo observed and also wording needs to be updated on pop up message appears under leave module changes. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6513 |
Atrieve HR | Leave Management | Issue was that Leave Code additions/changes description field missing Help Tip for Shift Enter. This is fixed now. | ATR-6930 |
Atrieve HR | Leave Management | Issue was that in Atrieve Web> Leave maintenance shows message " The Leave Rule Dictates that Field 26 Must Be Filled In" and same for 26 as well. These issues are fixed now, instead of field number, field name is getting displayed. | ATR-8290 |
Atrieve HR | Leave Management | Issue was that in Atrieve Web LMW Unable to change warning message for attachments on Leave Code. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8476 |
Atrieve HR | OnSIS | Issue resolved where the employee number field on the OnSIS School Educator Assignment Data Collection & OnSIS Board Educator Assignment Data Collection processes only allowed for the entry of 2 characters. | ATR-8389 |
Atrieve HR | HR Report Writer | Issue was that in HRW - Assignment Change Report was not displaying employees going on or returning from Leave. This issue is fixed now, Going On Leave is getting displayed in report generated. | ATR-2734 |
Atrieve HR | Reporting | Issue was that the ADS Web Navigation and Web Navigation had the same name on the title of the report. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6326 |
Atrieve HR | Reporting | Restored the ability in Report Viewer to move up and down the report one line at a time using the keyboard Up and Down Arrow keys. | ATR-8433 |
Atrieve HR | Reporting | Issue was the selection made in Selection Fields is not getting displayed in column in HR and Finance Report Writer. This is fixed now. | DNET-4550 |
Atrieve HR | Schedule Entry Web | Issue was with field limit on Web Schedule Entry screen under Screen Control Profile changes screen. 4 fields on Page 1 was accepting only 3 characters instead of 4. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8436 |
Atrieve HR | Schedule Entry Web | Resolved an issue with Schedule Entry where SEW grid fields were not visible correctly at 100% to 150% zoom. | DNET-5566 |
Atrieve HR | Schedule Entry Web | Fixed an issue where the "Mark Task As Completed" was missing from Schedule Entry tasks. | DNET-5678 |
Atrieve HR | Seniority | Updated the page header of 'Seniority Record Report' to be consistent with the left menu | ATR-5406 |
Atrieve HR | Seniority | Resolved issue where the Employee Experience menu options were not visible in the AtrieveWeb menu. | ATR-6431 |
Atrieve HR | Seniority | Issue was that Flickering occurs on Seniority Additions screen after entering Employee number and clicking on Save button. This issue is fixed now and save button does not appear unless the seniority code and units are entered. | ATR-6838 |
Atrieve HR | Seniority | Issue was that extra spaces used to appear in Comments added on Experience Module. This is fixed now. | ATR-7200 |
Atrieve HR | Seniority | Issues was that on Employee Experience Field prompts were cut off for customer number 1239 (Saanich). This issue is fixed now, prompts are appearing properly. | ATR-7317 |
Atrieve HR | Seniority | Issue was that Password was not working when running the Teacher Seniority Calculations in Atrieve Web. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8739 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Information Web | Issue was that SIW - Manager Level Info was not displaying employees for Auth Locs if the Location Code Database description is mixed case. This issue is fixed now, All employees are listed under Manager Level Info even if when Auth Loc Description is in Mixed Case or not. | ATR-4240 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Information Web | Fixed an issue where the FTE column was not visible in the restyled Subject/Level change screen from Manager Level Info. | DNET-5134 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Information Web | Fixed an issue where the subject code was seen instead of the subject description when a user changes a employee's subjects and levels from Manager Level Info. | DNET-5224 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was Pay Rate discrepancy observed between HR and Payroll appearing om 2,12 report. Able to see Pay Rate is same in Actual Function Line and Proposed Function Line for employees 20108, 20109 and 20110 in 2,12 report. Also new field added in SNS profile. If field "Compress Assignments Which May Resolve Rounding Discrepancies" is set to N in SNS profile, then then Pay Rate of Proposed Function Line should not match with Actual Function Line. If same is set to Y then, both should match | ATR-4743 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was there were incorrect hover help on Yes and No buttons on staffing notification pop up screen. This is fixed now, only yes and no will be displayed as tool tip. | ATR-5899 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue seen while entering multiple assignment changes and producing a SNS after each one, producing an error on the 12th SNS has been corrected. | ATR-6605 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was that on atrieve HR Web - Staffing Notification System Profile Inquiry - Overlap of Advance/Reclaim fields on the select box. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6832 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was SNS Function Line Employee Type is not functioning as Expected and 2,12 report was coming up incorrectly. