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Atrieve 23.02.08

Release Notes Last Update: February 21, 2024

Remember to perform a browser cache refresh on your workstation after receiving the update to ensure optimal performance of new program functions.

Resolved Issues






Atrieve Finance

Atrieve Finance

Journal Entry Web

Resolved an issue with Journal Entry Activity where "Last Updated By" column value was not populating.


Atrieve Global

Atrieve Global

Atrieve Web

Previously while working in Atrieve Web, if a network disconnect error occurred, the user would be required to log back into Atrieve Web and any work that they had being doing prior to the disconnect that was not already saved would be lost, requiring the user to re-enter the unsaved data. A fix has been provided that will ensure that if a network disconnect error happens that once the user logs back in that they are redirected back to the page they were on and can pick up exactly where they left off with no loss of data.


Atrieve Global

Atrieve Web

Improvements have been made to provide for greater visibility into when a session expires. The session timeout period in Atrieve Web has been increased to 30 minutes. What this means is that if the user has been inactive in their Atrieve Web session for 30 minutes, a message will be displayed informing the user that they were logged out due to inactivity, and they will be required to login again to continue working in Atrieve Web. Rolled Back


Atrieve Global


Issue resolved with Insights Employee Absences tile, where locations with alpha characters in the location ID were not displaying in the graph.


Atrieve HR

Atrieve HR


Addressed an issue where, for Imported Employee, Rehire Employee, and EJP Applicant options, an empty Applicant field failed to trigger an error upon clicking the Send button and as a result, would erroneously set the generic onboarding user as the default employee in the package.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Issue resolved in Staffing Notification screens (SNPS), to address notification details not loading on the Function Lines tab and the Assignment/Salary History tab.


Atrieve HR

Staffing Notification Processing Screen (SNPS)

Significant performance improvements have been made to the Staffing Notification screens (SNPS), to address slowness experienced by end-users when loading the main summary list of pending notifications, and when working directly in the details of a notification record.


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