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Copy Absence Changes to Leave Record


Copy Absence Changes to Leave Record

What we’re doing:

We’ve added a profile that will control whether absence record changes in Atrieve Web will copy to the matching leave record. In addition, if the absence code is changed to an event-based absence/leave code, then the HR user will be prompted for the event, which will ensure the event costing information is copied to the leave.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Before this enhancement, HR users would have to change the corresponding leave record any time they changed the absence record in Absence/Dispatch Changes or from the Absence/Replacement Screen (Attendance Management). In addition, if an HR user changed an absence code to an event-based code, they would have to look up the event costing and manually key that onto the leave.

This new functionality will automatically make those changes on the leave record, saving valuable time and ensures payroll always has all the correct data for absence and replacement costing and interface.

Learn more:

This new functionality can be activated by going to the HR Substitute/Casual Dispatch Parameters Profile (HR Setup & Maintenance > Profiles > Substitute/Casual Dispatch Parameters Profile > Page 4 > Update Leave Record When Absence Changes). There are 4 options in this profile to accommodate districts who currently have leave changes turned off if there are pending tasks. To check if you’re using that existing functionality, check the User Specific Parameters Profile (HR Setup & Maintenance > Profiles > User Specific Parameters Profile > Page 3 > Block Leave Changes if Pending LMW Tasks).

Y = If Absence is changed from Atrieve HR, change the leave

N = Do not change the leave if the absence is changed from Atrieve HR

1 = If there are pending tasks, then block absence changes

2 = If there are pending tasks, allow absence changes, but do not update the leave.

If updated task routing is required for the change, it will be still required that the leave is denied/cancelled and re-entered. Future development will allow for absence changes to occur on the web so that tasks can be re-routed accordingly.

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