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8439 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was that SNS does not archive when there is a / in the notification code. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8459 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was that the Position For 1st Function Line If No Assignments and Position For 2nd Function Line If No Assignments fields on Staffing Notification Profile Changes were accepting only 1 character. This issue is fixed now, both fields are now accepting 8 characters. | ATR-8518 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue was that Atrieve web - Employee Screen Lock Remove Screen was appearing in emulator fallback mode. This issue is fixed now, screen is now displaying as expected. | ATR-8742 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue has been resolved where the payroll memo, if cleared, is not being saved. | DNET-5478 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue has been resolved where setting a notification to Completed status resulted in an on screen error. Note that even though the error displays, the record status is successfully changed to Completed. With this fix the error message no longer displays. | DNET-5564 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Resolved the issue where the proposed location, when saved, does not update the current location. | DNET-5565 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Added 'C - Contract Paid' Pay Type back to the 'Add' and 'Modify' Function Line pages along with a supplementary text "Access the Employee's Contract Function line through payroll Employee Changes to adjust contract values" in Staffing Notifications. | DNET-5579 |
Atrieve HR | Staffing Notification System | Issue observed that SNPS Employee Info Tab Shows Info From HR even if the user exist in payroll. This issue is fixed now. Info will come from Payroll regardless of the employee status. | DNET-5580 |
Atrieve HR | Workboard | Added Dispatch details grid to the Absence details and Confirmation pages under Workboard program. | DNET-4541 |
Atrieve HR | Workboard | When an administrator selects Workboard for another employee, that employee's name will now be visible on the details page, confirmation page, and print view. | DNET-5447 |
Atrieve HR | Workboard | When an administrator selected Workboard for another employee and that employee was missing a preference record, the warning would appear but did not display the employee's name. The employee's name now appears along with the warning message. | DNET-5448 |
Atrieve HR | Workflows | Issue was that the Onboarding Temporary Account Maintenance was displaying employee number in Requested By instead of firstname.lastname. This issue is fixed now, Requested By displays employee name. | DNET-4269 |
Atrieve Global | Dashboard | Resolved an issue where open reports on a Dashboard were not displaying information if the heading field is blank. | ATR-9759 |
Atrieve Global | Dashboard | Renaming of 'Dashboard Assignment' module done on screen header and menu list. | DNET-4500 |
Atrieve Global | eForms | Multiple issues were observed on many screens under "HR Setup & Maintenance >E-Forms" like incorrect warning message, scroll bar is getting displayed and related to pagination. All these issues are fixed now. | ATR-5369 |
Atrieve Global | eForms | Resolved an issue for field "Update Final Form Maintenance Data Table" on Page 9 under Form Initiation Code Maintenance where field was not accepting more than 1 character. Now this field accepts up to 2 characters. | ATR-6343 |
Atrieve Global | eForms | Issue was that eForm calendar not displaying correctly next to calendar icon. This issue is fixed now, all date picker calendars appearing immediately below the date field. | ATR-8083 |
Atrieve Global | Reporting | Resolved an issue to be able to view a pdf report which has more than 3300 pages(up to 10900 pages) | ATR-8503 |
Atrieve Global | Search | Issue was when user perform a menu search, navigate to next page and clicking on Cancel button, then application displays the first screen of previous page in HR, Finance and Payroll. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-6077 |
Atrieve Global | Security Management System | Issue was that back arrow icon was misplaced when user access Adhoc Maintenance screen under SMS. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-5397 |
Atrieve Global | Security Management System | Resolved an issue with SMS - Document Security by Security Code where the grid was missing the Lines count. Lines count is displayed at the bottom of the grid now. | ATR-6179 |
Atrieve Global | Security Management System | Issue was that Paste, Cut, Insert and Modify buttons were missing on Atrieve HR Document Security by Security Code>Add screen. This issue is fixed now, Able to see Paste, Cut, Insert and Modify buttons and all buttons are working as expected. | ATR-6180 |
Atrieve Global | Security Management System | Resolved an issue with SMS-Regular Security where user was stuck after getting the error message when tried to access Regular Security of an old PRM group. | ATR-6251 |
Atrieve Global | System Access/Security | Issue was SMS Printer Forms Overlay Profile adding a A when trying to save via mouse vs. hitting enter. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-7567 |
