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Insights - Employee Storage Banks Power Tile

The Employee Storage Banks Balance Power Tile provides a way to view details about an employees storage bank balances as associated to a selected time off type and payroll (if applicable).

Steps to use the My Storage Banks tile:

  1. Select the Location to work with from the dropdown list, or you can type a portion of the location name to filter the list.

  2. Select the Employee to work with by entering their name in the employee search field

  3. Select a time off type from the dropdown list, or you can type a portion of the time off type name to filter the list.

  4. If the employee is associated to only one payroll then it will be selected by default. If the employee is associated to more than one payroll a dropdown list displays where you can select the payroll that you want to work with

  5. Once the Location, Employee, Time Off Type and Payroll are selected the following information displays

    1. Total Time in Bank - this is the total time available in the bank not including unprocessed leaves

    2. Minus Unprocessed - these are the unprocessed leaves from HR that have not interfaced to payroll

    3. Available Balance - this is the Total Time in Bank - Unprocessed leaves

  6. Important Note: Multiple time off types may be associated to a single bank. For example, selecting 2 different time off types may display the same result as they are tied to the same bank. Tis information is also displayed when you hover over the Info icon located in the top right corner of the tile

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