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Automated Dispatch: Ignore Opt Out if Requested - 21.02.02, 22.01.01


Opt Out of Automated Dispatch Calls Unless Requested

What we’re doing:

More flexibility added to opting out of Automated Dispatch calls allowing for exceptions on opting out if the employee has been specifically requested.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Some replacement employees would like to opt-out of dispatch calls, unless if they’ve been specifically requested. Before this enhancement employees would not opt out at all and would simply not answer their phones or refuse all calls unless they were specifically requested. This would cause delays in finding replacements. 

Replacement employees may use the opt-out functionality with the added “unless requested” enhancement, which will result in faster searching by the Automated Dispatching System (ADS) because the system will not be busy calling people who don’t want to be called for every job for which they’re eligible.

Learn more:

Click this link to learn more about setting up Opting Out of ADS Calls. Previously, the options for activation were:

  • A=Yes, Opt Out Of All Dispatches

  • S=Opt Out of Same-Day Dispatches

  • F=Opt Out of Future-Day Dispatches

The new options which can be added are:

  • R=Opt Out of All Dispatches Except Ones You're Requested For

  • T=Opt Out of Same-Day Dispatches Except Ones You're Requested For

  • Y=Opt Out of Same-Day Dispatches and Future Dispatches Except Ones You're Requested For

  • G=Opt Out of Future-Day Dispatches Except Ones You're Requested For

  • X=Opt Out of Future-Day Dispatches and Same-Day Dispatches Except Ones You're Requested For

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