Atrieve Global | System Access/Security | SMS Remote Print Security has been corrected to allow for the email address to be saved in atrieve Web. | ATR-8546 |
Atrieve Global | System Access/Security | When a user had a tailored menu in HR that gave access to User-Defined Database Code additions/changes/deletions/inquiry error Tailored menu option not available was being produced. This issue is fixed now so the tailored menu will display. | ATR-8982 |
Atrieve Global | System Access/Security | If administrator impersonates a user who does not have any GL security, the impersonated GL security will now get displayed under User Hub page, GL Security Information section | DNET-4168 |
Atrieve Global | System Access/Security | Impersonating users is now correctly displaying RQW ship to locations and BMW details. | DNET-4576 |
Atrieve Global | System Access/Security | Ensured when using Security Builder Employee Number override to emulate another user SSO for Atrieve Web is disabled. | DNET-5459 |
Atrieve Global | Task Manager | The issue was "Employee number is not valid" text was not getting displayed on entering a invalid employee number on Task Reassign - Location. It is fixed and now "Employee number is not valid" text is getting displayed on entering a invalid number. | DNET-4216 |
Atrieve Global | Task Maintenance | Task Maintenance transaction timestamps have been modified to presents the timestamp in 24 hour format instead of 12 hour. | ATR-4392 |
Atrieve Global | Task Manager | Issue was that the Task Manager Reassign page was not loading. This issue is fixed now and page is loading successfully. | DNET-4551 |
Atrieve Payroll | Benefits | Button label was truncated on "Employee/Dependent Benefit Inquiry" screen. This issue is fixed now, button label 'Back to main' is fully visible. | ATR-7754 |
Atrieve Payroll | Benefits | Issue was that Cancel button was behaving differently when user clicks on it or press enter key. This issue is fixed now. | ATR-8235 |
Atrieve Payroll | Database Maintenance | Banking Constance database field 'Bank Name' has been corrected to allow users to click in the field. | ATR-8342 |
Atrieve Payroll | Database Maintenance | Expanded the Pay Code description size from 15 to 26 characters on Pay Code lookup window for better visibility. This change will reflect in most screens of Payroll where Pay Code lookup icon is present. | ATR-8358 |
Atrieve Payroll | Database Maintenance | Profile Audit Report issue has been resolved to display correct entry for field 'Cross Payroll Bank Account Fields' when its value is changed in User Specific Parameter Profile - Page 4. | ATR-8515 |
Atrieve Payroll | Deductions | Multiple Variable Deduction - the prompt 'Select Employee By Code' has been corrected to ensure that when a different prompt option is selected, the previous select is cleared. | ATR-8626 |
Atrieve Payroll | Deductions | Issue was that on Multiple Variable Deduction screen - Report Default stored was not holding all employees selected. This issue is fixed now, individually selected employees limit is set to 72. That is all the room there is to store employee numbers on the stored prompts. A warn is given and prevents them from entering more that 72 employees. | ATR-8639 |
Atrieve Payroll | Deductions | Multiple Variable Deduction - A warning is added to the prompts 'Percentage of Deduction' and 'Percent of Employer Share' if user enters a value greater than 1 and also the display of percentage is added next to the fields for reference. | ATR-8880 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Resolved an issue where random typing on Payroll Demographic - Employee Inquiry - History screen was taking user to Batch Transaction Analysis Report. | ATR-5802 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Employee Additions - atrieve Web has been corrected to ensure that the Mandatory Storage Bank Additions screen does not appear until after the main storage bank screen has appeared. | ATR-7238 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | Build PDF / Email T4/T4A Statements corrected to include all payrolls when running process with selection M for Merge. | ATR-7661 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Maintenance | As of Age and As of Salary Update - in atrieveWeb, warning message 'On Leave With Benefit Employees Will Be Omitted From Updates’ has been added back in. | ATR-8054 |
Atrieve Payroll | Employee Reporting | Corrected the Users Specific Parameter profile page 3 field 'Compress Deductions' to 'Suppress Deductions' | ATR-7190 |
Atrieve Payroll | Government Reporting | OTTP Creation enhanced to recognize special pay periods and allow those details to be reported. | ATR-8067 |
Atrieve Payroll | Government Reporting | ATRF Extract file has been corrected to report PO, DT and LO type records. | ATR-8633 |
