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Accounts Receivable - Email Invoice & Cash Receipts


Accounts Receivable - Email Cash Receipts and Invoices

What we’re doing:

Added functionality to allow users in Accounts Receivable to email receipts and invoices directly to the customer through Invoice Entry, Cash Receipt Entry, and Print Receipts menu options.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Accounts Receivable departments will save time and money by being able to email receipts and invoices directly to the customer.

Learn more:

Profile Activation

  1. In Atrieve Web Receivables, go to Setup and Maintenance > Receivables Settings. Update field “Enable Print/Email for Invoices and Receipts” to Y. Include an internal cc email address if required.

  2. Set up the global email procedure to set up the reply-to address, subject line, and email message to use to send to customers when emailing their receipts and invoices. In Atrieve Web Finance, go to Finance Setup > Global Parameters > Global Email Profile. Product is MAR, then under Procedure, select AR_INVOICE for invoices and AR_RECEIPT for receipts. Click the “info” icon next to to the subject line for substitution keywords that will display in the email subject line (e.g. to print the invoice number, customer name, and current date in the subject line, type &InvoiceNo for &Name on &Date).

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