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Determining the URL for Embedding Reports

There are four Report Writers. Each has a unique URL. The four Report Writers and URLs are:

Report Writer


HR Report Writer


Finance Report Writer


Payroll Report Writer


MAR Report Writer


To create a web part that creates/displays a report is the same as creating a web part for a Web Application except that the URL is different. The user is expected to know and fill in the Report Name. 

In the above table, each URL ends with REPORT_NAME=. This is where the name of the report to display would be entered.

Report Writer URL Examples:

If, for example, a report is created that displays the absences and dispatches at a school for the current date called Todays Absences and Dispatches, that name would be added to the HR Report Writer URL as follows:

Broker?nv=prm&template=prm.PRMReportWriter2.xml&portal=none&SESSION_IS_ALIVE=YES&RUN_TIME=YES&REPORT_NAME=Todays Absences and Dispatches

After adding the prefix described, the full URL would be something like: Broker?env=prm&template=prm.PRMReportWriter2.xml&portal=none&SESSION_IS_ALIVE=YES&RUN_TIME=YES&REPORT_NAME=Todays Absences and Dispatches

The REPORT_NAME parameter is case sensitive so be careful to enter the upper- and lower-case characters of the report name exactly as saved.

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