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Absence Costing Using Absence Position Code GL - 21.02.02,22.01.01


Absence Costing Using Absence Position Code GL.

What we’re doing:

New absence costing option has been added to allow GL’s to come from the absence position code.

Why we think you’ll like it:

School districts can cost their absences in a variety of ways, often with exceptions.  Adding position code cost center and GL to the list of options available for absence costing will help districts keep their costing process automated without the need for manual overrides.

Learn more:

Due to the nature of this enhancement (payroll), it is recommended that a support request is submitted to review the setup with you.

This is set up through Atrieve HR in the Dispatch Search Parameter Profile, Page 4, Fields:

  • “Use Position Cost Centre and GL if they Exist”:

    • Y = Use position code costing for all absence codes

    • Y/AbsCode1,AbsCode2 = Do not use position code costing for the specified absence codes

    • N (or blank) = Do not use position code costing

  • “Use Position Cost for These Positions” = If “use position cost centre and GL” is Y, this field will allow you to define specific position codes, separated by “/”, to use the position code costing. Leave blank to use position costing for all position codes in the group.

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