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Step 11 - Add Default Selection Data

The Selection Screen is divided into two sections: Field Name and Selection Info. The Field Name section displays the fields chosen in the previous Field Selection Screen. The Selection Info section is where criteria for each of the Field Names are applied. 

In the example above, for the Field Name of Category Code, note that the report was defined to report on Excluded, Support, Teachers and Trustees. With these criteria, the report will only display with information for the selected categories. If the intent was to run the report excluding those four categories, the "Not Equals" menu option would be selected.

To add a selection, use the up and down arrows to move through the fields to find the fields to report on. Highlight and click on the category/status codes then click on the add button as per the example below. If a selected field must be removed, highlight it in the Selection Box then click on the Remove button.

If a date field is selected, it must be entered in the format: YYYYMMDD. The Report Writer will automatically change it to an appealing visual format.

Note: if ASOF_DATE_SELECTION is used, the date can be entered in the above format or it can be entered by typing the word TODAY to run the report as of today's date. This is especially useful if the report is being used for Dashboard. The word of TODAY with + or a – and then a number of days is acceptable. TODAY-1, for example, represents yesterday. TODAY+1 represents tomorrow. TODAY+6 represents a week in the future. The value of using the special TODAY key word (instead of an actual date) is that this key word can be entered at design time, but then whenever the report is run, the TODAY key word is replaced with the current system date.

Once the Selection Screen is complete, proceed to the Other Information Screen by clicking on the Next button on the bottom of the page.

Data entered here will act as defaults when the report is run, but can be adjusted if the fields are set to prompt at run time.

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