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Step 12 - Set Output Formatting

The first three options on this page are Report Title 1, Report Title 2, & Report Title 3.

  • This allows some flexibility in terms of how to title the report. By default, the report writer displays the name chosen for the report in Report Title 1. 
  • For example, Report Title 1 can be the report title, Report Title 2 used to acknowledge who created the report and Report Title 3 to place the date the report was prepared.
  • Each of these report titles can be set to prompt at run time. For example, if the report is already set to prompt on a location selection at run time, the location name might be included in Report Title 2. Because the location may change at each run time, setting the Report Title 2 to prompt at run time would be a good idea.
  • The report can optionally display the date and time the report was run, which can be useful in situations where data is constantly changing.

Output Format is the format in which the report is produced:

  • PDF (Adobe Acrobat) - this option creates a standard PDF document, which can be viewed by anyone with Adobe Acrobat Reader. This option typically processes and opens bigger reports faster.
  • CSV (Comma separated value) - exports the report as a comma separated file to be opened in MS Excel. Either this report can be opened immediately to view the report using Excel or it can be saved to view in Excel later. Headers (column names) are not included in this output selection. See the next selection choice for the header-included format.
  • HCSV (CSV with header row) - if Report Column Headings are to be included in the export to Excel, select HCSV instead of CSV. Headers (column names) are included in this output selection.
  • WEB (Standard Web Page) - the report writer will bring the report up in HTML; this option is typically faster for small reports.
  • DASH (Dashboard Format) - the report writer will strip off the top portion of the report, starting with the column heading, for the purpose of using less space as the report will be displayed on the dashboard and coincides with its formatting requirements. If the report title is required on a dashboard report, the format above (Standard Web Page) is recommended.
  • SPP Format - Share Point Portal format for displaying reports in Share Point portals.
  • QUERY (Data Grid Viewer) - he new Query Output Option provides a tool for sorting, paging, filtering by data type and exporting to Excel.
  • Email Address(es) allows any email address(es) to be specified and the report will be emailed. More than one email address can be entered by separating the addresses with a comma.
  • Paper Orientation gives the option to select from portrait or landscape.
  • Paper size gives the option to select the standard letter and legal size paper option. In addition to these options, note that there are internationally recognized paper sizes.
  • Font size gives the option to select the font size used in building the report. Note that the size selection here will only affect attributes of the report that have not previously been specified in the Field Characteristics Screen.
  • Cell spacing allows for a space between each row and column on the report to be set. Selecting "1" will place a small vertical and horizontal space between columns and rows. Selecting "0" provides no space between columns and rows, while selecting "2" will result in a clear distinction between columns and rows.
  • Alternation background colour field and the report writer will use this color along with the color while in making the distinction between each row of information. Clicking the search binoculars beside the Alternating Background Color selection box will bring up a visual palette of the colours available. Click on the colour to select it.
  • Mail merge document field is used to specify which document to use in conjunction with the mail merge feature. For instructions on creating a mail merge using the Report Writer, refer to Appendix C. For demonstration purposes, the HR Report Writer was used. 
  • For each of the above options, prompting the user at run time is available. The report writer defaults the value to "NO" for each option on this screen. If a particular field should prompt the user with the option to adjust the given field each time the report is run, change the corresponding value from NO to YES.

Once editing the Other Information Screen has been completed, proceed to the Save Report Screen by clicking on the Next button on the bottom of the page. 

Report Viewer Security Specification: Reports saved will be viewable by anyone with Report Writer Access. However, if the report must be seen by someone using Report Viewer or Dashboard, security specifications must be set to allow the intended users to view the report.

If there is not security defined on a report it will NOT be visible to anyone using the Report Viewer. In contrast, if the report has been added to a specific Dashboard, anyone with access to that particular dashboard will have access to the report.

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