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Automated Dispatch: Add Pause Column to Queue Processing Screen - 21.02.02, 22.01.01


ADS Queue Screen modified to display ‘Call Time’ if record is paused

What we’re doing:

The Dispatch Queue Processing Screen has been modified with a new “Pause” column that displays the next time ADS will try processing if the record is currently paused.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Dispatch clerks may see jobs in the dispatch queue processing screen and see some jobs being processed while others are not moving. Adding this “Pause” column will help dispatch clerks understand when certain records have been paused by the system, likely due to no available employees for the dispatch. The next time the system will try processing that dispatch again is displayed in the Pause column if the record is paused.

Learn more:

The time listed in the Pause column will be prefixed with an F if the next callout time is a date in the future. When viewing a dispatch record from the suspended queue records or manual intervention records, the time will be prefixed with an H if the date was in the past. If the next callout time is on the current date, there will be no prefix.

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