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Combine all Salary Grid Increment Processes with Salary Grid/Payroll Update


Combined all Salary Grid Increment Processes with Salary Grid/Payroll Update.

What we’re doing:

In our 21.02.01 release, we enhanced the Employee Salary Grid Increment process to prompt the user to also run the Salary Grid/Payroll Update Process. We’ve enhanced that further so that prompts on the update process will not be repeated if they were already asked during the increment process. We’ve further enhanced it to allow users to run the Update in report mode when the increment process is also run in report mode.

We have also added the same functionality to the other increment processes: Salary Grid Increment by Bank and Salary Increment by Date.

Why we think you’ll like it:

The Payroll workflow of updating salary grids is more efficient with these two processes combined.

Learn more:

The Salary Grid/Payroll Update process will still be available to run separately.

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