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Improvements to Vendor Screen in Atrieve Web


Improvements to the Vendor Screen in Atrieve Web

What we’re doing:

  • Hovering over the ‘i' icon during vendor additions and changes will provide more context about the field. Clicking the 'i’ will continue to take the user to the appropriate screens.

  • Relabeled the tabs in vendor additions to relate to the content in each tab.

  • The attachment button will appear on each page in Vendor Changes.

  • The ‘Pay To’ button will appear in Vendor Changes for all vendors with payees. The Lookup will also contain vendor numbers and names.

  • The Pay To vendor name will persist next to the Pay To Vendor Number on all Vendor Changes and Deletion Screens.

  • Lookups/Validation added for Province and Country when the user profile has activated City, Prov, Country fields.

  • Fields with lookups will display the lookup icon, previously the lookup icon was only visible if the user’s focus was on the specific field itself.

  • ‘Class Code’ lookup added to Vendor Additions screen. In ‘Vendor Add’ mode the icon will always be active and in ‘Change’ and ‘Delete’ mode the icon will be disabled.

Why we think you’ll like it:

These improvements should take some of the guesswork away from new users in finance and improve usability within the vendor record.

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