Dispatch Search Parameter Additions
The Dispatch Search Parameter Maintenance module let you create, change, delete, or view search parameters. The search parameters let you customize how the dispatching screen and replacement employee search algorithm function. You can set up one set of search parameters for all employees, or a different one for each group of employees.
The Dispatch Grouping Key [A/C/B/D/P] in the Sub/Cas Dispatch Parameter Profile determines how employees are grouped in the dispatch search routine. It must be filled in before using these modules. Entering an 'A' means that one set of search parameters will be used for all employees. Entering a 'C' to lets you define one definition for each employee category code you have. A 'B' lets you define one definition for each Bargaining Unit Code you have. 'D' stands for department, 'P' for position. If, for example, you wish to define a separate search parameter for each employee category, enter an 'C' to the profile prompt. In the search parameter screen, you will then be prompted for employee category. If you had selected 'B', you will be prompted for bargaining unit.
The search routine calculates which search parameter (if more than one) to use based on the position code. Before searching for a replacement employee, you must specify the position the person will be working. Each position code contains the employee category, bargaining unit, and department it belongs to. Based on this information the correct set of search parameters can be selected. For example, you have a set of parameters for each employee category (one for substitutes and one for casuals). If you specify 'SUB' (substitute) as the replacement position, the system will look to see what employee category code is on that position. If it finds the category of 'SUBS', it will look for and use the search parameters with that category.
The prompt for this field reflects how you fill in the Dispatch Grouping Key [A/C/B/D/P] prompt in the Sub/Cas Dispatch Parameter Profile. If you entered 'A' the prompt will be blank, and you must enter '**ALL**'.
If you enter 'C' the prompt will be 'Category'. You must enter the employee category code for which you wish to define the search parameters.
If you enter 'P' the prompt will be 'Position' and you must enter a valid position code.
If you enter 'B', the prompt will be 'Bargaining Unit' and you must enter a valid bargaining unit code. Search to view a list of valid responses.
Dispatch or Absence Profile
Enter 'D' if this is a dispatch profile, 'A' if an absence profile. Dispatch profiles are used in the Replacement Employee Costing Module and in the search routine. Absence profiles are used in the Absent Employee Costing Module.
Use Assignments To Pick Up Criteria
This prompt controls what defaults are used in the Search Criteria Screen of the Absence/Dispatch Screen when you execute the search command.
The default(s) for the location(s) come from the locations entered on the Dispatch Detail Screen. The defaults for the subject(s) and level(s) depend on how you respond to this prompt.
Enter 'Y' to load the subjects and levels from the absent employee's Subject/Skill Information screen of their current assignment(s) (2).
Enter 'N' to leave the subject and level search criteria blank.
Enter 'P' to load the subjects and levels from the Permanent Employee Search Criteria Screen.
Enter 'O' to pick up the subjects and levels from the subject/skill information screen of dispatch position.
Note: This prompt does not control what subjects and levels are used as a default in the Automated Dispatching System. This is controlled by the Prompt for Subject & Levels prompt on the Voice Absence Parameter Profile.
Use Block Cycles
Enter 'Y' to indicate you want the search algorithm to use block cycles to calculate which of the absent employee's assigned subjects are applicable to the specified day(s). If for example a teacher teaches 4 subjects. On some days the teacher only teaches one of the four. If you answer 'Y' to this prompt and 'Y' to the Use Asgns prompt, the system will search for replacement employee's having the one assigned subject on the preference screen as opposed to all four.
Enter 'N' to indicate you do not want the search routine to use block cycles to calculate which of the absent employee's assigned subjects are applicable to the specified day(s).
If you answered 'N' to the use assignment prompt above, you should answer 'N' to this prompt as well.
Phase 3 & 4 Sort Orders
This prompt refers to the order replacement employees found in phases 3 and 4 of the search routine will be displayed.
Enter 'C' to instruct the search routine to display all found replacement employees sorted by last called date. Doing this will cause the search routine to display employees meeting the search criteria according to the last date they were called to work. Those who have not been called in the most amount of time will be the first to display; those who were called the most recently, will be the last to display.
Enter 'W' to instruct the search routine to display all found replacement employees sorted by last worked date. Doing this will cause the search routine to display employees meeting the search criteria according to the last date they worked. Those who have not worked in the most amount of time will be the first displayed; those who worked the most recently, will be the last to display.
Enter 'N' to instruct the search routine not to sort the employees found. The 'S' option is not presently supported.
