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ADS Recording Studio

The ADS Recording Studio module lets you record the names of all ADS databases and voice messages. This must be done after creating the location, position, subject, level, refusal, and absence code databases through HR.

When you go into this module, you will see the window pop up that says "Phone in and enter the Employee Number and PIN Number that are used for recording. Waiting for call..."

As instructed above, you need to call the voice system and enter the special employee and PIN numbers to go into the voice recording option over the phone. If you can't remember the employee number and PIN, call atrieveERP. Unauthorized alteration of these messages could cause severe problems in Automated Dispatch, this special employee number and PIN is not be published in this manual.

Once you enter the correct employee number and pin, you will see the below screen.

You can scroll through the list and select which database to record. 

If you chose to record the location database, you will see all locations in your district. For each school you will see the alphabetic and numeric location codes, description and whether or not the location has been recorded. Each database will have similar information.


  • This option exits from the Recording Studio and drops the line to your phone.


  • This option will return you to the database selection screen.


  • This option allows you to record a database or message. When you select this option, you need to be listening to the phone handset. It will instruct you when to record, when to press the pound (#) key when recording is complete. It will also give you confirmation, re-record, and play back options.


  • This option will play the specified recording.  

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