Interface Approved Leaves Even if Week Unauthorized
Interface Approved Leaves Even if Week Unauthorized
What we’re doing:
We’ve added a prompt to the Absent Employee Costing Process to give users more flexibility in viewing costing details on absences pending leave approval or weekly authorization.
Why we think you’ll like it:
HR and Payroll users want to be able to run their costing reports well in advance of the date required for interface so they can stay on top of any exceptions or errors. However, if an absence is missing* a leave approval or attendance authorization, these records do not show costing detail. This can result in errors in costing discovered at the last minute. By allowing a preliminary costing on all absences regardless of their leave approval status or attendance authorization status, HR and Payroll users can correct other issues exposed (e.g. storage banks overdrawn, invalid GL’s) in advance of the interface.
In addition, by allowing a final costing report to be run on approved absences that are missing weekly authorization allows payroll to process absences in a timely manner without requiring a mass authorization to be run or allowing the absence to roll to the next pay period, which involves a certain amount of risk.
*Absences Missing Approval/Weekly Authorization: If the absence code field “Approval” is set to Y, then the costing report will an approved leave record via Leave Management and an authorized week via Attendance Management. This enhancement overrides that requirement to the degree explained above and within the next section.
Learn more:
If an absence requires a leave and authorization as described above and is missing either or both, they will still appear in the exception listing as they always have.
If the absence does not require a leave or require authorization (as defined above), they will appear on the costing as they always have without needing to change the new prompt.
The options on the new prompt are:
N = Don’t Process if Unauthorized Week or Unapproved Leave (this is the default, this is how the process worked before this enhancement).
W = Process Unauthorized Weeks. This option allows the user to run costing in preliminary or final mode. This is only relevant to absences that require authorization as described above.
L = Process Unapproved Leaves. This option only allows the user to run costing in preliminary mode. This is only relevant to absences that require leave approval as described above.