Phase 3 & 4 Index Orders
This prompt refers to the order the six indexes are used in the search routine. Six indexes (subject, level, area, location type, unqualified subject, and unqualified level) are used to speed up the search routine. This prompt controls which of these indexes are used first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. The index which will likely be used the most in your search order definition should be selected first, while the index likely to be used the least should be specified last. If, for example, your search order definition makes frequent use of the subject criteria, you should place an 'S' as the first character of this prompt. If location type and subject level are used about the same amount, these two characters 'T' and 'L' should be placed next in this field. If area is not used at all, then it should be placed in the last position of this field. The field you would enter would be 'STLA12'.
Try Replacement Employee Replacing Absence Employee
This prompt controls whether an employee replacing an absent employee should be tried first if the absent employee is away again.
If you answer 'Y' to this prompt, the system will always check to see if the absent employee has been absent within the specified number of days. If so, and the absent employee had an employee replacing him/her, this employee will be displayed first before the regular search takes place.
If you answer 'Y' to this prompt you must also enter a '/' followed by the number of days, you want the system to go back through to see if the employee has been absent. Holidays and weekends are not included in this calculation. If, for example, you enter 'Y/1' to this prompt, and you are trying to find a replacement employee for a Monday, the system will go back 1 day to see if the absent employee was absent. Since the calculation skips weekends, the system will check to see if the absent employee was away on Friday. If he/she was, and there was employee replacing him/her, this replacement employee will be displayed first with a message informing you of this condition.
If you answer 'A' to this prompt, this option will refer to the absent employee's schedule. For example, if the employee only works one day a week i.e. every Wednesday, the system will now actually look back (in this case) a whole week if the system says to look back one day, because now it will look back ‘1 working day’ according to their schedule.
If you answer 'B' to this prompt, it is the same as 'A' above, except it will also refer to schedules that may exist on leave assignments as well.
(Absence/Replacement) Day Pay Def
This prompt is designed to let you control the pay of replacement employees according to the number of continuous days replacing the same absent employee. If this prompt is not applicable, simply leave this field blank.
The syntax for this prompt MUST be entered correctly for this field to have the proper effect.
The character string entered here can be comprised of several segments. Each segment contains a day range, pay code, and rate qualifier. The first character of each segment must be a 'D' which stands for the day range to follow. The next few characters must be an integer followed by a dash '-' followed by another integer and a comma. This is your day range. The next segment must begin with the letter 'P' which stands for the pay code to be used in the paying of the employee. The next two characters are the actual pay code to be used followed by a comma. This code is not validated at this time, so make sure that it is valid.
The last segment controls what rate the employee will be paid. There are several different keywords you can enter in this segment. This segment must conclude with a slash '/'. The options for this last segment are as follows:
Code Word Description...............
R####.###/ Enter 'R' followed by the actual rate and a slash ('/') to hard code the rate.
PFL/ Enter 'PFL' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to find and use the function line rate on the replacement employee with the pay code listed in the pay code segment. If no function line has the specified pay code, the master function line rate will be used.
MFL/ Enter the code word 'MFL' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to use the master function line rate of the replacement employee.
GFL/ Enter the code word 'GFL' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to use the function line where the grid falls within the grid range in the position code database.
OFL/ Enter the code word 'OFL' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to use the function line rate that matches the same occupation code as the dispatch position code.
PFR/Enter the code word 'PFR' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to use the functions line where the pay code matches the pay code specified in the pay code segment (same as PFL) but then use the rate from the dispatch position code.
MFR/ Enter the code word 'MFR' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to use the replacement employees master function line taking the rate from the dispatch position code.
OFR/ Enter the code word 'OFR' followed by a slash ('/') to tell the system to use the function line rate that matches the same occupation code as the dispatch position code. If there is no matching occupation code, use the rate from the dispatch position code.
GRID=?? Enter the code word 'GRID=' followed by the first 2 characters of another salary grid that you want the system to get the rate from. The system adds these 2characters to the last 4 characters on the replacement employee's master function line salary grid to create a new salary grid. It then reads this grid from the database to determine the new rate.
STOP/ Enter 'STOP' followed by a slash ('/') immediately after the day range segment to tell the system not to process the records falling in this day range in the costing processes. If, for example, you specify the segment D20-999,Stop/ the system will not process replacement employees who have worked between 20 and 999 consecutive days (inclusive). In this way you can block the interfacing of dispatch records between specific day ranges.
GRD/ Enter the code word 'GRD' followed by a slash ('/') to the end of the existing profile field to ensure that the system will use the rate attached to the associated matched grid, by date. The GRD code word functions with every day pay default code with the exception of the hard-coded rate option.
