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Insights - My Pending Tasks Power Tile

The My Pending Tasks Power Tile is linked to the existing Task Manager, and displays the pending tasks for the logged in user. Viewing the pending tasks including the task count, from the landing page, provides a quick way to access and process tasks related to a particular program.

Steps to use the My Pending Tasks tile:

  1. If there are no current pending tasks for the logged in user the tile will be blank

  2. If there are pending tasks, they are grouped by program and a count of the number of associated tasks is displayed.

  3. Click on the pending task type that you want to work with and a new browser window will open with the task list that is filtered based on your selection. For example if the pending task type is Expense Reimbursement, and there are 3 pending tasks, when you click on the task type the new window opens in Task Manager search displaying only the 3 tasks for Expense Reimbursement. You may further refine your search from the Task search page as needed.

Note that this tile is tied specifically to Task Manager, so tasks for Purchasing Cards and Journal Entry (if applicable) are not included.

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