Calendar Year End Checklist
The following steps outline general areas that are recommended be reviewed in each payroll module (if applicable) to transition between Fiscal Years or between Calendar Years. These recommendations are in addition to the Payroll Tax Changes effective January 1 each year.
The year-end procedures are to be done After the last payroll is run and updated for the year and Before the first payroll in January.
Database Changes:
- Enter all government mandated changes in the appropriate databases as per the Payroll Tax Changes for January 1 each year. Watch for this information on PowerSchool Community.
- Please remember that deduction code changes MUST be made to each payroll separately. Do NOT implement deduction changes until a January pay period (per payroll) is ready to be processed.
- Deduction Code Change of rate, share, frequency, and limit in database, when global change set to ‘Y’es must be followed by Global Deduction Change in order to take effect on employee masters.
- Deduction Rate Table Change of rates and shares in database must be followed by Deduction Table Update in order to take effect.
Remember to change Employer Share percent field on the databases, if required. (i.e. EI deduction)
It is recommended to run pay estimate inquiries in each payroll comparing the results to the CRA Online Payroll Calculator.
Payroll System Maintenance >Payroll Profile Maintenance
OPS Master Profile
- Enter the first pay period for the new year in the ‘Current Pay Period’ field (i.e. 202001)
Payroll System Maintenance >Payroll Database Maintenance >Database >Report >Deduction Code
Deduction Code Database Report:
- Run this report and check the value of field ‘Zero Balances’.
Y = YTD balances will be zeroed by the next step
S = YTD balances will not be zeroed by the next step.
(S should display for those deductions that are not year based (i.e. computer purchases or Garnishees).
- Use Deduction Code Database Changes to edit Zero Balances field on deduction code if not set correctly before running the next step below.
Payroll Maintenance >Payroll Year End
Zero Employee Earnings/Deductions
- Run this process to zero the YTD deductions and earnings values.
- Zero Earnings/Deductions/Both
Enter B for Both
- Selective or Year-To-Date Deductions
Enter Y for YTD Deductions
Payroll Demographics
Employee Inquiry
- Spot-check several employees to ensure their YTD balances have been zeroed. Check the Earnings screen and the YTD screen (inside the Deductions screen) to verify that this has happened.
Pension >select the pension profile by province
Review Pension Profile
- The School Year and Number of Teaching Days in School Year or school year start, and end periods may need to be updated.
Payroll System Maintenance
Maintain Other Databases and Profiles
- per payroll for pension contributions, union dues, and other deductions, deduction table changes, salary grid adjustments, salary grid increments, employee benefits salary changes, etc.
Payroll System Maintenance >Payroll Database Maintenance >Calendar >Copy
Create Payroll Calendars
- for the new year using Calendar Copy. Select the pay period start and end range for the previous calendar year to copy from. Calendars can then be edited for the new year using Calendar Edit or changed individually using Payroll Calendar Changes. Verify all information on payroll calendar, edit as required.
Payroll System Maintenance >Payroll Database Maintenance >Calendar >Edit
Or to bring up each individual calendar for editing, use
Payroll System Maintenance >Payroll Database Maintenance >Payroll Calendar >Edit
Set Payroll Calendars
- To clear and reload Storage Bank entitlements, where applicable. For example, Teachers are given 90 days Sick Leave in September. Verify Bank Cycle field. Verify Storage Bank Clear or Storage Bank Payout fields.
This step does not apply to entitlements earned each pay period (i.e. Support Sick Leave).
- Verify number of Working Days used for days worked for Teacher pension purposes, and for pay of actual days in the period for payrolls where applicable.
School Districts in which more than one set of school year calendars exist must complete the Alternate Days screen on each payroll calendar entering the alternate working days (if required, for teacher pension purposes).
Payroll System Maintenance >Global Payroll Maintenance
Cross Payroll Deduction Limiting Profile
- Set up or verify cross payroll deduction limiting profile. This would be an opportunity to start using, or to verify, the cross payroll limiting.
Fiscal Year-End
The fiscal year-end procedures are to be done After the last payroll is run and updated for the fiscal year and Before the first payroll in the new Fiscal year. Procedures must be done per payroll.
Payroll System Maintenance >Payroll Profile Maintenance
Check OPS Master Profile field BAS Fiscal Year
- Ensure it reflects the new fiscal year. Edit as required. Do this prior to the first pay in September for each payroll.
Generate Payroll >Miscellaneous Payroll Procedures >Payroll House Cleaning
Payroll House Cleaning Program
- To delete old cheque, earning statement and bank EFT files. This optional procedure will free up disk space, making backups shorter and payroll processing faster. The payroll stream update process automatically cleans up old files therefore this is not a required step.
Payroll Employee Reporting >Employee Deduction Report
Check for outstanding arrears
Run the Employee Deduction Report for the Arrears deduction. If there are any balances to clear, a YTD Adjustment will need to be completed.