A typical example of a valid entry into this field would be:
The system would translate this field in the following manner:
All replacement employees working between 1 and 5 consecutive inclusive, would be paid at a rate of 167.27 under the pay code of 01. All employees working between 6 and 19 days inclusive would be paid according to the rate found on the function line that had pay code 10 in it. If the employee did not have pay code 10 in any of his/her function lines, the master function line rate would be used. All employees working between 20 and 999 days inclusive would not be picked up by the costing or interface modules. The assumption in is that they will now be given a temporary assignment and a regular salary.
(Absence/Replacement) Error Cost Centre
Enter a cost centre code to be used if the costing processes cannot determine a valid cost centre.
(Absence/Replacement) Error GL Account
Enter a GL account code to be used if the costing processes cannot determine a valid account.
Include Elig Substitute/Casuals/Both/Neither
This prompt controls whether to include eligible substitutes and/or casuals in the search defined by this group key (field 01).
Enter 'S' to include eligible substitutes.
Enter 'C' to include eligible casuals.
Enter 'B' to include both.
Enter 'N' to include neither.
In case you are wondering how the system can tell whether to pick up substitutes, casuals or any other group of employees in the substitute search routine, here is a brief explanation. First, all employees that you want included in the search routine must be in the sub/cas preference file and marked as 'A'ctive. When you enter a position code on the dispatch screen, the system refers to the Dispatch Grouping Key [A/C/B/D/P] in the Sub/Cas Dispatch Parameter Profile to determine what group of employees should be included in the search. If you have grouped employees by employee category, the system refers to the category code of the position you are trying to fill. Only employees in the preference file with this employee category will be included in the search. If you want to include eligible substitutes and casuals, the search routine refers to these fields on the demographics screen to see whether they should be included.
(Absence/Replacement) Exception Days for Costing Module
The costing modules produce three reports: a regular report that lists the costing effects of each record, an error report that lists any errors or warnings that should be noted, and an exception report. This prompt determines what, if anything, appears on the exception report. Entering a number other than zero here will cause records to be included on the exception report. The system will print all employees who have worked the specified number of consecutive days on the exception report. The intended purpose of this function is to report all employees (substitutes) as they cross the threshold between being a time sheet entry paid employee and a function line paid employee. This field can be used in conjunction with the 'Stop' key word in the Day Pay Def field. If, for example, you have told the system not to create any time sheet entries for people who have worked between 20 and 999 days, you could put 20 into this field. By doing this you will get a report of all the people who have worked 20 consecutive days as a reminder to pay them using a function line as opposed to time sheet entry.
Force Replacement Cost Centre
Enter 'Y' if a cost centre is to be forced when entering a replacement employee or 'N' of a cost centre is optional when entering a replacement employee.
Update Dispatch Search Indexes
Enter 'Y' if you are using the search facility when dispatching employees or 'N' if you are not using the search facility for dispatching employees.
Updates Search Indexes when Manual Dispatch Created
Enter 'Y' if you are using the Automated Dispatch manual dispatch search option (S) within the Absence Additions/Changes program. As replacement employees are considered in the search, they can be marked as phoned, refused or dispatched. Each of these options will update the rotation search index.
The following 3 options are not currently used.
Allow Rep Emps To Self Dispatch
Phase Lists for Self Dispatch
Search Levs for Self Dispatch
Interface on Absence/Dispatch Screen
Enter 'Y' to activate a payroll interface screen on the Absence/Dispatch Screen. This screen will open a window selecting the employee's function line(s). You can then modify the defaults to build the records to be used in the Online Timesheet Entry Interface. This procedure will supersede the regular costing and interface options. Refer to the manual documentation under 3,5,4 for more information.
(Absence/Replacement) Interface GL Wild Card Mask
This prompt is only applicable if you answer 'Y' to the above prompt and are using the Online Interface system. This field lets you wild card the GL from the selected function lines.
(Replacement) Shift Default
This field lets you instruct the system to use different payroll shift codes depending on the when the replacement employees work. You can enter several time ranges with corresponding shift and pay codes.
This field is built by entering different shift segments separated by slashes ('/'). Each segment includes a time range, shift code, and pay code (optional). The system will choose what segment to use by using the following two step procedure.
Step One: The system will choose the first segment where the time range completely encompasses the dispatch start and end times.
Step Two: If step one cannot find a segment, the system will choose the first segment where the dispatch time is before the segment end time.
Consider the following shift line:
If an employee works from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, the system will choose segment one and use shift code 'D'.
If an employee works from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM the system will choose segment two and use shift code '5' and pay code '05'.
Subjects to Only Check Dates During Dispatch
This field lets you instruct the Automated Dispatch system to disregard replacement employees for dispatches if they are available but also have a dispatch for the same type of job during another part of the day. Subject codes entered must be separated by forward slashes (e.g. /Care/Sect/).
