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Insights - Budget Manager Power Tile

The Budget Manager Power Tile provides a quick glimpse into your operating budgets including your budget, commitments and expenditures and provides a way to navigate to Budget Manager Inquiry to further drill into more details.

Note that Budget Manager Inquiry requires a license. If your district is not licensed to use this product then the Power Tile will not be selectable to display on the landing page.

Steps to use the Budget Manager tile:

  1. As an administrator, if you are assigned to only one location then the Location dropdown will display your assigned location. If you are assigned to multiple locations, then the first one in the list will be selected. To modify the location that you would like to work with, select a location from the dropdown list. Typing a portion of the name will filter the list of locations to choose from.

  2. If the Location has additional selection criteria defined, click on the dropdown to select the criteria to work with. Note that for locations without additional selection criteria, the selection criteria dropdown is hidden

  3. Select the Budget Year

  4. The pie chart graph displays the budget, commitments and expenditures for the selected location, selection criteria (optional) and year.

  5. Hovering over a section of the graph will display the segment name and dollar value

  6. A legend also displays for the graph with with associated dollar values

  7. To drill into more details you can navigate directly to Budget Manager Inquiry by clicking the Details hyperlink located in the top right corner of the tile and you will be redirected to that page.

Additional Notes

By default, the year dropdown includes 1 year in the future and 4 years in the past of the current year.  You can navigate to Budget Manager directly to view additional historical years. Alternatively, if you would like access to more historical years in the Power Tile, then modify the Start Year in Tabbed Profile Maintenance, under the BMW tab.

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