Automated Dispatch: Do Not Call Same Number Twice
Automated Dispatch - Do Not Call the Same Number Twice
What we’re doing:
We’ve added a profile for automated dispatching so that an employee’s secondary phone number is the same as their primary, they will not receive a second call.
Why we think you’ll like it:
Time is valuable when it comes to dispatching replacements. The system can already be set to call replacement multiple times, but that number doubles when the replacement uses the same phone number in their primary and secondary phone number profile. By not using the secondary phone number if it is the same as the primary, the automated dispatching system can work more efficiently and fill more dispatches.
Learn more:
This new functionality can be activated by going to your ADS System Profile (Atrieve HR > Dispatches > Automated Dispatch Profiles > ADS Profiles > ADS System Profile). The Number of Phone Numbers to Try has been changed so that a * will call both phone numbers, but will only call one if both phone numbers are the same.