Example: You don't want secretaries who have worked during the day to be called for dispatches at the evening continuing education school so you would enter the subject code for school secretaries in this field.
Dispatch Search Parameter Changes
(Replacement) Job Share Pay code
Enter the pay code to use to pay teachers who replace their job share partners. Teachers who sub for their partners will be paid as a teacher as opposed to a sub.
(Replacement) Retroactive Days/Paycode
This prompt expects two fields: the number of days at which to perform the retroactive pay, and the pay code to use in the paying of retro pay. These two fields must be separated by a slash ('/').
To have the system perform the retro pay-out once the TOC has worked six consecutive days and use pay code 05 to record it, enter the following: 6/05.
(Replacement) Minimum Daily Top Up Payid/Amount/Paycode
This prompt expects at least three fields: the payroll ID, the minimum amount that a TOC must be paid, and the pay code to use. If all TOC's paid on the SUBS payroll must be paid for at least half a day and you want to use pay code 05 for this purpose, enter the following: SUBS/.5/05. To define an additional level of top-up, continue this pattern. For example, to define top-up on half and full day options: SUBS/.5/05/1.0/06.
TOC Absence Payroll & Pay Code(s)
This prompt expects at least two fields: the payroll ID and at least one pay code. All fields must be separated by a slash '/'. To be able to mark TOC dispatches as really being absences, use either pay code 01 or 02 to record them. (Enter the following SUBS/01/02)
If the teacher on call is not to be paid for the absence, you would suppress this in the PAYROLL pay code by setting field Type of Code to 'N'.
(Replacement) Cost to Absent Emps Function Lines
Enter 'Y' to cost dispatches based on the information found in the absent employee’s function line.
(Replacement) Refer To G/L Toggle Profile
Enter 'Y' to instruct the system to use the GL Toggle Profile. Refer to the documentation for the General Ledger Toggle Profile for detailed information.
(Absence) Change Pay Code If Bank Exceeded
This prompt will change the paycode used in the Absent Employee Costing Module to the one specified in this prompt if an employee's storage bank balance falls into negative territory. When the new paycode is used, the hours will be put through as a negative.
The logic will even create two timesheet records where needed.
i.e. If there is 0.5 days left in a bank, and 1.0 days more is being taken, one 0.5 day timesheet record will be created using the regular paycode, and one -0.5 day timesheet will be created with the new paycode and negative hours.
This prompt expects 3 different pieces of information, each separated by slashes.
A list of absence codes separated by commas
The new pay code to use
A Y or N to indicate if the current period's bank accrual should be added to the online storage bank balance
i.e. 01,02,03/01/Y
In this example, if the absence record being processed has an absence code of 01, 02 or 03 and the online storage bank balance + the period accrued amount is exceeded, then the paycode will be shifted to 01 and the hours will be changed to negative. This would normally be used to dock employees pay when they exceed their storage banks.
(Absence) Absence Code to Many Pay Codes
This prompt lets you change the pay code used in the Absence Employee Costing Module based on the storage banks an employee has been set up with in payroll. This is useful when an absence code can relate to more than pay code (depending on their current banks).
This Field Requires an Absence Code Followed by A '/', followed By Bank/Pay code Sets Separated By Commas. Bank/Pay code Sets Are Comprised Of:
Bank Code Followed by A Hyphen Followed by A Pay code
i.e. Abs Code/BK-PC,BK-PC,BK-PC,BK-PC,
Use Bank 00 To If None of The Banks Exist on Emp
Each Bank/Pay code Set MUST End with A Comma!
In the above example, an employee had bank 41 pay code 41 would be used. If an employee had bank 42, then pay code 43 would be used, and if the employee had bank 43, pay code 45 would be used. If the employee had none of the banks (41,42,43) then pay code 68 would be used. These rules would only be applied for absences with an absence code of 01.
(Replacement) Use PFR Pay Code If No Match on Function Line
If the Day Pay Def keyword is 'PFR' and this field is set to 'N', the function line pay code is used in the Replacement Employee Costing Module.
Enter 'Y' to use the pay code listing in screen 1, field Day Pay Def.
(Replacement) If Costing to Abs Function Lines Use Master Only
This field is only active if field (Rep) Cost to Absent Emps Function Lines is set to Y.
Enter 'Y' to have the Replacement Employee Costing Module cost all time against the absent employee's master function line or 'N' to have costing against all non-lump sum function lines of the absent employee.
(Replacement) If Wild After Absence/Location, Wild Card ABS EMP Cost GL
This field is only active if field (Rep) Wild Card Abs Code GL With Loc Code GL is set to Y' If there are still unresolved wild cards remaining after attempting to wildcard the GL with the location GL, then the resulting GL will be wild carded with the absent employee's function line GL. If costing from absence code to absent employee function line (and not requiring wildcard to location, leave location GL field blank).
