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Step 4 - Add Selection Criteria

The Selection Fields Section is where unique attributes for each of the selection fields can be specified. The Selection Fields are clearly identified throughout the report creation process with the light pink background on the header.

Field Name: Displays the name of each field that the user has chosen to select on from the previous Field Selection Screen.

Range/Selection: Lets the user choose the type of selection prompt they want to use for the selected field. There are three options (some options may not be available, depending on the field type).

  • "Range" will prompt the user for a start and end range of values on the selection detail window. The report writer will then retrieve any records that are greater or equal to the starting value and less than or equal to the ending value.
  • "Selection" will prompt the user for an individual selection on the selection detail window. Depending on the field, either a display list of values can be selected, or the values to report on will require manual entry. Any records that have any of the specified values will be displayed on the report.
    TIP: select multiple items by using the control or shift key.
  • "Single" will prompt the user for a single selection on the selection detail window. Any records that have the specified value will be displayed on the report.
  • An example is Start_Date as a selection field with a single option. The report will then display assignments with start dates as of September 1, 2012. To show start dates of August 10-September 1, the user would have selected the range option instead.

When to Prompt: Controls when the user will be prompted for the selection values. The user has two options:

  • "Now Only" dictates that the specified selection is only editable while designing the report. This is preferable for reports produced for Dashboard.
  • "Both Now and Run Time" allows the specified selection to be edited while designing the report and every time the report is run from the Report Writer home page or Dashboard. This can be useful to create instead of creating multiple versions of the same report. For example, for an HR Manager, instead of having an assignment report for each location, use this option to prompt location each time the report is run.

Display Criteria on Report: Controls whether the user wants to display the selection criteria under the name/title of the report. The user has 2 options:

  • "Yes" to have the selection Criteria display under the name/title of the report
  • "No" to not have the selection criteria display on the report 

Select on Subtotal: This option allows the user to choose whether to select records based on each individual record's value, or based on the sub-total of a number of records. Options that would be available are:

  • If "No" is selected, the user will be selecting records based on whether each record matches the specified criteria
  • If another option is selected, the user is choosing to subtotal on the selected field and then select all of the grouped records based on that subtotal. Only those fields that were selected as a Sort Field will display as options in this drop-down box.





    Row 1




    Row 2




    Row 3







    In this example, selection criteria were specified on column C and a range of 15 to 40 was entered.
    If "No" is chosen on the Select on Subtotal prompt, the report would only display Row 3 because it is the only row where Column C is between 15 and 40.
    However, if GL_ACCOUNT_NO was chosen on the Select on Subtotal prompt, the report would display all 3 rows because the subtotal of those 3 records is between 15 and 40.

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