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Journal Entry Workflows - Rejection Comments


Journal Entry Workflows - Rejection Comments

What we’re doing:

Journal Entry Workflows have been enhanced with the ability to enter comments.   For example, you may setup the workflow to prompt for comments when a Journal Entry is 'Rejected'.  Once a comment is added to a workflow, it will be visible in the Routing Activity table, on the following pages: Modify Journal Entry, Activity, and Posted Audit thus making the comments viewable to the originator, the approvers, and the posting administrators.

Why we think you’ll like it:

It’s important for a user to understand why their journal entry was rejected so they know what needs to be corrected. Adding functionality for the approver to add a comment saves time and makes the workflow more efficient.

Learn more:

Setup Instructions

From the Web Portal, go to Tools > System Tools > Workflows Builder > Workflows. Select the applicable workflows template, then the applicable node (e.g. Reject). Check the box that says “Enable comments for this transition”.

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