This resulting GL will be overridden if field Refer to Leave for Costing or field (Rep) Costing Comes Directly from Function Line(s) is set to Y.
(Replacement) Use Function Line Occupation Code
Enter 'Y' to instruct the Replacement Employee Costing Module to use the Occupation Code from the Function Line or 'N' to leave the Occupation Code blank.
If field (Rep) Use Costing from Location Database is set to Y, this code will be superseded by the one from the Position Code Database.
(Replacement) Use Costing from Location Database
Enter Y in this field to instruct the Replacement Employee Costing Module to use the Occupation Code from the Position Code Database if one has been entered. Also, the cost center and GL will be taken from the Location Database.
(Replacement) Costing Comes Directly from Function Line(s)
Enter 'Y' to have the Replacement Employee Costing Module override all other calculation rules and use the cost centre and GL from the function line(s).
(Replacement) Use Pay Code from Position Code
Enter 'Y' to have a Replacement Employee Costing Module use the pay code for the Position Code Database.
(Replacement) Don't Refer to Absence Code Costing
Enter 'Y' to ignore all the costing fields in the Absence Code Database.
Enter 'N' to have the Replacement Employee Costing Module reference the Absence Code Database. If the absent employee's function lines are in use, the costing information comes from the function lines. If the replacement employee's function lines are in use, the costing information from the absence code will be used.
(Replacement) Wild Card Absence Code GL With Location Code GL
Enter 'Y' to have the absence code GL wild carded with the location GL from the Location Database, screen 2 in the Replacement Employee Costing Module. If there are still unresolved wild cards remaining and field If Wild After Abs/Loc, Wild Card Abs Emp Cost GL profile is set to 'Y', the resulting GL will be wild carded with the absent employee's cost centre GL.
This resulting GL will be overridden if field Refer to Leave for Costing or field (Rep) Costing Comes Directly from Function Line(s) is set to Y.
(Rep) Refer to Leave for Costing
Enter 'Y' in this field to have the GL and cost centre taken from the matching leave in the Replacement Employee Costing Module. This will supersede any costing information in the Absence Code Database if field (Rep) Don't Refer to Absence Code Costing is set to N. However, if a cost centre and/or GL are entered on the dispatch it will override the leave costing.
This costing information is overridden if field (Rep) Costing Comes Directly from Function Line(s) is set to Y.
(Replacement) Only Process Top Up Amount If 'MFR' Is Used
If this prompt is set to 'Y' then the minimum daily top up logic will only be used when the current DAY DEF segment is 'MFR'.
(Replacement) Don't Process Top Up Amount If Dispatch Is Abs
If this prompt is set to 'Y' then the minimum daily top up logic will not be done if the dispatch is marked as an absence.
(Absence) Check Non-Master Absence Codes
The Absent Employee Costing Module has logic that checks the detail absence code record (as opposed to just the master record) if and only if this field is set to 'Y'.
(Absence) Use Position Occupation Code
The occupation code used by the Absent Employee Costing Module by default comes from the function line.
Enter 'Y' in this field to use the occupation code from the Position Code Database.
(Rep) Use Position Cost Centre and GL If They Exist
Enter 'Y' to use the cost centre and GL from the position code if these fields exist. If the position contains wild carding, then it will be wild carded against the location GL.
Enter 'N' to NOT use position costing.
Enter 'O' to use position costing ONLY when there is no absent employee attached to the dispatch.
(Replacement) Default Cost Centre If Abs Emp Employee Based Costing
If you are costing back to the absent employee's function lines and the absent employee has employee-based costing, this cost centre will be used.
(Replacement) BC TOC benefit payout rules
This field controls if and how the B.C. TOC Benefit Payout is applied.
Leave this field blank and <CR> if you do not wish to activate this logic. Entering information into this field will activate this feature.
New legislation has been passed which affects how all B.C. TOC's are paid. It states the following:
Effective July 1, 2000, Teachers on Call shall be paid an additional compensation of $3 over daily rate in lieu of benefits. This benefit will be prorated for part days worked but in no case will be less than $1.50. Any and all provisions in the previous Collective Agreement that provide additional or superior provisions in respect of payment in lieu of benefits shall remain part of this Collective Agreement.
The Replacement Employee Costing Module has been modified to handle this requirement by creating a separate timesheet with this additional money on it.
Because this additional pay out likely does not apply to part time teachers that occasionally substitute teach (because they are already receiving benefits) you can control who receives this pay out in one of three ways:
Control who gets the pay out by entering a specified occupation or shift code to any of the Substitute Teachers' function lines. Employees without the occupation or shift code will not get the extra amount.
