Multi-Factor Authentication - MFA
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
What we’re doing:
With single sign on we reduced the number of login credentials for a user thus Increasing productivity with one-click access, as well as providing simplified user management. Multi-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security, requiring that employees provide an additional means of authentication.
Why we think you’ll like it:
Multi-factor authentication, which requires that users authenticate with at least two factors, can reduce the risk of identity compromise by as much as 99 percent over passwords alone, so this improvement is key to preventing attacks and securing your districts personal and operational data
Learn more:
When Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled, employees will be required to enter a unique time based numeric code before being logged into any Atrieve product. The code will be sent to the employees email address, and until they enter in a valid code, they will not be authenticated to any Atrieve product and their session will not be active. At this time, MFA will be enabled for the entire district, not on an individual user basis. See Atrieve Email Multi-factor Authentication for additional information and FAQ.