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Insights - FAQ

Welcome to the Atrieve Insights Landing Page Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Documentation!

Here, you will find information addressing the most common queries and concerns related to the new Insights landing page in Atrieve. This resource has been designed to provide you with a clear and insightful overview of the features and functionality of this latest addition to the Atrieve platform.

To ensure that you can swiftly find the answers you're looking for, we have organized this documentation into a series of commonly asked questions and their detailed responses. These questions cover a wide range of topics, from basic navigation and setup to advanced features and troubleshooting. Simply browse through the questions that align with your specific inquiries, and you'll find in-depth explanations and guidance.

Q: I have used the drag and drop feature to reorganize my Power Tiles on the landing page, but when I navigate away from this page and come back, they don't stay organized the way I dragged and dropped them. How can I permanently change the order in which the Power Tiles display on the landing page?

A: The drag and drop functionality for reorganizing your Power Tiles on the landing page is session-based and doesn't permanently save your changes. To make a lasting adjustment to the order in which Power Tiles are displayed, follow these steps:

  1. Select the ‘Edit’ button to the right of the Insights page title.

  2. On the right hand side, click on the tile name in the "Selected" box.

  3. After selecting the tile, you'll see Up and Down arrow buttons to the right.

  4. Click the "Up" or "Down" arrow button to reorder the list according to your preference.

Please note that the tile at the top of the list will be displayed in the top left corner of the page, and additional tiles will be displayed across the same row before wrapping to the next row. Tile sizes come in 1 x 1 and 2 x 1, meaning a row can display four 1 x 1 tiles, or two 2 x 1 tiles, or one 2 x 1 tile and two 1 x 1 tiles. The number of tiles that display across a row may vary for each user based on their screen resolution or browser zoom settings.

For more detailed information and additional configuration options, please refer to the Insights - Configure Insights page.

Q: I have changed an employee's location security access in the security settings, but they are still seeing this location display in their Insights Power Tiles. Are there any other security settings I need to change?

A: No, there's no need to adjust additional security settings. Atrieve Insights operates with a caching mechanism to optimize performance. When changes are made to an employee's location security access, it's important to note that there is a caching system in place.

Specifically, there are two cache mechanisms at play:

  1. 5-Minute Sliding Cache: Changes to security settings take up to 5 minutes to fully propagate and reflect in the Insights Power Tiles for a user. During this 5-minute period, the system may still display the previous configuration.

  2. 10-Minute Absolute Cache: Even after the 5-minute sliding cache, there is an additional 10-minute absolute cache in place that holds the security information. The cache is cleared after this 10-minute duration, ensuring that the updated security settings are fully implemented.

So, it's entirely normal for users to continue seeing the previous location display in their Power Tiles for a brief period after changes to their security settings. After approximately 15 minutes from the time of the security access modification, the new settings should be fully in effect.

Please be patient and allow for this caching process to complete, and you will find that the Insights Power Tiles will accurately reflect the updated security access.

Q: I have navigated away from the Insights landing page, how do I get back there without using the back browser button?

A: If you've ventured away from the Insights landing page and need to return without relying on the browser's back button, follow these steps:

  1. Look for the 'Atrieve' name or logo at the top left-hand corner of the screen. This can usually be found in the header area of the webpage.

  2. Click on the 'Atrieve' name or logo. This action will typically serve as a direct link to return you to the Insights landing page.

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