Control who gets the pay out by creating/maintaining a user defined demographics field. If the user defined field is set to anything but 'N', they will receive the payout.
Set the system up to always pay the allowance amount to all Substitute Teachers.
Before you can fill in this profile field you must create a new pay code in the Payroll database. Enter a blank factor, a calculation code of 'M' and all other fields as applicable. This pay code will only be added to the timesheet if the TOC works less than half a day, or you choose to always create separate timesheets.
Once you have created this pay code, you must choose whether you want to use a shift or occupation code to control this pay out. If you choose to create separate timesheets, this code will not actually show up in the timesheets, but it is still required for its factor and pay code values. Once you have chosen which code to use, you need to create it in the PAYROLL database. Specify a Factor of 3.00, a calculation code of '+' and the newly created pay code.
Below is a description of how to fill in this new profile field which controls how this feature functions:
The TOC Benefit Field must start and end with a '/'. It MUST also have 5 different segments, each separated with a '/'.
The 5 segments must contain the following:
Either 'O=????' or 'S=?', O to use occur code, S to use shift code,then '=' followed by either the occupation or shift code.
A 'Y' to implement TOC Benefit logic only if the TOC has the specified occupation or shift code on his/her function line, a 'U=##' to check the user defined demographics field where ## is the field number of the user defined field to check for Y/N, or an 'A' to always implement the TOC Benefit logic.
A 'Y' to always create a SEPARATE timesheet entry.
A number to indicate the minimum daily day amount (i.e. .5 for half a day).
A non-premium occupation or shift code for retro and top up timesheets.
Here is an example of how to fill this field would be filled in:
The first segment O=TOCB tells the system to use the occupation code TOCB. The second segment U=16 tells the system to check user defined demographics field 16 to see if the TOC should receive this benefit pay out. If set to anything except 'N' the TOC will be paid the pay out. The third segment Y tells the system to always create a separate timesheet as opposed to adding the occupation code onto the existing timesheet entry. The fourth .5 segment tells the system to make sure that the TOC gets paid no less than .5 (or $1.50) of the $3.00 pay out. The fifth segment 0001 is the non-premium occupation code that will be used when the system is paying the TOC retro pay or minimum daily top up pay. This field is necessary so that the benefit pay out occupation code is not used on the retro or minimum daily top up timesheet entries to prevent the TOC from being paid the $3.00 more than once.
(Absence) Load Timesheet With Occupation/Shift code for Absence Codes
This profile option allows you to instruct the Absent Employee Costing Module to load a specified occupation or shift code onto the timesheet entries it creates. This profile expects three different segments of information separated by slashes ('/').
a. The first segment contains either an 'O=???? or S=????, O to use occupation code and S to use a shift code, followed by the occupation or shift code you wish to use.
b. The second segment contains a list of absence codes separated by commas. This logic will only affect absences if their absence codes are in this list.
c. The third segment contains a factor to multiply the rate by. For example, if you want to multiply the regular rate by 1.2, you would enter 1.2 in this segment. To leave the rate unchanged, simply enter a factor of 1.
An example of valid entry for this field would be:
This would instruct the system to add an occupation code of '0002' to all absences where the absence code is ILL, VAC, or PERS, and to leave the rate unchanged.
(Absence) Refer to Pay Day Default Field
Enter 'Y' if you want the Absent Employee Costing Module to refer to the Pay Day Def Field of this profile. Normally, the answer to this prompt will be 'N'.
(Replaceemnt) If Wild After Abs/Loc, Wild Card to Replacement Position GL
Enter 'Y' here if you want the Replacement Employee Costing Module to wild card to the replacement position GL if there are still unresolved wild card characters after the absence code and location code GL's have been wild carded.
(Replacement) Accumulate FTE (Not Days) In Costing Module
This option is not currently available.
(Absence) Master Function Line Pay Codes Indicative of Benefits
This prompt is used in the Absent Employee Costing Module to determine whether an employee is eligible for benefits. Enter a list of pay codes separated by slashes '/'. If the employee has one of the listed pay codes on their payroll master function line, the employee will be considered to be eligible for benefits. Each absence code can have up to two absence pay codes defined on it. If the employee is eligible for benefits, the first pay code will be used, otherwise the second one will be used. If this field is left blank, the Absent Employee Costing Module will not use the second pay code even if it is entered on the absence code.