Atrieve Payroll | Government Reporting | BC Year End Extraction (Mercer Report) - Correction to the calculation of Shift premiums when prorating is being used. | ATR-9729 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | For Detailed Unions Reports for Ontario clients, customers have the option to run multiple periods as one line of entry or to report multiple periods separately through the Detailed Union Report. | ATR-8369 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | 5 New Union dues reports were created with corresponding CSV file extracts 'E' - EFTO - Elementary Teachers 'L' - TLOTL - Elementary Teachers, Occasional Elem LTO Teachers 'V' - ETFO Levy - Elementary Teachers 'D' - EFTO DECE - Support Payroll 'P' - OPC Dues - PRVP Payroll | ATR-8532 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | Detailed Union Dues Report: This report can be run for various union dues/levy's. Report provided shows salary amount, dues amount, annual salary along with employee information required by union. | ATR-8533 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | For Detailed Union Dues Report for hourly employees for EFTO - DECE dues: When employees have an 'H'ourly Function Line, the system will use the hours from the employee function line divided by the hours from the master salary grid hours to determine the employee FTE for reporting purposes. | ATR-8534 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | For Ontario School Districts: When running the Detailed Union Dues Report for OSSTF Dues, if an employee has an Occupation Code that is allowance related, the report will look to the HR Position Code to determine the default Occupation Code and use that information for reporting purposes instead of the allowance Occupation code on the employee's function line. | ATR-8535 |
Atrieve Payroll | Ontario Requirements | Release Notes: For Ontario Teachers payrolls, the CPP Exemption formula is always used for those employees with Pension Eligible less than the 3500 Annual CPP Exemption Amount. Those employees will be flagged with a ^ on this report. | ATR-8845 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll History | Earning Statement Archive has been corrected to archive multiple payrolls. | ATR-7304 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll Interface | Payroll Interface Cost Split - A warning is added to the prompt 'Percentage To Charge To Next Pay Period' if user enters a value greater than 1 and also the display of percentage is added next to the field for reference. | ATR-7953 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll Process | Timesheet Entry - The 'Cancel' button is now available as soon as you are sitting in the date field. This change will allow you to cancel the timesheet line at any point during the line entry. | ATR-6038 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | Corrected the display of the list of pay codes to be excluded when 'T'imesheet is selected under Statutory Pay Generation Process. | ATR-7239 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | Corrected the Payroll menu search to not display the search results in uppercase. | ATR-7250 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | Default button is changed to 'Close' from 'Modify' on Employee Function Lines GL Details page. | ATR-7496 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | Resolved an issue with Timecard Entry, Timesheet Entry and Timesheet Edit where Salary Grid field on header was not displaying the correct value as per the selected Function Line. | ATR-7772 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | Issue resolved where CPP was not deducting during a special pay period during the month when an employee turns 70. | ATR-8422 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | The Exception messages on the Absence Costing Report have been modified to be more clear so that the true exception message appears. | ATR-8671 |
Atrieve Payroll | Payroll | Resolved an issue with WCB Cross Payroll Report where the large values of Earnings and Eligible amounts got printed in scientific notation. | ATR-8716 |
Atrieve Payroll | Pension Processing | Corrected excel format for Pension Credit Report (Summary) to display complete data, same as pdf report. | ATR-8509 |
Atrieve Payroll | Pension Processing | The LAPP Apex Generation Report has been corrected to ensure that employees paid an advance are not reporting an 'A' type record for those pay periods. Additionally the UTF file created from this report has been corrected to display the Affiliation Code in column 691 as required by LAPP. | ATR-9463 |
Atrieve Payroll | ROE Processing | Corrected field name typo on ROE Employer Constants maintenance pages. | ATR-8512 |
Atrieve Payroll | ROE | Preliminary ROE Changes / Inquiry corrected to report periods 39 and 40 as apposed to repeating 37 and 38 | ATR-8709 |
Atrieve Payroll | Storage Bank Maintenance | Messaging has been added to the Payroll Update log in the section for ‘One Time Bank Increment’ This is to notify the user that the record was locked during the update and that the One Time Bank Increment entries were not created. | ATR-5060 |
Atrieve Payroll | Storage Banks | Updated the warning messages on Storage Bank Control changes page to display the field names in place of field number references. | ATR-6662 |
Atrieve Payroll | T4/T4A Processing | T4 Statement Creation and T4 Statement Regeneration - prompt 'Number of Lines Per T4/T4A' default has been updated to 32 lines. This does require you have updated your payroll's to the 2019 T4 overlay version. | ATR-7495 |
Atrieve Payroll | T4/T4A Processing | Resolved an issue with Pension Adjustment Calculation Process where the report was creating zero results when the report is run by Pension Service Credits instead of Days Worked. | ATR-10111 |
Atrieve Payroll | Timesheet Entry Web | Issue was that Email button short cut key was not working on Timesheet Entry Location and Timesheet management. Now it is fixed and short cut key is working fine. | DNET-4892 |
Known Issues
Product | Module/Program | Description | Reference | Resolved in Release Version |