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Requisition Web - Match Stock ID in Purchasing


Requisition Web - Match Stock ID in Purchasing

What we’re doing:

Requisition Web has been enhanced to verify on requisition creation that the stock ID is valid in Atrieve Purchasing and if valid, the Requisition Web Stock ID will be passed to Purchasing so that in buyer processing, the stock ID file information (tax code, description, and contract pricing) will be loaded. 

Why we think you’ll like it:

This enhancement will save time and reduce errors for users in Purchasing by automatically loading the stock file information if a matching stock ID is found. This will also mean stock reports in purchasing will accurately contain record from requisition web.

Learn more:

Profile Activation

This enhancement can be activated by going to Tools on the web portal, then Security & Setup > Profile Maintenance > RQW tab, set profile “Match RQW Stock ID in POM” to Y.

In Atrieve Web Purchasing, ensure that Advanced PO Processing is set to “Q” for “Use quote processing system” from PO Setup and Maintenance > Purchase Requisition Parameters.

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