(Absence) Previous/Current/Next Year's Vacation Pay Codes
This prompt is used to direct the Absent Employee Costing Module to use one of three pay codes for the recording of vacation time. The pay code used will be determined by whether the vacation day is marked as coming from the previous, current or next year's vacation entitlement. Enter three pay codes separated by slashes '/'. The first pay code entered will be used if the vacation is being applied against the previous year's vacation entitlement. The second pay code entered will be used for this year's entitlements, and the third pay code will be used if the vacation is to come from next year's entitlement. Leave this field blank to direct the Absent Employee Costing module to ignore this special processing of vacations.
(Replacement) Extra Time/Over Time Pay Codes
This prompt lets you generate an exception on the Replacing Employee Costing Module when extra time is used. Any time one of the above specified pay codes is used by the costing module, the message Extra Time Was Entered will appear on the exception report.
(Replacement) Use Position Cost for These Positions
This prompt lets you affect how the Replacing Employee Costing Module loads the position costing information. If you put any positions in this field, this field will control if position costing is applied. If it is left blank, then this field has no affect. Any positions entered here will have position costing applied. If the position is not in the list, then field (Rep) Use Position Cost Centre and GL If They Exist controls if position costing if applied.
(Absence) Job Shop Day Range: Search Order
This field will identify the Jobs that will be displayed on the Work board for the group of employees. A typical example of this field is: /14-21:2-2/7-13.99:2-3/0-6.99:2-4/.
The first input is the amount of days before the dispatch that the job will be displayed e.g. 14-21. The second input will be the Dispatch Search Order lines that will be used to determine who the jobs will be displayed to e.g. 2.
(Absence/Replacement) Over-Ride Rate by Units
This field will over-ride the sub or casual rate based on the dispatch units. For example, if the full-day sub rate is $191.22, but the half-day rate is not exactly half and not an FTE top-up amount (see (Rep) Min Daily Top Up), the rate can be entered here. For example, if the half-day rate is $98.71, enter:
/.5=197.42/Additionally, operators of <,>, <= and => are available:
Example 1:
If the dispatch units are less than or equal to 0.5, then the rate is $197.42:
Example 2:
If the dispatch units are less than 0.1 FTE, then the rate is $100.00. If the units are equal to 0.3, then the rate is $300.00. And if the units are over 0.4 FTE, then the rate is $500.00:
The rate will not override the rate if the original calculated rate is higher than the override rate. For example, if the employee’s regular daily rate is $225, they would typically earn $112.50 for a half-day. If the half-day override rate is defined as $100, then the system will pay the higher of the two amounts ($112.50).
By adding a * to the field, the system will use the over-ride rate at all times with no exceptions. For example, but not limited to: /0.5=*100/ or /0.5<=*100/. The asterisk can also be used with ‘greater than’, ‘equal to or greater than’, and ‘less than’ operators. Adding a * will allow the calculation to keep the override rate even if it is lower than the calculated rate.
(Replacement) Source Code Extra Pay Rules
This field controls if and how the extra pay/allowance is applied.
Leave this field blank to not activate this logic. Entering information into this field will activate this feature.
The Replacement Employee Costing Module has been modified to handle this requirement by creating a separate timesheet with this additional money on it.
Because this additional pay out may not apply all substitute teachers, who receives the extra pay can be controlled in one of three ways:
Control who gets the pay out by entering a specified occupation or shift code to any of the Substitute Teachers’ function lines. Employees without the occupation or shift code will not get the extra amount.
Control who gets the pay out by creating/maintaining a user defined demographics field. If the user defined field is set to anything but 'N', they will receive the payout.
Set the system up to always pay the allowance amount to all Substitute Teachers.
Before this profile can be completed, a new pay code must be created in the payroll database. Enter a blank factor, a calculation code of 'M' and all other fields as applicable. This pay code will only be added to the timesheet if the Substitute Teacher works less than half a day or if it is chosen to always create separate timesheets.
Once the pay code has been created, it must be decided whether to use a shift or occupation code to control this pay out. If separate timesheets are desired, this code will not actually show up in the timesheets, but it is still required for its factor and pay code values. Once which code to use is chosen, it must be created in the payroll database. Do not specify a factor but add a calculation code of '+' and the newly created pay code.
Below is a description of how to fill in this new profile field which controls how this feature functions:
The Source Code Extra Pay Rules Field MUST start and end with a '/'. It MUST also have 5 different segments, each separated with a '/'.
The 5 segments MUST contain the following:
Either 'O=????' or 'S=?', O to use occupation code, S to use shift code, then '=' followed by either the occupation or shift code.
A 'Y' to implement Extra Pay logic only if the Substitute Teacher has the specified occupation or shift code on his/her function line, a 'U=##' to check the user defined demographics field where ## is the field number of the user defined field to check for Y/N, or an 'A' to always implement the Substitute Teacher Allowance logic.
