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Improvements to HR Demographics Screen in Atrieve Web


Improvements to the HR Demographics Screen in Atrieve Web

What we’re doing:

Help text has been added to the info icons next to the Admin Email and Salary Grid fields. In addition, the fields on page 2 have been rearranged so that the most used fields are at the top of the screen and the least used fields are near the bottom. And a profile has been added for Employee Additions that enables you to choose whether to copy the hire date to the following two date fields (previously, the hire date would always copy down)

Why we think you’ll like it:

Easy to access help text helps users understand some of the more complex fields for better usage.  And, during the Employee Addition process, most users complete the Hire Date, Hire Type, Eligible as Substitute, and Eligible as Casual fields but because these fields were not positioned together, users would have to enter past fields they did not need to complete. Those fields are now at the top of the screen so that the record can be saved as soon as the hire date and hire type are completed, making the Employee Addition process more efficient.  Stopping the hire date from copying to subsequent date fields provides further efficiency to the Employee Additions process as users do not have to remove the auto-populated date manually.

Learn more:

For those districts still wanting the hire date to automatically copy down to the next two date fields, this can be reactivated by going to HR Setup & Maintenance > Profile > User Specific Parameters Profile > Page 4 > Field “Autopopulate Hire Date to Subsequent Date Fields”.

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