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Automated Dispatch: Call Even if Already Dispatched - 21.02.02, 22.01.01


Automated Dispatch: Call Even if Already Dispatched

What we’re doing:

New functionality added to the Automated Dispatching System that will allow replacement employees to be called for a job that overlaps another job they’ve already accepted, provided the new job is longer than the one they originally accepted. This could be offering a 1.0 FTE dispatch to a teacher who previously only had a 0.5 FTE dispatch for the same day. This could also mean offering a multi-day dispatch to a teacher who was only working one of the days in the same range previously.

Why we think you’ll like it:

This functionality will benefit districts dispatching qualified substitute teachers before unqualified substitute teachers. Without this functionality, a longer dispatch could go to an unqualified substitute because the qualified substitute has accepted a shorter dispatch, potentially resulting in grievances. This functionality will allow substitute teachers to customize their experience and allow the automated dispatch system to call them for longer jobs even if they’re already working. If accepted, the original shorter job will be re-dispatched.

Learn more:

When the Automated Dispatching System calls an employee about a longer dispatch, they will receive information about the job that overlaps and the new one being offered. They will be asked if they want to cancel the previous dispatch and take the new dispatch instead. When that happens, the previous job will automatically go back into the queue for re-dispatching.

Due to the complexity of this setup, it is recommended to submit a support request to activate this functionality.

This functionality is activated by adding a keyword of EID (Even if Dispatched) to the end of the search order line applicable (i.e. the line only calling qualified replacements).

Further, this can be controlled on an individual employee basis if specific employees do not wish to be called after they’ve already been dispatched. A user defined demographics field must be set up, then in the Dispatch Search Parameters Profile - Page 4, Field “(ADS) User-Defined Demo Field Number for ADS Call Even if Dispatched” should indicate the field set up in the user defined demographics for this purpose.

From there, if an employee has a N in that field, they will not be called if already dispatched. If that field shows anything other than an N (including blank), they will be called if already dispatched.

If the district uses HR Workflows, this can be set up in an e-form so employees can maintain their preference of whether to be called if already dispatched.

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