A 'Y' to always create a SEPARATE timesheet entry.
A number to indicate the minimum daily day amount (i.e. 1.0 if the extra pay is $10 per day).
A non-premium occupation or shift code for retro and top up timesheets.
Here is an example of how to fill this field in:
The first segment O=TOCB tells the system to use the occupation code TOCB. The second segment A tells the system to give all substitute teachers this extra pay, even if they do not have occupation code TOCB on their function line. The third segment Y tells the system to always create a separate timesheet as opposed to adding the occupation code onto the existing timesheet entry. The fourth segment of 1.0 tells the system to make sure that the Substitute Teacher gets paid the full extra pay amount (i.e. $10.00 per day, not pro-rated if the sub only works half a day). The fifth segment 0001 is the non-premiumed occupation code that will be used when the system is paying the Substitute Teacher retro pay or minimum daily top up pay. This field is necessary so that the extra pay out occupation code is not used on the retro or minimum daily top up timesheet entries to prevent the Substitute Teacher from being paid the extra amount more than once.
(Replacement) If Wild After Leave, Wild Card To Location
Enter 'Y' if you want the leave to wildcard to the location code.
(Replacement) Fields To Load From Matched Rep Func Line
Valid values for this field are: PSORG or psorg with each letter representing the following:
P = Replacement Pay Code, S = Replacement Shift Code, O = Replacement Occupation Code, R = Replacement Rate, G = Replacement GL And Cost Center, ? = Replacement GL And Cost Center, But Only If Wild After ABS/LOC
p = Absent Employee Pay Code, s= Absent Employee Shift Code, o = Absent Employee Occupation Code, r = Absent Employee Rate, g = Absent Employee GL And Cost Center, * = Absent Employee GL and Cost Center, But Only if Absence Is Without Pay
You can enter one or more of these codes without a delimiter
Replacement costing will use these values as specified, according to the matching replacement employee function line found from the Day Pay Def.
(WBW) Turn Off WBW During These Time Ranges
Enter the time range or ranges that you want Workboard to be turned off for e.g. 0900-1500/00:00-05:00.
(WBW) Turn Off WBW Except on These Calendar Dates
This field works in conjunction with the field above (time ranges). For example, if you set this field to W, it will turn Workboard on regardless of the times specified above. If you set this field to STW, it will turn Workboard on during Statutory, Teaching and Weekends regardless of the times specified above.
S = Statutory Holidays
D = District Professional Days
T = Teaching Holidays
W = Weekends
(WBW) Turn Off WBW Message
Modify this field to change the default message that displays when Workboard is turned off. The default message is: Work Board Web has been configured by (District Name) to be turned off for {Dispatch_Group} between {Start_Time} and {End_Time}. Please try again lalter.
Use the following keywords to modify the display of the message:
{START_TIME} will display the start time of the applicable time range in the profile
{END_TIME} will display the end time of the applicable time range in the profile
{DISPATCH_GROUP} will display the applicable dispatch group i.e. employee category description. This is useful if the employee belongs to more than one dispatch group.
(Ads) User-Defined Demo Field Number for ADS Opt Out
Enter the field number of the user-defined field that you just created. As soon as you do this, the ads opt out logic will be activated – for the selected dispatch group. You can activate this for more than one dispatch group if you so choose. You can decide to use the same or different user-defined field for each group. If you use the same user-defined field number for more than one group, the value of that one user-defined field will control the call out for all groups that use it. i.e. if you use field 25 for both TOC and CASU groups, setting that field to A on an employee, will opt them out of both TOC and casual call outs. If you use different user-defined numbers for each dispatch group, you can control the opt out status for each group i.e. an employee could opt out of TOC call outs while opting into casual call outs.
(Ads) Ads Opt Out Options (A=All,S=Same Day,F=Future)
Select the Opt Out Option that you want to make available to the group of employees e.g. ASF or AF
A = The employees will have the option to opt in or out of ADS calls.
S = The employees will have the option to opt in or out of Same Day Dispatches.
F = The employees will have the option to opt in or out of Future Day Dispatches.
If you enter all of the options in this field, the employees will have all the ADS Opt Out options available to them.
(ADS) User-Defined Demo Field Number for ADS Call Even if Dispatched
Once the User-Defined Demo Field is created, enter the field number to this profile e.g. 10
(Absence) Use Position Cost Centre And GL If They Exist
Y = Use position code costing for all absence codes
Y/AbsCode1,AbsCode2 = Do not use position code costing for the specified absence codes
N (or blank) = Do not use position code costing
(Absence) Use Position Cost For These Positions
This field will allow you to define specific position codes, separated by “/”, to use the position code costing.