ADS Schedule Unavailability Update Process
This process reviews employees' schedules and marks them as unavailable in the background, ensuring that ADS does not consider them during the call-out process, as they will be calculated to be already working. No unavailability records will be created in the unavailability module.
Setup Requirements
Accurate Schedules: Ensure all substitute and casual employees have their schedules correctly entered into the system. Incorrect schedules may cause potential replacements to miss out on work.
Nightly Run: This process should be configured to run nightly before the morning call-out.
Date Range:
Select the date range for the ADS Schedule Unavailability Update.
For nightly runs, this process will execute daily before the morning call-out.
For manual runs, choose the date range carefully and limit it to short periods.
Employee Selection:
A: Run the process for all employees (default).
S: Run the process for selected employees.
If 'S' was selected in the previous step, specify the employee for whom the process is being run.
Employee Categories:
Optional: Select specific employee categories for the process.
Assigned Positions:
Optional: Select specific assigned positions for the process.
Assigned Locations:
Optional: Select specific assigned locations for the process.
Positions to Ignore in ADS Search:
Optional: Select positions to be ignored in the ADS search.
Preliminary/Final Run:
P: Run the report in preliminary mode to review and ensure accuracy.
F: Run the report in final mode.
Recommendation: Run in preliminary mode first to verify the results before executing the final run.
Important Note
Since unavailability records will not be created, this process will affect the Replacement Employee Unavailability Report. Employees marked as unavailable by this process will still appear as available in the report.