ADS Load Pin Database
The ADS Load Pin Database program will load groups of employees with the needed PIN record. This record controls the employee's PIN and security code. Without this record an employee can not access ADS from a touch tone phone. This process will prompt you for a default security code to add to all employees you select. The PIN entered onto each employee depends on how you have set up field Employee Number/Sin As Default Pin in the ADS System Profile. If you have entered 'E' here, the employee's number will be used. An 'S' will use the employee's SIN. If you enter an 'N' here, nothing will be loaded into the employees PIN field.
Employee Categories
Enter up to 10 Categories. Use the binoculars or CTRL-F to view a list of valid Category Codes.
Inc Eligible Subs/Casuals/Both/Neither
S = Include Eligible Substitutes
C = Include Eligible Casuals
N = Include Neither Eligible Subs/Casuals
B = Include Both Eligible Subs/Casuals
Demographic Positions
Enter up to 10 valid Position Codes.
ADS Security Code To Be Added
Enter the security code you want added to all selected employees.
Preliminary/Final Run
Enter 'P' to produce a report of the selected employees' PIN and security information or 'F' to update the PIN file as instructed.