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Add Hyperlinks to other Reports

The following example is a detailed "Absence Detail Report" showing absences with a Date Range of April 1 – April 30.

Display FieldsSelection FieldsSort Fields


The following is an example of a summary report called "Absence Report (Summary)" on absences with a Date Range of April 1 – April 30. In this report, we will hyperlink to the detailed report.

Display FieldsSelection FieldsSort Fields

In the following page after the report fields have been selected, pay attention to the Other Fields section. In this section you will find the Report To Hyperlink To and Field To Hyperlink From. 

When a "Report to Hyperlink To" and "Field to Hyperlink From" have been selected, point and click on the "Next" button. Here you will select the Fields to Hyperlink with. 

Point and click on the "Next" button to go through the remainder of the screens.

Once the report is saved, go back, run it and note that the absence codes are highlighted in blue. These fields can be drilled down on to see the data from the "Absence Detail Report" at the beginning of this Appendix.

From pointing and clicking on the "SICK" absence code, the user will then see the detail from the "Absence Detail Report" for that absence code. 

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