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Payroll - Cross Payroll Banking Update


Cross Payroll Banking in Payroll Addition/Changes.

What we’re doing:

Added functionality to allow Payroll users to copy banking information for an employee from another payroll if it exists. In addition, if a Payroll user changes banking information for an employee, the system will update selected or all other payrolls if the user responds to a prompt that comes up after making the change.

Why we think you’ll like it:

This is a time-saving and error-reducing enhancement when adding or changing employees in payroll. If the employee already exists in another payroll, the payroll user does not have to retype banking information.

Learn more:

Payroll System Maintenance > Payroll Profile Maintenance > Users Specific Parameters Profile > Page 4 > Field Labelled “Cross Payroll Bank Account Fields”.

In order to see the Cross Payroll Banking button, the user must click into one of the three banking fields (Bank No, Transit No, Account No).

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