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Web ROE XML Export Process

The Web ROE XML Export Process allows you to export selective XML formatted Preliminary ROE into a Web ROE export file CCCC_XML_######.BLK, where CCCC is the payroll id code and ###### is the job number. The HRDC Web ROE system requires all files to have the suffix of .BLK. The Web ROE Export will only process preliminary ROE created as a XML 53 week version ROE.

See Web ROE Export Process for exporting the old Flat file formatted ROEs.

The Web ROE system will by default use the directory pointed to by the SRB$EXPORT logical as the location to generate and process the Web ROE. An optional SRB$OPSROE logical may be defined either globally or per payroll if you wish to redirect where the Web ROE files are generated. When the SRB$OPSROE logical is not set up or is invalid the Web ROE system will default to the SRB$EXPORT logical location. All reports of Web ROE information include the actual disk location of the Web ROE file.

Preliminary ROE that do not comply with the HRDC rules will be rejected by this export process. Rejected ROE are not exported. A preliminary option as well as the option to run for rejections only is available so you can ensure all your ROE will be processed.

Preliminary ROE may be selected individually or based on a specific ROE Employer Constant number. The exported Preliminary ROE will be marked with the status of WEB PRINT and the actual Web export file name will be applied to the ROE. This information will be displayed on the Preliminary ROE report as well as in the Preliminary ROE Changes and Inquiry. Although the ROE will be displayed as WEB PRINT status, these ROE are still considered Preliminary ROE and may be changed, over written, or removed through the Preliminary ROE Removal process. The Web ROE Export process will not select a preliminary ROE that already has a web ROE export file name attached.

A ROE with the pay type description of Monthly Non-Standard will generate a Web ROE with a Pay Type of O. Monthly Non-Standard ROE cannot have the Final Pay Ending Date be equal to the end of the month. A ROE with the pay type description of Semi-Monthly Non-Standard will generate a Web ROE with a Pay Type of E. Semi-Monthly Non-Standard ROE cannot have the Final Pay Ending Date be equal to the end of the month nor the 15th of the month. The Non-Standard option for Monthly and Semi-monthly can be set per pay cycle code under the EI Table data base.

Refer to the Web ROE print guide for complete details on the Web ROE processing steps.

Report All, Or Selected Employees

Sort Roe Report by Employee Number or Name

Enter 'N' to generate the ROE Export report in employee name sequence.

Enter 'E' to generate the ROE Export report in employee number sequence.

When report All was selected:

Selection by Employer Constant  

Enter <CR> to select all applicable ROE.

Enter a valid ROE Employer Constant code to select only those ROE generated with that Employer Constants.

Report Only or Process

Enter R' to only report on those ROE to be exported. An export file is not created.

Enter 'P' to print and export the accepted ROE.

When 'R'eport only was selected:

Report Rejected ROEs Only

Enter 'N' to report both accepted and rejected ROE.

Enter 'Y' to only report the ROE that will be rejected.

The report will list the following:

The header of the report will include the exact location and file name of the Web ROE export file. When selection by ROE Employer Constant was used, the ROE Employer Constant number will be displayed in the report header.

Employee number and name

Employee SIN

The pay cycle code and pay period type

Total EI hours and insurable earnings

'REJECTED' followed by the rejection reason, when applicable

ROE Employer Constant number

Total number of ROE exported

Total number of ROE rejected


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