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Insights - Certificates Expiring Power Tile

The Certificates Expiring Power Tile provides quick access to the employee certificates that have expired or will be expiring in the near future for the selected location, enabling you to pro-actively work with employees to bring their certifications up to date.

Date ranges include:

  • Expired as of todays date

  • Expiring in the next 1 - 10 days

  • Expiring in the next 11 - 30 days

  • Expiring in the next 31 - 60 days

  • Expiring in the next 61 - 90 days

Steps to use the Certificates Expiring tile:

  1. As an administrator, if you are assigned to only one location then the Location dropdown will display your assigned location. If you are assigned to multiple locations, then the first one in the list will be selected. To modify the location that you would like to work with, select a location from the dropdown list. Typing a portion of the name will filter the list of locations to choose from.

  2. The bar graph displays the number of certificates expired or expiring associated to each of the expiration time periods (from today and up to 90 days in the future)

  3. Hovering over a bar in the graph will display the total number of certificates expiring for the date range

  4. Click on the Details link located in the top right corner of the tile to drill into more information

  5. The Location and Period dropdowns display on the popup, enabling you to change your filter to a different location and time period.

  6. The Details popup displays a table that includes:

    1. Expiry Date

    2. Employee Name

    3. Employee ID

    4. Certificate Name

  7. You may further filter the information in the table by clicking the filter icon located in the top right corner of each column.

  8. Clicking on a column header will change the sort order (ascending/descending)

  9. If multiple pages of date are included in the table results set, you may page through by clicking the left and right arrow buttons in the table footer bar

  10. You may change the number of rows to display at one time by clicking the Items per page dropdown. Options include 10, 20, 50, 100

  11. Click the Excel icon in the top right corner above the table to output the results of the filter to Excel

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